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Jaws In Space

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About Jaws In Space

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    Zooming along shooting demons in the face.
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  1. Hey everyone, just another small update. dt_ has recently finished a new map 04, so that leaves only map 30 as being yet unfinished. The plan is still to release this project before 2025, so that gives us 7 months to finish things up. In the meantime is there anyone who would like to make a few midis for this project? There needs to be some rearranging of the current track list & we are still about 10 midis short of a completely original soundtrack.
  2. Technically we've only been in the Alpha stage for 3.5 years :P Yeah it's taking a long time, but it is still being worked on, just very slowly. I've not gotten any status updates from Wraith or Heretic926 about their maps so I really don't have any set date for a final release though. One thing I will stand firm on though is that I won't let this project drag on for another year, this project will release in 2024, no exceptions.
  3. Someone putting a 2 or a 3 in the title of their project doesn't make it an official sequel in any capacity. In my opinion the only way for a sequel to be official is if the original authors significantly contribute to a sequel, for example Memento Mori 2. The next best thing one can hope for is approval from the original project creators like with Yonatan Donner giving his approval to the creators of Hell Revealed 2. I mean lets be real here there are wads called Plutonia 3 & Plutonia 4 but nobody considers them to be even remotely official yet they both have a number in their title. The thing with calling a project Hell Revealed 3 specifically is that for a very long time after the release of HR2 Andy Olivera, the guy who finished and released HR2, was here & very active on Doomworld so anyone could have just asked him if they could have called their project Hell Revealed 3.
  4. I pick TNT: Evilution by a fair margin. Icarus: Alien Vanguard has a neat idea by having the 3 different themes spread across the entire megawad instead of doing it by episodes like every other megawad ever, so it get originality points for that. The execution of the themes leaves a bit to be desired though, there's not a lot to really separate the planet & simulation maps from a visual style so it can be had to tell which is which, especially for maps with gimmicks like Donnybrook which is a planet level. I also think that the level design of the maps in Icarus are of a much lover quality than in Evilution. The ship levels are kind of uninspired, for the most part they have good visual consistency across the wad, but they should have gone with a more interesting texture choice than the SILVER & SHAWN textures which give the maps a very bland appearance. The simulation maps are all over the board in quality, the more gimmicky ones while interesting are usually the worst to play, for example Flipside & WarTemple. The Planet maps fair the best as they mostly come off as standard Doom maps, which is unfortunate because it means that Icarus is at it's best when it's at it's most uninteresting. In my opinion the highest highs are in Evilution the lowest lows are in Icarus & on the whole Icarus just has a lot more average maps compared to Evilution.
  5. Jews In Space Doomadult Zaser DMphobus Phobos Dobu Gobu Mobu Esselfartium Banjogami Wanfetti Confalonieri Froggle Transman 5shockblast Bridge Builder The Red Herring Handsaw Use2.5d
  6. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension I'm pretty sure I've watched this film from start to finish twice & I honestly couldn't tell you a thing about it. It's the most forgettable movie I've ever seen. It has a pretty stacked cast & a weird alien invasion plot that you would think would make for a fun b-movie, but it's just incredibly boring. The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!? Never seen this one, but I've seen the title pop up a few times. I'm pretty sure the title spoofs the full title of Dr. Strangelove.
  7. January 1995 - Team TNT Founded July 1995 - The Casali's Join Team TNT 24 October 1995 - ID buys TNT Evilution (Some maps removed from project by Shawn Green) 17 June 1996 - Final Doom is released
  8. Here's a map of all the states I've been to with the one I live in shaded darker. There are a lot of metrics on how to determine what the worst state is so I'll base my answer on what I do when I visit each state, hiking & visiting federal, state, & local parks & preserves. From the states I've visited I can say without a shadow of a doubt the state that is by far and away the absolute worst for outdoor recreational activities is Mississippi. I've actually hiked the state f couple times, a few days in 2016 & also a few days in March of this year. Not only are there just far less parks to visit compared to other states, but the ones that do exist are all in a state of disrepair. The locals don't seem to give a shit about their parks either as a rather high number of them seemed to be used as dumping grounds for trash or they are used as place to destroy the roads by mud running with their big stupid trucks. I think I'd put Indiana as second worst, but that has more to do with the fact that it's a state in the middle of absolutely nothing.
  9. For old team Megawads made back in the 90's there's 2 good ways to figure out who made the custom textures. First is to look at the first 2 or 3 letters of a textures name. For Example in TNT: Evilution you can see some textures that start with the letters DO, DOB, & TY. These would have been made or found by Drake O'Brien & Ty Halderman. Second is to look at whose map the custom textures appear on. Again as an example there are several custom TNT: Evilution textures that appear only on the 4 Casali maps. Since from Plutonia we know that the Casali's are capable of making their own textures, it's pretty safe to assume that they made the custom textures that they used on their maps. Beyond that if it's not documented in a text file it's pretty much impossible to know for sure.
  10. Okay so this thread made me a bit curious to find out if the Moon is affected by the Earth's axis at the North & South Pole in Summer & Winter like the Sun is. Here's a quote from an article I found. "At the beginning of Summer, when the sun is highest in the sky, the moon would be in the sky for 2 weeks; the 2 weeks closest to New Moon. Then the moon would be below the horizon for 2 weeks. At the beginning of Fall, when the sun is at sunset all of the time, the moon would be up in your sky for the 2 weeks closest to Last Quarter , and then below the horizon for the next 2 weeks. At the beginning of Winter, when it's nighttime all of the time, the moon would be in the sky for the 2 weeks closest to Full Moon, and then below the horizon for the next 2 weeks. And at the beginning of Spring, when the sun is at sunrise all of the time, the moon would be up in the sky for the 2 weeks closest to First Quarter, and then below the horizon for the next 2 weeks." So it turns out that at the North & South Pole there are 4 two week periods near the Equinoxes & Solstices where the Moon wouldn't be visible at all. Also if you live south of the 45th North Parallel or north of the 45th South Parallel the Moon can be viewed year round & can end up being viewed at any time during the day.
  11. What a bizarre question. Do some people just not look up during the day? Have they not heard of Solar Eclipses? Yes the Moon can be visible at all times of the day.
  12. Yes, feel free to make something. Just as a reminder this project is aiming for vanilla compatibility, also maps are to be made in the style of the original map authors Tom Mustaine & Jimmy Sieben. If you need help with any of those aspects feel free to ask, & if all else fails I've made changes to many of the maps in this project to get them were they need to be. Also custom midis are greatly appreciated as we are still quite a few short of where we need to be.
  13. I don't know what happened to v0.5, but here is v0.6 which is the most up to date. I think only map 29 is a little outdated. PGR_Alpha0.6.zip
  14. I couldn't find the original link, but I hope this is what you are looking for Doom V0.3 for Doom This was originally created by Linguica a few days after V0.3 was released to the public.
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