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Everything posted by Kinsie

  1. On a per-map basis. You can't apply it to pre-defined maps like what a gameplay mod would want to do, which is the entire context for this fragment of the thread.
  2. No. Player settings are sacrosanct and video settings double-plus-sacred. The only thing that's allowed to change them is sitting between the chair and the screen.
  3. Weren't the Marathon HD sprites ripped from the Xbox 360 port, meaning they had an actual budget put behind them?
  4. Copy pasting from the trivia easter egg, here's some stuff cut from Reelism 2, as documented by Shadsy: Scrapped Maps Terror in Tastytown: A city under attack made entirely out of fast food products, inspired by Candy Planet from Reelism 1. Scrapped for being too similar to Pie in the Sky. IronWerx: A giant fire and steam factory. Originally scrapped in Reelism 1, this concept was brought back from the dead for Reelism 2. Re-scrapped in the blocking phase so we could prioritize other maps instead The Meat Vortex: A large, spinning funnel made out of meat. Players and monsters were whipped around like rocks in a blender. Hilarious and wholly unplayable. Scrapped Reels Fancy Hats: All monsters wear fancy hats. It was more of a programming exercise to get familiar with ZScript. Scrapped because there's no way to tell where a monster's head is relative to its body. (Looking at you, dogs.) Freak Out: Enemies shake around violently and fling themselves in random directions. It was funny but too chaotic to be playable. My Son My Son What Have Ye Done: Fighting against a bunch of knee-high miniature Doomguys. Wait, why didn't we do this? This is a great idea! Pestilence: The player carries a highly infectious disease that harms nearby monsters. This idea became much less funny in 2020 for some reason. Reelcraft: Weapons for constructing traps and obstacles. Scrapped late in production during the "bayonet-the-dying" phase of development. All Animals vs. All Humans: Like the Dogged reel, but with dozens of different animals. Scrapped because we didn't want to make 20 different animal sprites and behaviors. Scrapped Bosses Dr. Chairman: A supervillain with an obsession with comfy office chairs. Dr. Chairman was also floated for Reelism 1, but in both cases, he never made it past the brainstorming phase. The Entire Cincinnati Bengals: Reelism 2 supports bosses that use multiple enemies, which gave us the idea to try a boss with 46 enemies at the same time. We didn't go through with it. Scrapped Weapons Throw Your Own Head: Described in our notes as "an insta-kill projectile of the Doomguy's head with your camera attached," and you have to run over and pick it back up. Scrapped for obvious reasons. Frisbee: In addition to the basketball, we also thought about adding a frisbee weapon and a frisbee golf minigame. It would've been too similar, but man, now I want to play Doom frisbee golf! Psychic Mindwave: aka "Scanners Weapon." The player could blow up non-boss monsters using psychic powers. Originally part of The Elementalist reel, but replaced with Cold Snap because "psychic" isn't an element (except in Pokemon). Bucket of Scorpions: Toss the bucket on the ground, and dozens of scorpions would go skittering around, pinching everything in sight. Still a fun idea, but it was a low priority to add. Other Stuff Originally, the Babby Cacodemons would scream and run away when they got hurt. Scrapped for being too heartbreaking. Seriously, we couldn't bring ourselves to do it. As an experiment, the Mini Imps that fall off the Mega Imp were able to jump back on and restore the Mega Imp's health. But the Mega Imp battle is already hectic, and it was just too much extra. The man eating rocks in Town was originally supposed to sell rocks you could throw at enemies. We thought it would be funnier if he was just there for no reason.
  5. Not the time or place for the gimmick shit, dude.
  6. Outside of like one or two people, we're not being assholes. We're suggesting what has worked for us, a long-lived community of a game that ceased active official development for decades at a time. Specifically, using the tools and means available to us to take charge and forging a future of our own.
  7. The source code on the game code side is already out there, shall we say, and there are already mods based on it that twist and pull it in strange and disturbing directions that best be described as Quippy Cartoon Quake Champions. At least the art assets are good. The youths don't even know what a Day of Defeat even is. They think it's like a Napster. They will never capture the central point in dod_flash.
  8. As someone who spent a frankly unfortunate amount of time developing a mildly popular TF2 HUD mod and crafting Filmmaker garbage: I think you’ll have far more luck building your own independent future through moderated dedicated servers and sourcemods than leaning on the incredibly mixed success potential of the ever-derided Internet Petition to preserve the survival of the Patient Zero of everybody’s most loved and tolerated genre of the modern era: Quippy Hero Shooters With Cartoon Graphics. Also: If I ever sincerely, non-sarcastically describe something I like and enjoy as a "beloved IP" like that SaveTF2 website does, you have my explicit, written permission to make fun of me for adopting marketer-tongue as though it were human speech.
