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About Egregor

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    Dungeons and Dragon Claws

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  1. @Firedust my mistake. If it's not moved maybe I'll make a new post for the final release. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. @plums Good catch, I'll add it to the list. thanks again Plums!
  2. Thanks @plums, this is great feedback. I appreciate it! I will be sure to implement these changes before the final release.
  3. Your Journey Begins - A 5 level episode for Heretic - RC1 Download: YJB_RC1.rar Target Port: Crispy-Heretic, DSDA Doom, GZDoom Your Journey Begins! Well, I can say this is for me, as a mapper, where My Journey Ends, or at least for this chapter. And what a journey it has been! These levels were originally meant to be part of a collaboration that started in 2015, but the project didn't pan out. After several years of just sitting cold on my computer I decided to finish these levels of mine and release them here in 2024. That's 9 years! There is a flying themed level, and the last few get quite large. Thank you for anyone and everyone who has supported me through out the years, and hopefully you have as much fun playing these levels as I had making them! Levels E1M1: No Turning Back E1M2: Woeful Specters E1M3: Hermes' Cauldron E1M4: Harbor of Dead Dreams E1M5: Fire and Ice Music Title Music : Excerpt from "Legend", from Runescape, arranged by Egregor Intermission music : "Quoth the Raven - Intermission" by Egregor E1M1: "Saboteur" by @Alfonzo E1M2: "Woeful Spectres" by Egregor E1M3: "Haunted Mine" from Runescape E1M4: "Fangs for the Memory" from Runescape E1M5: "The Occultist" by Eris Falling Resources Title Screen: From Freepik.com, AI generated image, free to use for non-commercial purposes. The SKY1 texture based on original by @ETTiNGRiNDER, edited by Egregor Playtesters @TheHambourgeois @DeathBearOfDeath Note: E1M5 has a regular exit AND a secret exit. The secret exit is just a bonus secret ending, it doesn't go to any custom content, sorry! They both lead to the IWAD material. I currently have no plans to add a secret level to this set. Testing Info: Let me know if you find anything from bugs, errors, broken tags, soft-locks, inability to get 100%, as well as thoughts on balance, game-play, and aesthetic suggestions. Demos and videos welcomed! Have fun, and let me know what you think!
  4. I'm getting ready to drop RC1 of a vanilla Heretic level set titled Your Journey Begins. Here is the picture preview:
  5. I swear, I'm usually much better at following directions! Okay, so here is TWO different version's of my update. Choose which ever one suits the project best: D2 quilt - EG v04c.rar v04c just has all seven lost souls removed. This is the version with three connections. Also, I did a bunch of texture alignments! D2 quilt - EG v05c.rar v05c I realized that I don't have to choose between the monster closet and the 4th connection. I could have my cake and eat it too! I added a back door to the monster closet that would raise with the other one to create a 4th connection. This could be a useful way to connect to previous or parallel paths OR as a bottleneck before the player makes progress. It's up to you @ViolentBeetle! Also, I did a bunch of texture alignments!
  6. Okay @ViolentBeetle, I took your advice and sacrificed a connection for some monster closet space. Because of this I had to rework the layout a little bit, but this rework makes this "patch" more complex and interesting I think, so overall this feels like a solid improvement! At first I was planning on springing the dreaded dual Pain Elementals in the monster closet but then I remembered this is Doom 2, not Plutonia, so the monster closet is a single Pain Elemental, and thus "Doom 2 hard" in the spirit of the project. Thanks again! D2 quilt - EG v03b.rar EDIT: The "b" in the v03b indicates (to me) that the player start and the IWAD have been removed from the file.
  7. Sorry old chap! I knew some poor bastard would get stuck with The Abandoned Mines once I grabbed up Tenements, I'm just glad it wasn't me. Good luck!
  8. I'll take map 17: Tenements D2 quilt - EG v02.rar I missed the bit about having monster closets ONLY IF the original had them. I just added some (2) because it was fun. Feel free to make any and all changes you'd like to this map segment.
  9. I'm always fascinated with the back story of composition. How metal band Embalming Theatre desided to include a Chatzi Mpaxes song within their tracks seems particularly strange. As for influence, I only hear the faintest bit of it. With that said, I will say I enjoy your track, especially this extended version, much better! You use a more compelling chord progression, your sense of melody is more dynamic (flow between highs and lows) and is more catchy, and the instruments within your arrangement all blends together nicely. The more I listen the more I like it. Great work!
  10. If you are still having problems feel free to DM w your project and I will take a look and attempt to resolve your issue. If Iam able to resolve any issues I will write step by step instructions on what/how I did so you can learn from it.
  11. Before you learn to compile your own resources from scratch I recommend downloading the Quoth The Raven resource pack and exploring it, using it, and learning from it. Here is a direct link to it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gav_qJW3z-hbGnkXjjNEov_XhC6gDk-y/view Your specific issue is that some of the textures in your patch have been replaced while others have not. This confuses the patch table and it patches some of the old material with some of the new. Yes, there is a way to add animations and switches, like Plums mentioned. QTR features an animations pack but no switches pack for reasons I won't go into here. Hopefully this will get you pointed in the right direction!
  12. I just got a chance to play MAP 03: It was a little awkward, but there is a lot going for the map too! I feel like the single best edit that could be made to integrate the map pieces and improve progression flow would be to switch the places of the red and blue keys. Right now they are both located right next to the doors they would be opening, which creates little more than an immediate environmental obstacle to proceed. If they were switched it would create a navigational obstacle. Since they are both located so close to the beginning, it would force a bit of backtrack, but only for a brief moment. The BK pedestal would probably need to be re-textured to match the RK if this idea was implemented. I also feel like one of the blue doors could be moved from the northern part of the center piece to the eastern part of the center piece and it would allow for the player another route to explore the level without breaking anything. It would probably also make more sense thematically. Overall ammo and health feel a bit tight; In particular bullets. The only Super-shotgun is located in a secret, while there are 5! rocket launchers. perhaps one of those RL could be switched to a SS (SE corner?) and another to a PR (SW corner?) to create a more dynamic arsenal? My particular piece could use some small tweaks: the secret is not hidden as "one-sided", the E and S doors should either have block-sound or player-only opens for them. I was under the impression that the player would DEFINITELY have the SS, so without it the duel barren pin feels a bit sadistic.
  13. Your the first person I've ever heard of to play with this preference. I imagine it's like a whole other difficulty level on it's own, making it much more difficult to dodge or outrun enemies. I've nearly forgotten that NOT running is even a thing, unless I accidentally hit the caps button. I actually want to try playing this way sometime just to see how it goes.
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