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About CrazyDoomguy

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  1. Something I didnt saw your comment You can add A_SpawnObject( thingId , angle , xoffset , yoffset , zoffset , xvel , yvel , zvel ) anywhere on death phase of monster. You can add anything even megasphere etc. You can add z offset highter that it fall naturally Example Death: SPID J 20 A_Scream SPID K 10 A_Fall SPID LMNOPQR 10 SPID S 0 A_SpawnObject(thing 63 , 0 , 0, 0, 30 , 0 , 0 , 0) SPID S 30 SPID S -1 A_BossDeath Stop
  2. Thank you! indeed, it miss mass. Now it works!!!
  3. I do decohack doom tools and see this error. What does this mean? I tried make barrel because my old dehaked took original barrel and replaced to cacodemon, now i want barrel back. Fix old dehacked is not easy and take many time, so better create new thing
  4. No remake, just for level 9. Im creator of tarachillax maps. I need some ideas of battle fields
  5. I want create some map for Tarachillax and need some improvisation and idea. Has someone super extreme hard map fantasy and want share? I will create such stuff, even new monsters
  6. Map 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5ISTurrFag
  7. Note that since the original wow.wad contains no exit, speedruns use a modified version (created by Grazza), called wow_x.wad, which moves the map to the E2M8 slot so that the cyberdemon's death triggers the level's end
  8. How can I understand this error? is there any list of errors? DSDA-doom-0.24.3
  9. Is that possible new soulsphere with 1000 hp and defense?
  10. Is possible create new megasphere with 1000 HP and defense?
  11. Why decohack SeeSound dont work properly? I used SeeSound "FRE005" Added "DSFRE005" sound into slade as "sound (Doom Format) 22380 samples at 16000 Hz" and still no sound while see... why?
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