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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. Seamless switching of tracks would be a killer feature! As you mentioned, memory=entryrrrr///// was designed around the hard cut, but it would've been really cool if Entryway At The End Of Time could've snuck in seamlessly with the change going unnoticed at first. In general, I tend to prefer linear music over dynamic music for games, as it more easily allows for more complex song structures (and also, it's less work...), but there are definitely cases where it would be a great asset to have.
  2. Feel free to use any midis I've created for BTSX or other wads. I believe Jimmy and Stewboy also allow reuse of theirs, but you should probably check with them to be absolutely sure.
  3. My recommendation as a doctor*: Every time you encounter someone with this opinion, add another archvile to the map you're currently working on. *not actually a doctor
  4. I would simply tell id Software to do this with Doom: Every 40 shots the plasma rifle should fire a rocket.
  5. I wouldn't necessarily call it a UDB quirk, it's just how empty texture fields have always been specified in Doom, so you'll find this behavior in most map editors over the decades.
  6. Set it to "-", like the upper texture currently is.
  7. My guess is it's probably a precaution to avoid needing separate versions for an international release, or something like that.
  8. Incredible stuff. It took me a moment to realize what I was actually seeing in the first screenshot.
  9. KDiKDiZD should work in dosbox, just have to apply the dehacked patch. Though you'll also probably want to use Doom32 with it for better performance and no savegame crashes.
  10. What port are you playing in? It looks like the vanilla shadowcasting trick where you raise the ceiling flats out of sight and leave the sides untextured (or use AASHITTY for the same effect without worrying about Doom Builder auto-applying textures to them), so that the surrounding light level bleeds across. GZDoom generally manages to support this in hardware mode, but some other hardware-rendered ports might still have trouble with it.
  11. The girl reading this. ❤️
  12. People generally make maps that they enjoy playing. Doom community output is so diverse and all-encompassing nowadays that not everything is going to be to your taste, but the inverse of that is that there's probably something out there for basically anybody.
  13. Nice! I don't know what I expected but those really are some big doors!
  14. This album rules. Congrats on getting it finished at last!
  15. Woah, this was unexpected! Looks incredible!
  16. Toriyama's influence is so vast and far-reaching that even if you weren't directly into anything he worked on, there's a good chance you were into something that was directly inspired by him, or that you were only even exposed to thanks to the butterfly effect of his work. RIP to a legend.
  17. "Personal use" of a purchased asset generally does not include repackaging and redistributing the asset in a resource pack, whether you're charging for it or not. But more to the point, regardless of the exact license stipulations here, it is just really dishonest to slap your name on a bunch of other peoples' work.
  18. Doom 2 the Way id Did has a bunch of maps that might fit what you're looking for.
  19. Random selfies from the other day. My hair was a mess but I like the photos.
  20. Every now and then I feel an urge to just spend an hour or so wandering around The Shrine, in nomonsters mode. It's very peaceful until some scripted monsters spawn in and give me a heart attack.
  21. Because the other modes were much brighter than Doom's original renderer, and thus were making most levels look completely different than how their designers intended.
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