Tomorrow, November 16 marks 25 years since the release of Doom for the Playstation 1. Has anyone got any plans to celebrate the 25 years of PS1 Doom? For me, I'm just gonna to listen to the music soundtrack regular and remastered. Don't have any plans on playing the port at the moment since my PS1 has been stored away along with it's games.
Midway did a kick-ass job with that port with it's introduction of colored lighting and the new and creepy music and sound effects by Aubrey Hodges. It wasn't the first time I heard Aubrey's music on there. It was Doom 64 that introduced me to it. Anyone got any favorite music tracks? Mine's Hell's Churn, Mind Massacre and Breath of Horror.
To @Aubrey Hodges, @Hyde and to all of the Doom Community... Happy 25th Anniversary to Playstation Doom! Cheers and toast! :-)