I found this to be overrated. It wasn't outright poor, but much of it is a mediocre blur, and some of the better levels went on way too long (e.g. E4M6). Difficulty-wise, it's not much harder than the original Doom for the most part, outside some bullshit traps and some later levels having little resources. My biggest gripe was the secrets, with the majority being behind unmarked walls with no hint that they're there, meaning you're going to have to wallhump everything to find them if you don't cheat.
This was a mixed bag. The concept was interesting, and some of the maps had amazing atmosphere. Most of the second half maps went on way too long though (Zumma and Cacophony were really bad in this regard), with too much switch hunts and backtracking. I loved the Spectre levels (which made the best use of the 1 monster gimmick by far), and also liked Knightmire, Mancublood, and The Crucified Factory. I found the rest though mostly forgettable if not too long, with the Chaingunner levels being especially bad