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Everything posted by Kinsie

  1. In the worst case scenario, the game contains some Id-created config files you can use to jump straight to the start of a specific Unit with (some of) the weapons you're expected to have by that point. exec warehouse.cfg exec jail.cfg exec mine.cfg exec factory.cfg exec power.cfg exec biggun.cfg exec hangar.cfg exec city.cfg exec boss.cfg It's not cheating because it's in the manual!
  2. Hey look, it's the awful sprite I convinced myself would be a placeholder when I drew it! Maybe one day I'll draw some more shadows on it to better fit with the rest of the Doom setting. This is why I'm not a pixel artist. :V As for mine... once upon a time, many moons ago, I was in a poorly-ventilated classroom being taught how to use some ancient version of Linux (it might have been red hat?) for Server Admin Purposes. Incredibly bored, I dug up some MSpaint-style program (it might have been gnome-paint?) and did some doodling. One of those doodles, for reasons, I can't entirely explain, was an attempt to draw some blocks from Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land from memory. I failed, but the results stuck with me and I kept one of them, semi-regularly re-drawing it in vectors and using it as "my online brand" for some stupid reason.
  3. I'm not exactly familiar with the Dune setting because I'm a cultureless grub, but Westwood's "Dune 2" RTS sets up a version of the setting conducive to open combat. Taking cues from that with clever reference to old mechanics from that game (ie. a path of stone ground with buildings and their ruins acting as level structure, with worms gobbling your guts if you venture too far into the sands) and you could have something that at least evokes the setting to a reasonable, if somewhat gimmicky degree.
  4. I think there's definitely a good core idea in a sci-fi TC where you have to 100% monsters to open the exit. It's an intuitive idea and not enormously difficult to script. It's all the creative decisions surrounding that that are the interesting, tricky part (ex. how cheesy will the sci-fi bit be?)
  5. Despite all compatibility charts, I have managed to get exactly one title working in Vita3k. Luckily, it's TxK. You don't need anything else, TBH. Most multicore emulators like BizHawk have good-quality ports of the relevant Mednafen cores with the innovative addition of A Sane UI. MAME isn't hugely difficult to handle nowadays, especially when pared with a good frontend.
  6. My favorite genre of poster is the one who refuses to listen to anyone who disagrees with them and instead just keeps restating their opinion increasingly loudly. It always makes for great discussion when you realize it's not actually a discussion and the OP just wants people to reinforce their opinion and pat them on the head.
  7. I mean, their search works...
  8. You haven't checked in quite a while. Their exclusivity expired quite a ways back, and the next big AAA Star Wars game on the docket is coming from Ubisoft.
  9. Did you seriously just repost your post verbatim because you didn't like the reply you got?
  10. I did, and it was barely coherent. You're jumping between multiple different topics as if they were all the same thing. An emulator getting lawyered out of existence for being run by idiots does not effect the availability of physical games does not effect the censorship of books.
  11. are you seriously comparing the culture war surrounding books in libraries to not being able to download a tears of the kingdom rom before the official release date because if so a.) what the fuck and b.) what the fuck
  12. I am going to suggest that Idthesdasoft does not have any particular plans or interest in going after people reverse-engineering the old console ports or making PC-format TCs imitating them, given that a.) they have people who post here and know all about them, b.) they commissioned some of the people doing it to do the official Doom 64 port, and c.) they didn't go after anyone else's projects after they did that. That doesn't necessarily mean they won't or can't do it, but there pretty visibly hasn't been a hunger for that specific fight over the last few years.
  13. They'll be fine if their authors aren't fucking idiots.
  14. Also when you patreon-paywall compatiblity fixes specifically for pre-release zero-day first-party titles. Also when you register an LLC for your emulator. Or ROM site. Surprising number of people willing to provide a neck for some very large hands to throttle! Just license your emulator off to Digital Eclipse or other compilation developers. Lord knows we know Capcom isn't going to go after MAME because they use bits of it for Arcade Stadium! Probably the other Switch and 3DS emulators that already exist, are already in deep development, take less hacky approaches to compatibility and are being headed up by people who aren't running fucking Twitter ads.
  15. I used it in a 720p window for quite a while when Yamagi wasn't working properly for me.
  16. The Vault description says it was used in an expo demo build shown at CES before it was cut.
  17. Yes. The Avenger level has been dug up from the archives and restored to playability by Lucius. It's available in the Vault menu.
  18. The recent ROTT remaster also featured both devs, plus the Night Dive gang (Kaiser, Quasar, LexiMax, Edward850 etc.), plus a few more Doom community members tagging in like Gooberman, Arlene and MTrop. And also HDoomGuy, for reasons. That's probably cheating though. This thread's mostly about those who made their way up to the major leagues.
  19. Also had a lengthy history on Call of Duty and Titanfall before getting swallowed up by the Live Service void. Mans has been pushing brushes for a long, long time. Still there as an Executive Producer as recently as last year, unless Mobygames is fibbing to/at me. IIRC after Ritual Entertainment shut down/got sold off, Levelord went onto a brief spurt of designing casual hidden-object games as an indie developer before briefly putting down gamedev to care for an ailing family member, then falling back into the FPS fold with the Duke 3D Anniversary episode. I think he was last seen being involved to some undefined extent with Atomic Heart. After Ritual, Tom co-founded Escalation Studios with former Id Guy Shawn Green, which worked on such titles as Doom Resurrection (aka the bad iphone touch screen lightgun game), the 3D/VR version of Please Don't Touch Anything, the PASS Time game mode in Team Fortress 2 and Doom 2016's Snapmap mode (hence the Perdition's Gate reference in one of the official Snapmap levels!) before getting swallowed into becoming Bethesda Game Studios Dallas, where they've primarily worked on dragging Fallout 76 into the realm of basic dignity and co-developing Starfield. Matthias has been a very busy lad over the decades, and is currently the design lead on "special projects" (read: tech demos, occasional weird fortnite shit) over at Epic Games. You last saw his work on the "The Matrix Awakens" Unreal Engine 5 tech demo!
  20. The search system stopped indexing new posts sometime around December, yes. It is a known issue that's been posted about a bunch here, and the admins both know about and are pursuing it, but there's no schedule for a fix or whatever and the admins are not professional Web Server Janitors, so it might take a minute. Please be patient and understanding! There should probably be a sticky about this, to be honest. People ask about it roughly once a week.
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