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Everything posted by mrthejoshmon

  1. New rule: you can save, only at the start of a new level. It's a password system now, like the good old days, now you are going to worry about being shot.
  2. If I am stood outside the exit I ain't even checking those stats, door's right there son I'm gone. The only exception is secret levels, if I cannot access a secret level passed a certain point then that's the only time I'd care, then I'd just load a save from the start of the level and find the secret exit. If the door closes on an imp then lucky him I guess, he gets to live.
  3. The best part of mascot horror is that the title itself is a misnomer. Because that shit always forgets the horror part, or is just so milktoast and terrible that calling it horror is generous at best and a lie at worst. Garten of BanBan is literally one of the worst culprits, on top of that fucking 7 of them have released in the span of a year so it is quite genuinely thoughtless mass produced slop.
  4. Ah yes, Doomworld has infamously strong political connections, our cabal will be sure to set it straight. Also, literally how?
  5. I have tried to play Hexen several times over several years and every time I get to Shadow Wood and just give up. It's needlessly hostile, vague, poorly designed and (most criminal of all) not actually a particularly fun game to play because of said faults. Combat is actually pretty fun, shame it is attached to maps made out of spite. I've been told that it is actually really cleverly designed and that there are subtle hints on how to progress, rarely does it actually do this and most of the "hints" are referencing something you don't even know existed by the time you got there so really it's more like foreshadowing at that point. Also being told "You've solved 1/9th of the puzzle" isn't a hint or clever, that's because your puzzle is nonsense and you couldn't fathom a way to explain it. No they didn't learn from this, Hexen 2 is just as odd but now they have even more tools to fuck with.
  6. Took a look inside the files. I swear to God .exe style "horror" is the worst thing to happen to horror media ever.
  7. Nah, I ain't too excited for any new Doom games but I will play them, absolutely. They just kinda went a way I ain't interested in, they still good games but I can't get along with it as much. I'd be worried about a new Quake, I feel like they might take the wrong lessons from Doom's later entries and be in your face and corny over dark and brooding. - As for Star Wars, nah G, I gaslit myself thinking the prequels were my favourite and upon watching again they are most certainly not that. Only good thing out of those trash fires are that the clones are pretty cool (and not much else).
  8. I love Serious Sam, I detest Serious Sam 4. Reasons: Runs like ass for literally no reason, mainly because by default the game runs with capped memory and doesn't cache resources (for some reason). The writing is bad, less Serious Sam goofy but closer to Borderlands 3 post modern cringe (and yes, I unironically just used cringe) A large amount of encounters suck, genuinely it lacks the appealing arenas, gameplay and set design of the previous entries Bugged to high heaven and unfinished, I spent the entire motorbike level without a single encounter correctly triggering (nothing happened for 15 minutes) The legion system used to show thousands of enemies sucks, looks terrible and is used exactly once Most maps are just massive empty (even for Serious Sam) voids and fields of nothing. It's a shame, because at the core it is a hell of a game and Siberian Mayhem is exactly what 4 should have been, Siberian Mayhem is excellent and I love it.
  9. I missed out on a lot, keeping it gaming related I was late to the party for online gaming, specifically I got in towards then later days of 360 Xbox live. I only got in on the tail end of Halo Reach, in time to enjoy the base game and freshly resent the changes 343 would make (that left it broken for a week or so, good job idiots). In what I wanted to play I found nothing but dying and empty worlds and thus I found myself more at home in online wastelands and said dying worlds. I played a lot of Defiance, well after the show was in season 3, and found myself topping leaderboards through the sole merit of being one of the very few there. I'd have loved to see that game populated, had a chance with the soft reboot but man they fumbled that one hard, now it is gone forever.
  10. I hate dating sims, the scariest enemies (women) are the majority and my heart can't take it. Also, Wolf 3D scariest horror game?
  11. d722vsZ.png


    God damn it


    Not sure what the issue is, either I've made this too complex or there is one sector monging everything up.

    Either way, classic render outright bombs out.

    1. mrthejoshmon




      Answer: Too complex, even for PsyDoom.
      Solution: Split into 2 maps

      Gonna have to redesign my original vision for this level and cut it in half. Got to be careful to not exceed the limit on this half too.

      Might make it a boss level, to compensate.

    2. taufan99


      That's interesting. Gotta let @intacowetrust know about it, I guess?

    3. mrthejoshmon


      In that case, here is the broken version for examination and tinkering


  12. Jesus H Christ. - In all sincerity, get some help. Genuinely you are portraying yourself as quite the medical disaster and with the incredibly low literacy and common sense rates in America I am inclined to believe you are genuine.
  13. These works seem very PilotRedSun, I approve Grungo, do good job.
  14. Did you know that, whilst you are supposed to spit out excessive foam and spit after brushing, you are not supposed to rinse your mouth out afterwards? It is a trope that TV and movies accidentally told you to do, you aren't supposed to do that, also visit a dentist, they will set you on the right path. There's also hard and soft water. Hard water contains much more minerals which are theorised to contribute to teeth health due to the presence of said minerals, the teeth seem to form a film that facilitates plaque build up. It is often a point of contention, it isn't universally agreed upon that hard water does much in terms of dental hygiene and studies show it might be minimal at best. What I'm saying is get a water softener if you are paranoid from the knowledge I have inflicted upon ye. Eat calcium rich food, don't drink as much fizzy or sugary drinks (like monster, yes I can already tell), wash your whole mouth, use a floride based toothpaste or a mineral toothpaste (when losing your enamel it will never return, you can only improve what is left)... Another tip is to not refer to yourself as a femcel, that never achieves anything good ever.
  15. System Shock 2 is a certified banger and you should play it after whichever you pick first.
  16. The original was somewhat unassailable for most, and admittedly even myself. The enhanced release was so much easier to make progress in, amazing what wonders small control changes do. I got to engineering in both versions, engineering is confusing hostility incarnate until you realise you aren't even supposed to be there yet and you just run through it. After I learnt this in the remaster I've been considering another go at it.
  17. My boy, Graggle Simpson, carried the series. Shame they got rid of him later on, about series 11, that's where it all went downhill.
  18. The amusing thing is that not having a favourite thing in anything heavily implies a lack of nuanced and critical thought, therefore being arguably more shallow and childish. So great work, I guess, really stuck it to em.
  19. I always preferred Treyarch entries to be honest. Black Ops 1, the sequel was aight too but after that it fell off hard for me, World at War was great for the co-op campaign especially but unfortunately the multiplayer was monged to fuck by hackers. MW3 was janky and kinda shit and I ain't even gonna talk about how wank Ghosts was (literally stopped playing the series because of that one).
  20. A sombre track, an inhuman demonic mechanical noise, the sounds of stomping encroaching your position, spewing instant death...
  21. I want to see a custom episode created for PsyDoom, nothing special just a bunch of mappers, maybe even just newbie mappers for a fun exercise in messing around. I've got a map in the works, I would literally start this but I am such a bad project leader.
  22. Sort of. https://www.moddb.com/mods/dntm/downloads/duke-nukem-total-meltdown-tc-v11-re-upload It makes the entirety of Duke 3D into the Playstation version, so close enough. EDIT probably literally the same one mentioned above.
  23. It did have them. And leaderboards too. I can live without achievements but leaderboards were top tier shit, played the hell out of it to see how high I could get.
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