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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. This looks amazing, incredible work! Just one small complaint: the narrative text in the trailer video was pretty hard to read.
  2. Thanks for the KDiKDiZD writeup! Though I can't help but notice something seems amiss with the headline: (I did not create Knee-Deep in ZDoom)
  3. Based on the Doom alphas, the sky was originally going to be black with some blue mountains, but I think they decided a solid black void wasn't as impressive a way to show off what their new engine could do.
  4. I've updated the OP to add an arrangement of Phobophobe from BTSX E1. Enjoy!
  5. Okay, that actually is hilarious. Great find!
  6. Ah, the old days before I knew how to make compelling gameplay :P
  7. I’ve just now updated the link in my post so that trick should hopefully no longer be needed to download it.
  8. The mood of the community in the mid-to-late 2000s seemed to carry the assumption that interest in it was dwindling and slowly dying out. I'm not sure what specifically made the difference, but the explosion of community creations and outside interest in them we've been seeing since the mid-2010s felt basically unthinkable just a few years earlier.
  9. Sounds like the Doom 1/2 soundtracks :-) And there's no rule that says a track can't be developed further, I've heard plenty of instrumental hiphop that does this.
  10. Eduardo, your playthroughs and commentary are always such a treat to watch!
  11. QuakeCon 2023 was incredible, somehow managed to be an even better time than 2019. I left feeling reinvigorated with Doom energy and inspiration, and so much love for this community. I'm glad so many Doom folks were able to make it out there!
  12. Software is the intended experience. This is a bug that will be fixed.
  13. Hey, episode 2 had a bunch of them — ruin, gothic, copper, slab (mesoamerican), tech, etc. But E3 has a lot more discrete themes in it, for sure.
  14. Thank you! It has indeed been an absolute ton of work to make all these textures, haha. The main reason E3 wasn’t released years ago was because circa 2014 I kept promising texture themes for it that I then suddenly had absolutely no energy to create. So lots of textures have been made in just the past year or so, in a sudden burst of inspiration. The palette bug should be fixable in Zandronum, yes. It was fixed in GZDoom shortly after KDiKDiZD’s release, since that had the same problem.
  15. That’s how it works. Doom renderer isn’t capable of perspective-correct freelook.
  16. Try to refrain from making threads that exist to dump on other community members’ work.
  17. I've just updated the download post with build 2, which fixes some issues in MAP01 and MAP03, and fixes a bugged flat. Thanks again for all the reports!
  18. Yes, the full E3 release is still targeting vanilla. UMAPINFO was just the only way to offer the map picker and have correct skies in an abbreviated demo.
  19. Thanks for the reports! I composed the music for the first three maps, Xaser did the fourth, and Jimmy did the fifth one. (There are credits in the txt linked in the download post.) Glad you enjoyed!
  20. Not very much -- Space City Kicks was me challenging myself to do a vanilla recreation of the space-Tokyo setting I did for SpaceDM9 map03 around 2010ish. Glad you enjoyed the map!
  21. It’s a custom font that was designed for BTSX by ptoing, we’ve been using it since episode one :)
  22. The random white pixels are a bug in Pr+ and older versions of DSDA, caused by the palette used here.
  23. The full episode 3 release is planned for 2024. There is a lot more done than this, but we decided against spoiling too much in the demo.
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