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Everything posted by Kinsie

  1. A Unity employee has gone off-script on the official forums to elaborate on details and express their own personal concerns. Sounds like this thing was rushed out the door half-cooked despite the protest of the devs.
  2. This raises a lot of questions, and anytime they've been asked over the last eight hours or so there have been different answers. They somehow didn't expect this backlash - or really any requests for concrete details - and are floundering hard. It's pretty stunning to watch. While a lot of this may end up getting walked back, this has caused pretty much all remaining trust and goodwill Unity had with developers to evaporate into a funny-smelling smoke. Thing is, while Godot is good, it's not quite ready for the prime-times that Unity has filled. Remember: Unity isn't just tiny indie games by smol beans with an Itch account and social anxiety, it's also massive AAA colossi like Genshin Impact and first-party games like Wasteland 3 and the Ori series. This effects and screws over everyone, and Godot isn't quite ready to handle all of those use-cases yet. It's also something of a hassle to get set up for mobile export, and there's no console support out of the box due to its open-source nature conflicting with confidential development SDKs. Something is being worked on in that regard, but it seems very much like a work in progress still. He's also on record back in the EA days suggesting that the Battlefield games should charge your credit card when you reload your weapon. He's a, he's a guy.
  3. That one was largely outsourced to a studio in Russia, and the credits on Mobygames don't suggest any Volition involvement. I'd imagine it was a Deep Silver demand to keep the brand visible and on modern consoles while Volition underwent whatever Sisyphean nightmare culminated in SR23.
  4. The latest GZDoom devbuild (Sep 12 2023 or newer) now supports DSDHACKED. Turns out a lot of the work had been done years ago and it was just put aside due to lack of mods to test it on? Funny how these things work out sometimes. Whether or not that support is accurate to how DSDA-Doom handles things or not is a question that still needs to be answered, though. If you're playing on GZDoom and spot weird bugs, tell the GZDoom devs about it instead of Cheesewheel!
  5. I mean, in GZDoom at least every 3D model is an actor, so you've got a collision cube right there. For anything more complicated, like I said, there's invisible 3D floors.
  6. Yeah, 0-alpha 3D floors are what we've been using in Reelism 2 whenever we've needed more nuanced collision than midtexes could provide, like the sloped rails in Astrolab X.
  7. The source code to Command & Conquer 1 and Red Alert is publicly available under the GPL and excessively well-commented.
  8. There are some raw texture dumps here and here on the ZDoom Forums. They will require chopping and editing, as ever, but it's a starting point.
  9. I think a lot of the GT/Infogrames/Atari stuff has kinda scattered across the cosmos throughout that conglomerate's 27 consecutive nigh-death experiences. So who knows where it's ended up? (shrug) (non-committal grunt)
  10. Take No Prisoners also snuck out there. Heretic 2 and Portal of Praevus are fully Activision-owned. Nothing changes there. ShadowCaster was published by Origin Systems, so that's well and truly under EA's rule. EA's approach to their legacy library can be politely described as contradictory, paradoxical and stoppy-starty, so who knows what, if anything, will come from that. Probably nothing.
  11. It's the original source code, with KEX's nice multiplatform, console-friendly framework for inputs/networking/localization/etc., plus a new renderer, plus like a year of fixing bugs and swearing at an address sanitizer.
  12. La mayoría de la gente que publica en este foro sólo habla inglés. Si puedes publicar en inglés o usar una herramienta de traducción automática, será más fácil para nosotros ayudarte. ¡Gracias! Translation:
  13. 1.) Don't be a cock. 2.) When in doubt, see rule 1.
  14. Reviews seem decent, I have a Game Pass sub, and frankly I'm in the mood for a Bethesda-ass Bethesda game. Fuckit, I'm down.
  15. Well, yeah. Dishonored was made by Arkane Lyon, who went on to do Deathloop. Redfall was made by Arkane Austin, who previously did Prey 2016.
  16. The SR reboot was just the end of a ten-year run of squandered last chances. Agents of Mayhem almost got them before this, but they were able to live on enough borrowed time for one final crack at it. Which, given their history, probably wouldn't have been their final final crack at it if they hadn't somehow spent $100 million on making it, combined with Embracer's much-publicized recent financial problems. So it goes. It was always comparatively a small side-project by 1-2 devs, but Volition had publicly expressed plans to continue developing and finishing the SR2 re-port in honor of their fallen colleague as recently as last week. Who the hell knows what's going to happen with that now.
  17. No you don't. If you want to make something specifically for vanilla or chocolate or whatever, then just do that. You'll probably get like one or two kids asking you to support some other port, but you don't actually have to listen to them.
  18. There are a couple of developers on the Quake Mapping Discord and they occasionally talk about things.
  19. It sounds like there'll be some tweaks to the Berserker jump attack in the patch.
  20. This might be incorrect and I might not be sober at this exact moment, but I recall Games Workshop being fairly litigious about fangame stuff in the past. I do not know how they are nowadays, but I can understand people not wanting to go to the effort of all those custom assets only to wind up getting Foxed.
  21. He's briefly immortal upon spawning for as long as it takes for him to shout threats at you, but this should end once his voiceover ends and he starts actively pursuing and attacking you. Emphasis on should. If this ever happens again, shoot me a video clip and I'll see what can be done. EDIT: IIRC there's some slightly whacky stuff in GZDoom's current stable build re: waiting for a sound to end that also makes Aperaham Lincoln a pain to fight, that's since been fixed in the development build. See if the devbuild makes any difference!
  22. Both. You wouldn't use a screwdriver for a nail, now would you?
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