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Everything posted by mrthejoshmon

  1. Technically, that would indeed be last month, so he is right.
  2. Good old VPN, only use it to purchase old console games, legally, from Ebay, honest. However man, I only use the clear web and I reckon it ain't worth keeping around, maybe for p2p games?
  3. I'm gonna go on a limb and say it's because very little of importance, interest or value is posted in said threads and nothing would be lost if it was gone yet it floods the forum with thousands of posts and forever stays at the top of the list, pushing more interesting discussion down? Just a guess.
  4. Thank you for the kind words, video was a good run though and I must say I cannot think of a more fitting mod than Walpurgis and I think I'll do a run of it with it myself (Walpurgis is a great mod, I usually play as Illitheya, the next map I'm working on is for Heretic and I'll be recommending using Walpurgis when I release it). I swear I put a soulsphere in that fight but I probably accidentally left it untagged for lower difficulties like a dope, I'll have to check that (maybe a megasphere would be more fitting). As for interest, TNT mapping is niche and that's fine by me, I love TNT and just want more of it.
  5. They're pretty cool looking and in theory pretty badass however in actuality they're kinda shit. I had a plan where I wanted to make a level about a bombed out warzone where Spider Masterminds would chase you down like Half-Life 2 striders but when it came to execution the fuckers fought themselves more than the player and also would get stuck on every little detail on the map, making it a complete bust.
  6. Thank you for the demo. I have some ideas on how the later sections can be improved by watching this. Thank you for the feedback. A lot of the issue with the later section is down to it both being indoors and the fact it was developed first in the map, I find large expanses easier and more manageable to make something interesting out of whilst indoors I lack such skills. I've noticed a lot of indoors sections are easily door camped and I think I have a few ideas on how to fix this. - UPDATED DOWNLOAD More resources in desert/forest area Forest area more navigable by players and monsters alike Small changes to later encounters Small fixes
  7. @scrm @Oxyde Thank you for the playthroughs, I have spotted some rooms for improvement through viewing your demo and video, I have some changes I will be making, especially around ammo in the desert/forest section @LadyMistDragon Thank you for the video, it is still processing on my end and I will get to viewing it shortly. EDIT: I have finished the video, once again I have noticed issues regarding ammo in certain areas I need to address.
  8. The use of AI for "making" pieces of "creative work" is one of the worst things people have "given" to online communities. It's never worth the time looking at and I will forever be baffled by the fact that the incomprehensible spew/generic cookie cutter trite that squelches out like some pre-slopped horrific fuckin stillbirth will be looked upon by the maniac who conjured it with a "yeah chief, this is it". It isn't it, this disgusting half born chimera never was it and never will be it.
  9. Thank you for the kind words and video playthrough. Don't worry too much about running it in Doom 2 by mistake, it is done quite often. Thanks to your playthrough I have spotted a softlock at the red key area (the one you rocket jumped out of) and will get it fixed as soon as I can, thank you.
  10. WITCHELL is a Witchaven inspired level for TNT made for Boom compatible sourceports. STORY: The level is another long one, landing playtesting sessions from about 20-30 minutes, the difficulty can be charitably described as intermediate and shouldn't pose too much of a struggle for the average player. Originally I was going to modify the weaponry to have a more medieval theme and be melee focused, this idea was abandoned because it wasn't very good (and you'll see why when you get there). IMPORTANT INFORMATION: IWAD: TNT FORMAT: BOOM MAP#: MAP01 MOD COMPATIBLE: YES SCREENSHOTS: UPDATED DOWNLOAD CREDITS: Witchaven texture pack by Ceeb on Realm667 Powerslave texture pack by Ceeb on Realm667 Mortal Kombat 3 Wasteland midi by Zero Beats on VGMusic Crapstone for making Witchaven and giving me a longing for a better game. Team TNT for making the objective best IWAD id Software for Doom You for reading this, maybe playing too. BUGS: I know about the slime trail on the stairs in the mini fort, I chased that little fucker all over the map and trapped him there for now, hopefully he stays there.
  11. Blue, PSX Doom and N64 used a fair amount of blue/light blue lighting to great effect and it has really stuck with me.
  12. I've never had the pleasure of playing Twisted Metal however I have heard nothing but praise. I am more familiar with the bizarre story behind Twisted Metal Lost and the whole letter sent by dead developers telling Sony to release what they made after a plane crash, which is obviously not true but an interesting way to explain why it was included as additional content.
  13. Depends. If I play something like Ready or Not, I want the gun to be as accurate as possible in the game that's trying to be as realistic as possible (despite the fact that unarmoured goons are the fucking Terminator but I digress). If the game is a sci-fi/fantastical game then go fuckin nuts with it. There are limitations and through lines however. For instance I am fine with Half-Life 1 having the military use/adding a grenade launcher to the MP5 despite the fact it makes little sense but I am not fine with Half-Life 2's smg (that looks like an MP7) having a grenade launching ability despite the fact it has no method of firing it (literally, it lacks the attachment, that grenade comes from nowhere, I get the weapon is an amalgamation of several weapons that were cut but Christ man). I am also somewhat bothered by the shotgun, clearly modelled after a Spas, having double barrelled fire (it has one barrel). Shit just has to at least look like it makes slight sense or at least be so fantastical in design it doesn't matter.
  14. When I release a level it has the nasty habit of being 20-30 minutes long. When I record the level just to put up a video of it, I must get it all in 1 continuous run. I swear the times I have choked so close to the end, every single time I have died to something dumb, pain and frustration but I do it because I want to.
  15. Actually contributing, if I go to make a new thread it autofills to a half finished thread where I was gushing about TNT and why I love TNT, so might as well post it here, didn't get very far: TNT is routinely shit upon, this is no secret and this is no surprise. There are many reasons why people don't like TNT; "amateurish", "boring", "ugly" and "confusing" are often thrown around. Valid stances I'm sure. I think differently, I think TNT is great, this is no secret. I recently thought to myself "why? Why do I think TNT fucks?". So I got a couple thoughts together and I think I figured it out. Story: Gameplay:
  16. That's great. I was hoping for you to explain the point rather than brashly say it and refuse to divulge further.
  17. I have depicted myself as the Chad, you as the loser, I have won this argument.
  18. Never played Pokemon, never liked the idea of Pokemon (just doesn't appeal to me) and only ever watched the anime as a kid (I didn't like it too much). Don't particularly like survival games or base builders that much either. So Palworld could not appeal to me any less than it already does. I will not jump to conclusions of it because I ain't playing it and won't play it, but if I was to do that (which I will now do in the next sentence) I'd say it's another fad game.
  19. The easier starting section geometry is done.






