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About Breeder

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  1. Sweet, it's about time I do another video in that case. :)
  2. Can you destroy the gonks for power cells?
  3. I don't think it hurts. I mean it's not like you did a Senile 90's Lucas or Present Days Disney over haul or anything, so you're closer to authentic cannon than most. ;)
  4. This project deserves more attention! How can anyone be overlooking this gem?!
  5. I think it looks exceptional my man!
  6. I wish more people would boycott Youtube and start supporting the other platforms. I am sick and tired of them allowing all sorts of deranged, pornographic, violent, content, then turning around and giving me strikes because I am trying to share information on subjects from as many sides as possible, both popular, and unpopular.
  7. Star Wars: DOOM Zero Wardusted {part 2} (11/06/2021)
  8. Thank you, and I use Captura. Keep up the great work, I am loving the improvements!
  9. I've made a video of my self trying to play Heretic with your Total Conversion. I intend to do more this week. Heretic WarDusted
  10. Oh wow, I didn't even know you were still working on this! I just uploaded two short videos on Youtube last night demonstrating some of your old work. Xim's work is cool, but I was really sad to see yours go.
  11. What's the latest version of this?
  12. There is a mod out there somewhere (I lost it) that turns all the DOOM weapons into Jedi Outcast/Academy weapons. What is it called and where is it? EDIT: I was looking for Wardust's work, for some reason I thought it was 3D models but it was actually hi-def sprites. So anyhow, ignore this post.
  13. I am trying to find a Russian pwad for PrBOOM-Plus. It requires GL, features a long bridge at the beginning, and has a track from one of the Alice in Wonderland games by American McGee.
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