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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. As someone who also has an Italian surname, pineapple on pizza is great, though it depends on the other toppings. Nothing at all wrong with fruit pizzas: pear gorgonzola is another great one.
  2. Those strings aren't in the vanilla game, they're added in source ports. You'll need to find how they're defined in the port(s) you're targeting, and modify them there.
  3. Congrats on finally getting near the finish line with this thing :)
  4. Co-op hasn't been tested in vanilla and I can't guarantee that you won't run into some overflows that can't happen in single-player. Using one of the limit-removing exe hacks like Doom32 is recommended if you want to try it.
  5. Porcupine Tree in 2007 while they were touring Fear Of A Blank Planet. Junior Boys in 2009 while they were touring Begone Dull Care. The Decemberists in 2009 while they were touring The Hazards of Love. Guided By Voices in 2017 while they were touring Space Gun, and in 2022 when they were touring Crystal Nuns Cathedral. Nine Inch Nails in 2022.
  6. The zipped file here is useless for the Mac source because zip files don't preserve resource forks, without which the files here are incomplete. If you want the Mac source in an actually usable, compilable form with the needed resources preserved, you'll still need to mount the original CD image upload in a classic Mac emulator such as SheepShaver (PPC) or Basilisk II (68k).
  7. Go for it, just credit the respective authors. (Check the txt file for general credits, and the dehacked patch source for more specific ones.)
  8. It's generally not advisable to make a thread that serves no purpose but to dump on other community members' work.
  9. Great album! A Ghost is still my favorite track, but everything on here is excellent. (It's really hard to pick a second favorite, I love them all!)
  10. No. If you edit DOOM2.WAD directly, you can't legally distribute your modifications. What are you actually wanting to do?
  11. Doom means so many different things to so many different people that I don't think we're going to run out of stuff to do with it any time soon, thankfully!
  12. Thank you! If you're enjoying Transmission Control, you might also like PC LOVE LETTER. Transmission Control was intended as a direct followup to it in a similar style.
  13. It requires two lines so that you have more fine control over how sound travels. Putting them immediately next to each other is usually not the best way to do it. If I have three rooms, each with a sound-block line between them, if I'm active in room A, monsters can hear me in room B, but monsters in room C won't wake up yet. If I'm active in room C, monsters in room B can hear me, but monsters in room A will stay asleep. If I'm active in room B, monsters in rooms A and C will all awake. If a single line completely blocked sound, you would notice a lot of places where you're shooting right next to a monster and it's not waking up. Spacing it out prevents this.
  14. No relation :) Far Out Crops is a map I had been toying with on-and-off for years before D2ISO came out. (Though the released version was admittedly started more recently than that post, as I started over from scratch at some point.)
  15. Last night I backported Killough's hashtable implementation for W_CheckNumForName (minus the namespacing) into Mac Doom II 1.0.2 and got a nice little bump in performance on my 68040 Mac II. (Still much room for improvement, but The Living End is noticeably less choppy compared to retail 1.0.3!) I don't think many other people on Doomworld have old 68040 Macs to try this on, but I've attached an archive containing the application and the modified w_wad.c file in any case. It looks like the 68k asm routines might have potential for optimization as well, though that one's a bit out of my depth. The 68k asm routines for column and span drawing were seemingly used as-is from a Carmack email in which he mentions that he didn't spend much time on them, that he doesn't consider himself a 68k expert, and that they "could certainly be improved". For anyone feeling particularly adventurous, that might be an interesting direction to dig deeper into. DoomHashtablePatch.sit.hqx.zip
  16. There are a lot more queer Doomers than you would expect. Anyway, Doomworld has always allowed people to discuss the other things going on in their life (we have a whole off-topic subforum, and this thread is in it), and it's very telling which users come out of the woodwork to suddenly insist that non-Doom things mustn't be discussed whenever they're reminded that people who aren't like them post here too.
  17. My findings so far: The CD image can be mounted in a classic Mac emulator like SheepShaver or Basilisk II. I've only tried it with SheepShaver (PPC Mac emulator) so far, but Basilisk (68k Mac emulator) should also work. The included CodeWarrior (IDE) version is CodeWarrior 7. The project files are the ones with .µ extensions. The Mac Ultimate Doom source included works with CodeWarrior 7 out-of-the-box, but the included Mac Doom II 1.0.2 source is for CodeWarrior 6, and needs a couple of easy updates ported over from the Ultimate Doom project: Copy over the DGMacHeader68k and DGMacHeaderPPC files from UDOOM 1.0.2:sys:MacHeadersƒ: and replace the older versions in the Doom II 1.0.2 project's equivalent subfolder Find the Sound Manager version check in I_MAIN.C (trying to compile will error on this and clicking the error will take you right to it), and replace it with the ifdef'd version from the UDoom source: #ifndef __powerc vers = SndSoundManagerVersion(); if ((vers & 0xFF000000L) < 0x03000000L) #else vers = SndSoundManagerVersion(); if (vers.majorRev < 3) #endif { ParamText("\pDoom II requires Sound Manager 3.0 or later in order to run. Exiting to Finder.", "\p", "\p", "\p"); InitCursor(); Alert(rAlertErrGeneral, NULL); goto ShowAndBail; } Also add the necessary ifdef to the InitManagers struct: void InitManagers (void) { tWord i, err; MenuHandle menu; long result; #ifndef __powerc long vers; #else NumVersion vers; #endif FileFilterUPP doomFileFilterProc; short numCalled; EventRecord macEvent; Press cmd-M or pick Make from the Project menu, and it should successfully compile Doom II now.
  18. I think this would still be worthwhile to do to get around the limits on texturing 3D floors, where each one has to either use a single unique texture or borrow an upper or lower from each line it touches. There are probably some other limitations like that that'd be worth being free of.
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