  9. Run Think Shoot Live is where single player mappers ply their trade.
  10. All versions of Zandronum are based on a pre-ZScript version of GZDoom, which means at their most recent they're based on a version from... (SFX CUE: Frantic Googling) seven-ish years ago. If they ever managed to somehow navigate the nightmare of hooking up the old Skulltag-born netcode to ZScript and update to modern GZDoom, you're probably going to see the same changes happen. The developers do not use Discord, and a good chunk of them don't even use Steam, so trying to invoke those platforms as some Silent Majority argument is very silly. And we're trying to tell you that you'll have an easier time getting a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than you will convincing the GZDoom devs to revert this specific change.
  11. Some more technical info can be found on the Doom Wiki: Tutti-Frutti Effect
  12. Having 20 cryptically-named, varyingly-terrible options with no explanation beyond "i dunno it's just a hangover from a zdoomgl build from back before the korean war began" isn't "QOL". In fact, it's rather the opposite. GZDoom's menus, while still better IMHO than the Boom-style menus in other source ports, are still pretty terrible at letting you find what you want in any fast or convenient way. They desperately need an overhaul, but attempting to trim down that nightmare to something usable is surprisingly difficult, and the current "fast options menu" attempt leaves a bit to be desired.
  13. The whole lighting choice system was a giant cluster-fuck that caused far more problems than it solved (see: one level I collaborated with someone else on having the geometry blocked out for one light mode with texturing and detailing done for another) and I am glad the user-menus side of it was taken out behind the shed and thoroughly Old Yeller'd while keeping it on the mapper-controlled MAPINFO side. It was long, long overdue. That people are furious about it almost a full year on is honestly more confusing than anything - If you're gonna be pissed off about GZDoom design decisions, there's probably 50 more deserving candidates.
  14. Yes. "Software". Right. And I suppose that BitTorrent client you have is exclusively for Linux ISOs.
  15. Anyone else worried that they'll be beaten half to death with a rusty plumbing fixture by a morbidly obese man wearing a Chuck E. Cheese™ mascot head and absolutely nothing else before the new Doom game comes out?
  16. There was a line in one of the interviews about how if there's a monster limit like in 2016 or Eternal, they haven't been scolded by the programmers for hitting it yet. That suggests that there's gonna be a few critters active at once, but given the suggestions of melee-range emphasis and weaving through projectiles I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of them hang back and wait their turn like it's an old kung-fu movie for gameplay reasons.
  17. The quotable tagline from a Hugo interview is that Doom 2016 was "run and shoot", Doom Eternal was "jump and shoot" while Doom The Dark Ages is "stand and fight" - verticality is being stripped away in favor of using the shield to exploit enemy weaknesses through blocking/throwing/parrying so you can slam them with a mace or SSG.
  18. Nobody posts on Duke4 anymore. It is bereft of human life and by and large irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Kind of a pity, considering some of the wonderful things still being pulled out of the engine by Death Wish and friends, and especially compared to the frantic activity both here and in the Quake scene, but such as it is.
  19. About the only sin of Capstone's that can be attributed to nu-3D Realms is the quality of the end products and the lack of QA (or at least, lack of ability to act on QA's findings) Capstone hired inexperienced people straight out of high school, while 3DR racked up a fairly impressive headcount of industry and modding veterans. Capstone allotted only ~6 months or so of development time per game (not even enough to create design docs!), while seemingly every 3DR game wallowed in the mire of development hell for years before occasionally wallowing in a second, even murkier mire of Early Access. Capstone had terminally low budgets while their management was too busy desperately hustling for investors to go public, while 3DR was tied to a gargantuan megacorp hustling for a multi-billion dollar investment while the leadership was too busy demanding the making of dogshit public access TV to actually manage staff or projects properly. History didn't repeat, and I'd hesitate to say it rhymed, but it was in a similar time signature. History dictates that Scott Miller is an unreliable narrator, to put it politely. Nu-Apogee seems to be doing well and he seems like a nice enough guy to grab a beer and trade war stories with, but like, maybe don't put immediate faith in his word and definitely get a lawyer involved before you sign anything.
  20. To be entirely fair, while the specs will almost certainly be higher than Eternal since they've cut support for previous-gen consoles, if they want a Steam Deck version there's gonna have to be some support for weaker systems on account of the Steam Deck not being the strongest machine in the world. Id Tech's generally pretty scalable, so we'll see how things go. (They probably also want to do a Switch 2 version, as well, so...)
  21. They did (with a little help from some friends over in bright, sunny Sweden).
  22. It's been nearly 20 years since Blu-Rays were adopted as the physical storage medium of choice for console games, with dual-layer Blu-Rays that can hold 50gb emerging the same year. The widespread growth of digital distribution doesn't change that particular equation. Needless to say, I have a couple of portable HDDs hooked up...
  23. Oh no, I guess there's no point to anything anymore. Especially not posting on an internet forum.
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