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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. If you have something meaningful to add, it's usually okay to bump an old thread. The warning message is just there so that people realize they're about to reply "Wow, me too!" to a thread from 2002.
  2. Eternity has been my port of choice for a long time now. Great modern featureset but still behaves like Doom.
  3. Eternity does this too. There are real moving trains and other vehicles in skillsaw's Heartland.
  4. Boom or MBF21 are what you're looking for. Vanilla is the Masochist's Choiceâ„¢.
  5. I said "the best chance", not a guarantee. But it's run by the community itself, which has a personal interest in maintaining it, whereas sites like ModDB could one day decide that they want to (for example) remove anything that hasn't been updated in 10 years, or could be bought out and shut down entirely, etc.
  6. Awful news, I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP.
  7. idgames is the most permanent long-term archive of Doom community content we have. If you want the best chance of people still being able to find your WAD in another 20 years, idgames is the place to put it.
  8. Great interview! I would totally play that skillsaw E1 replacement :)
  9. Unless you have an HTTP file upload client that's better than Transmit, I'm going to stick with FTP.
  10. Woah. That is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in Doom, seriously amazing work.
  11. Yep, it's a pattern printed on there. Each dot is 2 pixels thick.
  12. I don't understand why I'm being given top billing here when I showed up in your thread less than 10 minutes ago. I am not being disingenuous in telling you your attitude is terrible.
  13. In fairness, a lot of people have done that
  14. IMO it is great and very consistent to say you're disgusted at the accusation of only listening to speedrunners, while also complaining that anyone who isn't an active speedrunner has soiled your thread by commenting in it. To me it feels very clear that you want to have it both ways, giving preferential treatment to your buddies while also pretending to be aghast at anyone who suggests you are. It's fine if you want to have a project for just you and your friends, but the toxic and dishonest attitude surrounding this is really dreadful.
  15. In vanilla, unless what you're doing absolutely needs the appearance of a contiguous wall surface (like displaying a tall image across upper/middle/lower textures), it's usually more "cost-effective" with the renderer limits to design around a visible alcove sector instead of a hidden one. Since it has to handle the extra geometry anyway, even though you just can't see it. (It probably does cost a bit more to have the visible alcove, but not enough to make it worth the tradeoff generally.)
  16. I think by default it uses a simple grayscale palette, which doesn't align with how Doom's palette is arranged, so in Doom you just get garbage like what you saw.
  17. You need to set a base resource in Slade, so it has something to get a palette from. There's a button for it in the toolbar.
  18. Is it actually "overly complex," or just regular complex? :)
  19. Rest in peace. I remember seeing Doom City as a kid and being amazed that you could do that in Doom.
  20. This was a lot of fun, great work to all involved! MAP05 was epic.
  21. A few weeks ago I saw Nine Inch Nails and Guided By Voices a day apart from each other in Raleigh and Carrboro. Both fantastic shows.
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