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About Chainie

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  1. I think it's possible to get texture pack from Hellstorm is aviable here: https://www.doomworld.com/3ddownloads/hellstorm/
  2. Short map, I've made in 2018 or 2019 for otex. Found it yesterday during looking through old files.
    Made it vanilla-compatable and transfered it from otex to gothictx.wad 
    Requies gothictx.wad: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/gothictx

    1. Szymanski


      gone, sorry my internet was down can you repost?

  3. I don't know how i feel about gray spots in the sky and white dots on floor5_3 like wall texture. But ln level design aspects, screenshots looks nice!
  4. Download link doesn't work Now it works
  5. They were started for community trunk, isn't it? Cool maps thouth. Nice to see you forced out of your comfort zone by using unfamiliar texturepack (i haven't seen wads using gothictx.wad as resource wad from you before).
  6. That could be map, supposed for Mordeth E2. And no, Mordeth texture pack wasn't publicly released.
  7. Hello, I'm looking for two memfis' maps from those topics: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/66211-i-made-a-chocolate-doom-map/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/66057-new-mapz0r/
  8. Sorry for necroposting, but could you reupload Pack1 - pack3 of this? please? Mediafire links doesnt work anymore. Thanks in advance.
  9. Megatear by Memfis: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/megatear Morbid DM 2 Flood Dead by NIGHTMARE and Afterglow: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/m-o/nbmbdm02
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