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Everything posted by Plut

  1. RESULTS +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | Place | Name | Maps completed | Totaltime | Time of death | +=======+==============+================+===========+===============+ | 1 | kmc | 29 | 31:31 | 32:12 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 2 | Asbadagba | 20 | 25:38 | 26:10 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 3 | Anima Zero | 18 | 18:17 | 20:27 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 4 | Pierrot | 14 | 23:43 | 25:22 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 5 | 4shockblast | 10 | 3:57 | 4:21 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 6 | No-Man Baugh | 10 | 17:36 | 17:47 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 7 | RjY | 4 | 3:39 | 6:00 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 8 | SCF | 4 | 5:10 | 8:26 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 9 | Plut | 2 | 0:55 | 1:35 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 10 | Horus | 2 | 2:09 | 3:49 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ | 11 | Li'l devil | 1 | 1:23 | 2:58 | +-------+--------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+ Congratulations to kmc, Asbadagba and Anima Zero! Download the demos - nmlite-scythe.zip. I will now stop hosting these threads as I have decided to step away from Doom and commit fully to real life affairs. Anyone who wishes is welcome to pick up the format (and good luck to you if you do!).
  2. Plutonia MAP13 UV-Max in 2:18 pl13-218.zip
  3. Plutonia MAP17 UV-Max in 1:39 pl17-139.zip
  4. I also believe they should live in the wild if they can, but that's not always possible for them.
  5. Plutonia MAP11 UV-Max in 2:47.97 pl11-247.zip
  6. Dead on: MAP03. Time of death: 1:36. Totaltime: 0:55. F. nmlite-scythe-plut.zip
  7. November, 2023 The NM-Lite Contest is a competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting, playing on skill 1 (ITYTD) with -fast and -respawn flags (NM-Lite). Unlike Ironman League, there are no different categories: it doesn't matter if you play blind, played the WAD before or watched it being played, if you examined it in an editor. The only thing that matters is that you haven't played it on NM-Lite. In November 2023 the competition will take place on Scythe: a classic 2003 megawad by Erik Alm and Kim "Torn" Bach. Runs will be accepted until 4 December. Essential Info: Doom II (doom2.wad) Complevel 2 (only complevel 2 compatible demos are accepted) 32 maps dsda-doom -complevel 2 -iwad doom2.wad -file SCYTHE.WAD -skill 1 -fast -respawn -record nmlite-scythe-yournick.lmp Download Scythe Rules: Note that there has been a change in the rules: it's no longer required to post the kill count at the time of death and it will be no longer included in the results table as it doesn't have any influence on the competition's outcome.
  8. RESULTS +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Place | Name | Maps completed | Totaltime | Time of death | Kills at the last map | +=======+================+================+===========+===============+=======================+ | 1 | Plut | 4 | 12:10 | 15:37 | 92/88 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 2 | kmc | 3 | 9:45 | 14:45 | 119/140 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 3 | Asbadagba | 2 | 3:24 | 4:51 | 40/53 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 4 | AnimaZero | 2 | 7:26 | 11:07 | 71/53 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 5 | 4shockblast | 1 | 1:23 | 4:02 | 42/62 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 6 | LadyMistDragon | 1 | 1:38 | 2:49 | 17/62 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 7 | NoisyVelvet | 1 | 1:44 | 4:49 | 49/62 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 8 | Horus | 1 | 2:23 | 5:41 | 40/62 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 9 | Pierrot | 1 | 2:45 | 9:03 | 96/62 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 10 | DuckReconMajor | 0 | 0 | 2:18 | 42/42 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 11 | RjY | 0 | 0 | 1:56 | 37/42 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 12 | SCF | 0 | 0 | 2:04 | 34/42 | +-------+----------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ Congratulations to kmc and Asbadagba! Thanks everyone for participating! Demos - sod-nmlite.zip.
  9. Thank you! The secret is very difficult indeed:
  10. One short Boom-compatible (complevel 9) underground prison map requiring OTEX. Initially intended as MAP01 of a 4-map wad inspired by Unreal (1998), but I dropped it because I didn't enjoy working with the techbase aesthetic. Difficulty settings are not implemented. There's also the beginnings of MAP02 if you want to see it. Download
  11. Beside St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
  12. SkePLand MAP02 UV-Max in 18:07 skp21807.zip
  13. Congratulations on the release, very interesting mapset! Loved MAP27. Found a HOM on it in the arena before the blue key:
  14. MAP26 NM100S in 59.14 lv26ns5914.zip
  15. Memento Mori II is my favorite megawad of the 90-s, and its maps 27, 28, 29 are some of my favorite Doom maps of all time. Each one of them has a totally unique style and atmosphere, inventive geometry and satisfying challenging combat. I'm tired of holding these thoughts in my head, so I'd like to express them here. MAP27 - The Silos
  16. RESULTS +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Place | Name | Maps completed | Totaltime | Time of death | Kills at the last map | +=======+=====================+================+===========+===============+=======================+ | 1 | kmc | 26 | 31:46 | 33:47 | 43/200 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 2 | 4shockblast | 23 | 50:20 | 51:13 | 53/635 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 3 | AnimaZero | 22 | 38:58 | 42:00 | 193/495 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 4 | Asbadagba | 21 | 40:05 | 43:28 | 107/92 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 5 | Plut | 21 | 45:48 | 48:58 | 91/92 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 6 | Pierrot | 21 | 73:41 | 78:07 | 99/92 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 7 | RonnieJamesDiner | 18 | 34:02 | 35:28 | 21/66 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 8 | NoisyVelvet | 13 | 45:54 | 49:04 | 25/62 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 9 | SCF | 11 | 27:50 | 29:00 | 21/75 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 10 | RjY | 9 | 17:48 | 19:32 | 46/71 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 11 | NaZa | 8 | 20:23 | 21:39 | 69/132 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 12 | Andromeda | 7 | 12:00 | 12:54 | 7/78 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 13 | Horus | 7 | 18:40 | 24:55 | 110/78 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 14 | SilentD00mer | 3 | 7:34 | 8:40 | 17/34 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 15 | LadyMistDragon | 3 | 8:39 | 10:35 | 25/34 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 16 | DuckReconMajor | 3 | 12:05 | 14:43 | 25/34 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 17 | Pseudonaut | 3 | 12:18 | 17:54 | 89/34 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 18 | mancubian_candidate | 1 | 1:53 | 3:06 | 20/42 | +-------+---------------------+----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ Congratulations to kmc, 4shockblast and AnimaZero, and thanks everyone for participating! All the demos are here - nmlite-scythe2.zip. Everyone is invited to participate in Speed of Doom NM-Lite.
  17. My FDA - flatland-plut.zip Very nice high-quality level in the vein of Erik Alm, looks great and is fun to play. However, I think that the barrel explosions at the end are quite unfair.
  18. Dead on: MAP05 Kill count: 92/88 Time of death: 15:37 I did not expect it to be this hard. This shit is SCARY. nmlite-sod-plut.zip EDIT: just remembered a vital trick on MAP05 that could have very well saved me.
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