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  1. I agree. Newest installment should've been Doom 3-2: Demonic Boogaloo and trailer's footage is certainly too bright for that. They should make it dark as fuck and give player a variety of portable light sources (torches, lanterns, projectors, flashlights, etc.) with their own pros and cons and constantly have player switch them to fit the situation. Adding sux is fairly easy and they can do it in DLCs, like TAG's plot. Not sure about sox tho, Doomslayer's always wearing boots so they would be obscured.
  2. Category 1 demo. Died on E4M8 and my thoughts on this are "What the fuck is this?"
  3. During UV-Max run? Yeah, I hate when monsters block other monsters from teleporting, permanently, or enemies get pushed into unreachable areas. During FDA/DWIL run? Lol, all the pissed off martians can stay behind and screw their secret deathtraps, too. However, I, too, very strongly dislike one-ways with a fury of exactly one thousand suns. But it's mostly because, usually, now 20 medkits, 2 shell boxes, 14 shell pickups, 3 green and 1 blue armors, 5 bullet boxes, 43 ammo clips, 8 rockets, 1 rocket box, 4 cell packs and 3 cells become unavailable, so I can't restock with these in case I need that.
  4. If you're having problems committing to playing a game and are constantly distracting yourself, chances are you are just not interested in said game in the first place. However, the problem with ever growing backlog of games can only be tackled by playing the games. or nuking the backlog itself, but that's probably not the kind of advice/solution you're looking for.
  5. Category 1 demos. Suspended in Dusk: survived in 1:36:16 Bauhaus: survived in 1:13:35
  6. Category 2(?) demo. Died on map03, got shot by a chaingunner from a pretty far distance.
  7. Off the top of my head gggmork, vdgg and TheV1perK1ller did some serious maps, you can search their demos/videos on dsdarchive or Youtube if you want to. My information is old as hell though, maybe there's some other keyboard-only prodigy out there. I wouldn't recommend jumping from zero to hardest stuff there is right away, though. There's insurmountable mountain of content that's far more manageable and interesting beyond "too tough for this particular control method" and if I were you I'd rather not be too worried about it. With enough experience, you, probably, will be able to tackle even that type of levels, too. Also, I would like to recommend playing in ports that have "quick 180" bind.
  8. Category 1 demo. Survived in 3:23:39. Starting from map06 I got lost in every single map and I am sending extra negative energy to that one "switch" on map11 in particular.
  9. A shot in the dark: try adding "-longtics" parameter
  10. When I played Adventures of Square on my old laptop, opening one particular purple door in E1M6 tanked my framerate to ~3 FPS until the end of the level. There was a weird workaround where pausing and unpausing would grant few seconds of playtime at normal framerate (~30 FPS), so the rest of the level was played while frequently scrolling the wheel to pause/unpause the game.
  11. From what I remember XWE can extract resources from some of these old Build games.
  12. To be honest, it was ogre either way: jumping down there with 30 health and no suit meant very swift death from either potshot gang, fatsos or even more nukage.
  13. Category 1 demo. Died with 98 kills. From the very first minute of the playthrough it was evident that survival was just destined to not happen.
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