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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. Looking through the other replies so far, big thumbs up to Deadwing, Geogaddi, Fear of a Blank Planet, and Station to Station. Love those. It was one album out of five, give me a break! :P I could've just linked my top 30 GBV albums and called it a day, but I do listen to more than that.
  2. Off the top of my head, Guided By Voices - Half Smiles of the Decomposed Kikuo - Kikuo Miku 4 Radiohead - Hail to the Thief Steven Wilson - Insurgentes the pillows - Runners High List would probably be different depending on the day. Don't ask me to put them in order.
  3. This is awesome, thank you for your hard work!
  4. I think you may have downloaded the wrong map.
  5. I made the ambient version, Jimmy made the midi version. Neither of us were involved with making the map, we were just asked to make music for it. The speculation is fun to read but my brain is genuinely not advanced enough to make something like this.
  6. I think that would defeat the point, just a bit...
  7. Real classic doomers remember 1800s wads.
  8. KDiKDiZD is now on /idgames at last! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/kdikdizd
  9. If I don't have a deadline, I never release anything.
  10. In Boom, you should be able to send your explosion things (whether it's just barrels or something custom) across silent-teleport lines, so that you can place them wherever you need when the explosion happens.
  11. Anything I'm enjoying at the moment. Indie rock, prog rock, vocaloid pop, soundtrack music, etc. I don't think it has any influence on what I build, it just keeps the rest of my brain entertained while I'm working.
  12. If you're pushing the engine extremely hard with huge maps, extremely long animated textures, lots of lumps in a single wad, weird dehacked abuse, etc., you might want to check in vanilla before releasing to make sure you haven't run into any obscure issues. Otherwise, choco should do the trick.
  13. I don't think they can safely call codepointers during skullfly. Maybe some codepointers are okay, but I haven't checked.
  14. Right. I'm not sure offhand how it is in MBF21, but at least in vanilla, enemies remain in the skullfly state until they hit something (at which point they return to their spawn state, not their see state), and their state can't be changed otherwise during that time.
  15. I've never seen such a drab funhouse, with only a bunch of green and brown walls.
  16. Probably not. Supplice and BTSX both started in 2009, and both are still being worked on. They also each have pretty different goals and art directions.
  17. Most of us coming from Doomworld did general admission at the last in-person QuakeCon in 2019, so it being BYOC-only this year complicates things and is going to exclude some people. Still, I'll be there.
  18. I think there's a lot of room for exploring different sounds and styles in Doom maps, both within and without the limitations of general MIDI. One of the first Doom soundtracks that really got my attention (Julian Hope's RTC-3057 soundtrack) is a fully-produced MP3/OGG soundtrack full of ambient and breakbeat music that would never work in MIDI format. As always, it helps to use music that complements the gameplay pacing and visual styling of your map — a lowkey E1 remix with bombastic movie-trailer music is probably going to be a bit of an odd juxtaposition, but I suppose you can try anything if you want to. Working on Supplice's soundtrack has been a fun opportunity to take some of the trends in 2010s/2020s Doom PWAD soundtracks and develop them into live-sounding productions.
  19. If your version of Doom Builder has the Node Viewer plugin, check that and see if there are any odd sharp subsectors jutting out into the affected area. If there are, there's your problem. The method to fix it is basically trial-and-error, jiggling some vertices around (especially ones that are placed on the 1- or 2-unit grid), rebuilding nodes, and checking the node viewer again to see if the problem has improved.
  20. Okay, I've uploaded it to idgames, and also fixed the widescreen CREDIT lump name so it should work correctly. Version is now 1.7.1, nothing else is changed besides that widescreen lump. Will update the thread again once it's approved on idgames.
  21. Incredible find, it's great getting to hear the alternate takes and the director giving acting directions that led to that famous performance.
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