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About kaleb.

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    Lurker Extraordinaire

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  1. i've been making maps for 15 years. you wouldn't know since i never ever ever release anything. but i easily have over like 2-3000+ hours of doom mapping under my belt...
  2. Yep, August 20 2023 is the latest stable release.
  3. A few I can think of Trenchbroom (Quake/Quake 2/Hexen 2/Daikatana), Mapster32 a part of EDuke32 package (Duke Nukem 3D/Blood/Shadow Warrior/etc.), GTKRadiant (Quake/Quake 2/Quake III Arena/QuakeLive/Return to Castle Wolfenstein/Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force/Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy/Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory), Hammer for Source Engine games. I'm sure there plenty other I don't know about
  4. i7 10700, MSI RTX 2060 12GB Edition, 16GB RAM DDR4 2933MHz Windows 11 & Fedora Linux HP X27q 1440p 165hz 27-inch, LG 24GN50W 1080p 144hz 24-inch good enough for most maps in software renderer...mostly... handles literally anything in DSDA-Doom tho
  5. Most TV shows and movies. I'm one of those freaks who almost exclusively watches YouTube or Twitch.
  6. i agree with switches. i play around with going back and forth in menus because of it lol
  7. you can only have so much detail with 256 colors. the further you are from a texture in a dark room, the less colors itll have to use.
  8. Yeah just put all the pk3/wad/zips in there and it'll load it as long as theyre all compatible with another. (example: loading Project Brutality with Alien Vendetta + Widescreen assests + Alien Vendetta MIDI project.)
  9. You're probably better off just getting it from ModDB which has it already bundled into a pk3. Or you could manually zip it all back up into a PK3 file using SLADE.
  10. I mean... just LOOK at it, man. Multiple annoying ass ads. Outdated articles. And honestly it's just much uglier than the neat and organized DoomWiki.
  11. I know DSDA and Nugget/Woof lets you resurrect by doing IDDQD after you die
  12. how is typing "idclev 04" harder than "nextmap" lol
  13. - FOV slider / console command - Multiple resolutions (sometimes i want 4:3/200p/600p and sometimes i want 16:9/1080p) - Ability to take clean screenshots with no hud elements or viewmodel - Lets me use loopmidi + sc55emu for midi
  14. Nugget Doom mainly. It's one of the very few software renderer ports that actually has an FOV slider. And the fully mouse driven UI is a big plus too since I have a 60% keyboard with no arrow keys.
  15. was searching thru my old wads. heres a level i made back in 2015. its not very good at all gameplay wise. but visually it was pretty damn good for 16 year old me. here it is, and as a bonus ONE WHOLE EMPTY ROOM on MAP02. don't say i never did anything for ya.
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