    Now to just make the gameplay.

    Then I will need to learn how to make custom melee weapons and enemies for the modded ZDoom version I want to release alongside the Boom version. Should be fun.

    1. obake


      The map's looking awesome!

  20. This is sound advice, you can quote the same post multiple times then edit them to trim them down to the section you are responding to, or in this case, do the public service of capitalising letters for the unwashed philistine: See how much better that is? Always follow correct etiquette, especially when teaching etiquette!
  21. Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes, God yes. I am trying to build things like mountains and temples/fortresses in Boom format and the added room over room would make it so much easier to make great looking complex structures without using mid textures.
  22. I miss Newstuff reviews, however they mainly consisted of a few brave and respectable volunteers (I once threw my hat in the ring and did a few myself and damn man, it was hard work actually and I didn't think I could hold a candle to the absolute heroes that were getting the quality reviews out there, I remember folks like gaspe being hella dedicated to it) and the recent review sidebar was mainly filled with the most popular/controversial at the time so it wasn't very good for finding anything. But they were nice, miss em once they're gone. L take, those reviews are just modern Everything Else threads (I am one of those to blame).
  23. I find the abstract techno-hell of older FPS games like Doom very appealing. If you come to look at it more through the lens of how games were at the time, if you compare Doom to what was out at the same time (this important, SAME time) then you'd see that realistic 3D environments were not as feasible with the software/engines we had and the one's that tried until say Duke, Blood ect looked like shit quite frankly. This is unrelated to the OP, seeing as the OP seems unrelated to itself, I just want to say my words.
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