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Jaws In Space

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About Jaws In Space

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    Zooming along shooting demons in the face.
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  1. Having unbelievably bad luck today. I was wanting to do some catching up on testing vanilla compatibility of TNT: Revilution maps & maybe even get ahead. Instead I've spent several hours on just map 21. I ran into a vanilla error that I've never seen before & then out of the blue not 10 minutes after solving that issue Chocorenderlimits became corrupted on my computer. No biggie, just go to the website & download it...nope download link isn't there anymore. After some searching tough I did find this thread, so now I'm back on track & nearly done with testing this cursed map.


    1. Fonze


      That's a lot of work and terribly more with setbacks; (that bug is a rare and kinda funny one, but another reason to use joined sectors gingerly) I'm glad to hear you're back on track, though. Good luck Jaws!

    2. Doomkid


      Ugh, hate when crap like that happens!

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