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Everything posted by Kinsie

  1. Updated the list a little. The PsyDoom source code suggests enough similarities between the weird quirks of the PS1 and Jaguar codebases that I'm comfortable with my guesstimate until someone who knows their shit comes along and slaps me down.
  2. PS1 Duke 3D: BUILD PS1 Duke Time To Kill/LOTB: Custom engine ("NewDuke") N64 Duke 64: BUILD w/ hardware renderer + 3D model support N64 Duke Zero Hour: BUILD w/ hardware renderer + 3D model support Saturn Duke 3D: Slavedriver GBA Duke Advanced: Southpaw PS1 Doom/Final Doom: Modified Jaguar Doom engine Saturn Doom: Modified Jaguar Doom engine ported from PS1 version SNES Doom: Custom engine ("RAGE") GBA Doom 1: Modified Jaguar Doom engine GBA Doom 2: Southpaw N64 Doom 64: Modified PS1 Doom engine with hardware renderer, colored lighting, level scripting... Saturn Quake 1: Slavedriver PS1 Quake 1: Never released, but would have been Slavedriver PS1 Quake 2: Custom Engine (Hammerhead's Seemingly Unnamed PS1 Engine) N64 Quake 1: Quake 1 engine w/ hardware renderer + coloured lighting support N64 Quake 2: Modified blend of Quake 1 N64 and bits of Quake 2 code? Hope this helps!
  3. There aren't really a lot of modern Quake 2 mapsets to mine for Official Addons in the first place, sadly. Hopefully the new tools and remaster improve the situation.
  4. And then they torched whatever goodwill they regained within like three hours:
  5. Bengaltiger1, rest assured that you're doing just fine on account of not being this incoherent weirdo.
  6. Something that came out many years after the PS3's original lifespan, as part of the Playstation Now streaming service. Potentially useful but there are better community-authored solutions out there.
  7. They could, but also Nintendo controlled all cartridge manufacturing (including how much they cost and minimum order amounts) and 64mb carts were crazy bonkers expensive, especially compared to 600+mb CD-ROMs on other platforms. There were only four 64mb games released in the N64's lifetime: Conker's Bad Fur Day, Pokemon Stadium 2, Resident Evil 2 and the European multi-language version of Paper Mario.
  8. A clear answer to the OP's question is Ben Affleck's self-explanatory directoral debut.
  9. Weird, worked fine for me with my own games. UI could be nicer, but it's entirely servicable. Emulation quality varies (Doom 2 had a lot of flickering when I was taking this shot) but that there's emulation at all for this generation of console is still a miracle to me.
  10. Huh? I was able to just File > Open files directly from my Xbox 360 (digital games and HDD installs thrown onto a USB stick) just fine.
  11. DualShock 3 never had any official drivers from Sony on Windows. There were various solutions of varying quality to bridge this gap. Some emulators like PCSX2 and RPCS3 can support a DS3 out of the box with all the special functionalities, but they're few and far between. DualShock 4 and DualSense have official drivers, but they only support DirectInput and DualSense-specific features like the fancy trigger resistance things are only available in certain specific multiplatform games. For other games, there are tools to bridge the gap like DS4Windows (which lets you emulate an Xbox 360 controller for better support on games that use XInput) or Steam's built-in Input stuff.
  12. i am begging you on my hands and knees to read the thread you are replying to
  13. This is from poorly-redacted court documents filed in the Microsoft vs. FTC case, rather than some dickhead kid whose uncle works for Nintendo. That being said, though, it's also from mid-2020 before the Zenimax acquisition and before COVID threw wrenches into every gear possible (Hence Starfield being listed as FY21 - it's been publicly acknowledged that development on that game was slooooowed down a ton during remote-work), so some things may or may not pan out. That being said, some of the details track. A few of these codenames have snuck out in the past. "Project Hibiki" has since been released as Hi-Fi Rush by Tango, and "Project Kestrel" has been kicked about as being tied to Zenimax Online Studios. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes,
  14. Bloomberg has inside word on the latest bout of internal flailing.
  15. I know what you were asking, I know what I posted, and I know that I don't appreciate you treating us all like idiots in multiple threads.
  16. You can absolutely do this. I posted a real-world example in your other thread and you immediately preceded to ignore it.
  17. I don't necessarily buy that complex, overcomplicated, unintuitive gameplay mechanics are the reason why certain genres struggle, because if that were the case Dota and League of Legends probably wouldn't have more active players than New Zealand has people at any given time.
  18. News Flash: Everything in a video game is fake. Hoaxery. Flimflammery, if you will. It’s all just a giant pile of stage magician’s illusions nailed together during hour 12 of overtime two days before release. A world where floors are a collective hallucination and your train carriage is just a very expensive hat. And honestly? The more you burrow into it, the more you appreciate the effort put into the lies.
  19. "Why isn't there a source port that supports 3D floors? But not those 3D floors. The other ones. I will not elaborate."
  20. There was a project in the works a long time ago (~2013?), but it never quite got off the ground and one of the two creators eventually set their online accounts on fire out of protest of the continued existence of Imgur years before they started actively pissing people off.
  21. Quake 2 had a LOT of development issues. Both on the technical side and on the human side. Look up the MASSIVE Shacknews article/ebook Rocket Jump for the full details from several of the people that were there. Be warned: You will think considerably less of at least one Id veteran as a result.
  22. The London-based law firm Sheridans has posted their analysis of the Unity Stuff over at LinkedIn.
  23. You know you don't have to use the Google Play Store on Android, right? iOS is also going to be required by the EU to allow sideloading at some point in the nigh future. The problem at that point is more who wants to work on mobile ports. Hanging around the Emulation scene has taught me that the smartphone-based emulation/retrogaming scene can be, shall we say, enthusiastic in their requests towards programmers, to say the least.
  24. There are fanmade source ports of Doom 3 to Android. I can only imagine that trying to control it on a touchscreen telephone device is a wonderful, blood-pressure-lowering experience. Doom 64 would probably play pretty well on mobile with similar controls to the Unity Doom port, but Night Dive doesn't do mobile stuff and frankly, I can't say I blame them.
  25. I don't think doomworld.org has ever been a valid URL for this site? It's always been .com as far as I know.
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