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Chow Yun Thin

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About Chow Yun Thin

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  1. You'll want to remove the +Weapon.Ammo_Optional actor flag; that's what allows your pistol to fire without needing ammo.
  2. Well yeah, that makes sense according to arcade owners. Can't have the players playing too long without putting in more quarters. Some were pretty notorious quarter munchers either by design *glares at the Gauntlet games* or tweaking the difficulty/price per game.
  3. Damn, too slow on the draw! Post Hell had some real annoying music (CAPTAIN JEAN PICARD OF THE U S S ENTERPRISE) to assault the ears as well as that color scheme blinded the eyes. It was also aped from SomethingAwful, where theirs is called the Gas Chamber.
  4. His being a keyboard-only player wasn't what earned him the ire of forumgoers. Nobody here is gonna make fun of another's choice of controls; this thread is proof of that. IIRC, that dude was real obnoxious about going into difficulty-related threads and vehemently voicing his complaints about Nightmare. When encouraged to use M+KB, he got defensive and saying he couldn't get used to the controls. Now to his credit, he supposedly did beat Nightmare keyboard-only and had Youtube video proof. That was when he became pretty insufferable and challenging people to duel him keyboard-to-keyboard. He didn't say it explicitly, but I got the vibe that he thought himself a better Doom player than those peasant mouse fingerbangers because of his beating Nightmare keyboard-only.
  5. January 1st 1970 just called, it wants its shtick back.
  6. Some people associate any mint with toothpaste or mouthwash and reflexively spit it out. I kinda understand after drinking a glass of what I was told was horchata, but tasted like a dentist's office. But soggy cereal? I could understand when it's the last few bits in the bowl, but letting all of it get soggy? Captain Crunch's gonna tear apart more than just the roof of your mouth if he hears of this.
  7. Mortal Kombat on the Sega Genesis at a cousin's house. Getting roasted by Scorpion's fatality actually put me off violent games until I got Doom some years later. Oh jeez, that unearthed a memory of my first rage quit. I was playing the NES version and put in a code for extra lives. All was fine until I faced one of the bosses who had a one-hit-kill shotgun and grenades. I tried my best to dodge the shots but ate one inevitably. The asshole actually went up to my body and dropped a stream of grenades on it. I'm sitting there watching my body get juggled around by the grenades as they burn through all of my extra lives with no way out. When the game over screen popped up, I threw my controller at the NES and yelled every obscenity I heard in grade school that probably got me in trouble with my parents.
  8. Crossbow is already used for the Heretic crossbow. Other synonyms include arbalest and ballista.
  9. They swap war stories about Doomguys they've killed and hellspawn that got in the way.
  10. Yeah, it's very similar to your PSXHealthBonus. You inherit from ArmorBonus and just change the Armor.SaveAmount to 2. Actor PSXArmorBonus : ArmorBonus Replaces ArmorBonus { Armor.SaveAmount 2 } No need to copy/paste all the stuff from ArmorBonus when inheritance does that for you.
  11. Hard disagree. They could have left Unreal and UT well enough alone, but delisting the games from Steam and GOG and removing the master servers shows an active effort to memoryhole them. If that's how Epic treats their legacy that put them on the map in the late 90s, what makes you think they'll treat Doom (an IP from a former rival) any better? They don't even treat the IPs they bought any better, if complaints about Rocket League and Fall Guys and Rock Band are any indication.
  12. I played Twisted Metal 2 a few times and had a blast even with the jank car handling. Nuts to getting hit by that freeze attack, though. I'm no metalhead, but that Los Angeles track felt strangely uplifting to me. I remember looking up the endings on Youtube and feeling most of them were a little too mean-spirited for my tastes. That was some dark monkey's paw-type stuff, even if the player characters were mostly assholes of some stripe. And of course that guy rubbing it in by thanking you for playing.
  13. Certain things bug me. One is Gatling gun spinning, where you hold down an altfire key to keep the barrel cluster spinning without firing to bypass the spool-up time. Turns out a real-life loaded Gatling gun will fire as long as it is spinning at all, as this warning shows. I never did understand why Doomguy reloads his super shotgun the way he does. The way I visualize it, he'd have to swing it up while moving it to the left, put the stock, grip and right hand up against his left armpit while reloading, then swing it back up while moving it back to the right. It just seems like a lot of needless motion, probably for that visual kinetic flair in the vein of hot virtual brass spraying across your field of view onto your virtual uncovered forearm. Maybe he's giving the hellspawn a chance to strike back if they live, because if he reloaded like Caleb...
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