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Everything posted by Kinsie

  1. Not a huge fan of the overly desaturated and depressing color scheme compared to 2016's intense orange skies and Eternal's colorful environments full of glowing videogame powerups, but also it seems to by and large be mostly one area shown so far, so maybe other areas get weirder and funkier. Curious to see what falls out the other side, and witness how the community will inevitably pull from it for classic Doom modding projects. I pretty strongly disagree with you on this. Doom 3 had it's own very distinct visual identity separate from the DOS series, with a lot more grey, copper and chrome tones than the original game's fairly bright palette, and with monster designs pulling more from Hollywood sci-fi horror like Aliens than the goat-horned heavy metal album covers and airbrush fantasy artists that fueled the original art.
  2. I can't get excited about Early Access games anymore.
  3. I don't think we need another thread spamming the algorithm's hallucinations.
  4. I remember an EDGE(?) mapset cheating at this by having the first map basically be a dark empty room that immediately called a script to end the level without an end-level stat screen, allowing it to immediately trigger a text intermission before the first proper level.
  5. Looks like PC levels with a few nips and tucks (and some 3DO enemies?)
  6. I'm just going to keep this thread going for this one.
  7. Not every game is for everyone, and that’s fine… but let’s make this a discussion. Is there anything specific you’re getting hung up on, like weapons or level design? Or just kinda getting worn out?
  8. The Secret History of Mac Gaming is an excellent tome on this exact subject. I have the original, pre-expanded version. It's excellent, full of information and also probably thick enough to concuss someone with. Perhaps a pinch pricy in physical form, but there's a text-only digital version that's a very reasonable ten bucks. It has The Kinsie Endorsement, for what little that's worth. Throw it on your favorite tablet or ebook reader, pair with a dash of Mini VMac and SheepShaver and you've got a fascinating little hike through an alternate history on your hands.
  9. It was a standalone game that didn't require Wolfenstein 3D to run, loaded with most of Id's assets. That's pretty commonplace now in the Wolf4SDL era and they don't seem to give a shit because there are much bigger fish to fry, but back they it wasn't and they very much did. Just because Id is pretty lax about our bullshit nowadays doesn't mean they've always been, or they always will be! It's not difficult to find, and indeed a well-known modder did a port of it to Wolf4SDL back in 2018.
  10. Wikipedia: I wanna say that Capstone/IntraCorp's financial issues and failed attempt to go public were starting to really set in around this time, which probably had something to do with it.
  11. I mostly read non-fiction, and mostly while eating out. A while back I spent a year or so chewing through all of John Dickie's books on the Italian Mafia(s). Some 1,500+ pages covering 150 years of sinister plots, shady deals and monstrous violence, piece by piece. Haven't quite worked up the gusto to tackle something on that scale again yet.
  12. You can't* and you shouldn't**. You can't temporarily disable the HUD in GZDoom by default, you'll have to craft your own solution by defining a custom HUD (either in SBARINFO or ZScript) and setting it up to not draw the HUD if, say, a certain inventory item is in the player's inventory. Then you can just toggle the HUD on and off by giving or taking the inventory item with ACS like anything else. Setting it up in SBARINFO is very easy. ZScript is ZScript, but if you're already delving down those dark paths, it's not that much harder. (* Zandronum allows scripts to use certain whitelisted console commands. This is considered extremely dangerous and will be removed eventually. No other ZDoom family ports have supported it, and they never will.) (** This isn't Quake 1. We have better ways to do shit nowadays.)
  13. For some stupid reason, Project Brutality only defines SpawnIDs for monsters, not DoomEd numbers. This means that if you want to spawn one of the new monsters, or a specific non-randomized monster, you need to place a Map Spot and use ACS to spawn them that way. It's pretty dumb. You can crack open the PBTEST map to see such machinations in action. I like to think I've been a pretty strong, loud proponent of making gameplay mods mapper-friendly, so I'm pretty disappointed by this discovery TBH. Gameplay modders should absolutely give their stuff editor numbers and editor keys. It takes like five seconds, there's no excuse.
  14. Someone once dared me to beat E4M1 of Heretic on the hardest difficulty. I managed it, though admittedly it took most of the afternoon and required more savescumming than one should probably admit to in polite company. I don't speak to that person anymore. I also completed a challenge to knock out E1 of SNES Doom on... I think it was HMP. Which doesn't sound like a challenge until you try and fucking play it in the year of our lord 2022. Zombiemen were the most dangerous enemy in the game, somehow? I'm not sure how that works out in the grand scheme of things, all I know is I found it alarmingly painful.
  15. 1.) why 2.) why 3.) You can add or remove episodes from the game by editing BLOOD.INI
  16. Things generally take a bit of a dive around this time of year. Likely coinciding with summer school holidays in the US or something? I'm not really sure how the timetables work out. Just one of those recurring storms we must all weather. Personally, I'd prefer if moderation got a bit stricter to make Being A Bad Poster a bit less viable, but I'm sure the people in charge have their reasons.
  17. Incredible tech-artist work in mapping the C64's "vibe" over a 3D world, but there isn't really a lot of game shown off yet. Which I suppose is due to it being developed by one person, but hopefully they can give the whole cowboy-gunfights bit as much love as they've given the visuals.
  18. If your dentist says you need it removed, you need it removed. Why the fuck do people insist on asking an internet forum dedicated to hacking a three-decade old videogame for medical advice?
  19. I see we've entered the "good posts" part of the year.
  20. LegendaryEevee, are you just copy-pasting random Google results?
  21. It's emerged, screaming and covered in unidentified fluids, on Steam, GOG and every console under the sun for Twenty Earth Dollars. I played the first few maps last night, and it sure is the 3DO game PO'ed, albeit with controls that don't make me want to scream and some clever little tweaks here and there.
  22. Any perceived lack of evolution can be mostly put down to all three of the remaining Duke3D mappers being utter sickos for 90s UI design and reacting to modern UX innovations in much the same way as a vampire to sunlight.
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