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Demon of the Well

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  1. New PWADs Played, FYE 2023, part 4, November Wrapup -- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


    TNT: Devilution by various authors

    2022: A Doom Odyssey by pcorf, Kristian Nebula, and Chris Hansen

    Wormwood IV: The Final Chapter by Ribbiks, Grain of Salt, and dannebubinga

    Infested E2 by ginc

    DBP 52: Havoc in Creation by various authors

    Capybara by various authors

    A Lost World by Dumbdoot6677

    Disorder by Nefelibeta

    Beneath Phobos Lab #5 by PeterMoro

    Baphomet's Satellite by Cacodemon187

    Tenebris Silva by Kan3

    Night on Doom Mountain by Cannonball

    The Lost Magic by Vortale

    Yum by Meowgi

    Medi's Box of Shit by Master Medi

    NapsNoWADMo by Napsalm

    512 Linedefs of /vr/ by various authors

    Assault on Nukeway Enterprises by InTraining

    Existence by thiccyosh

    Techseus Labyrinth by DoomRevolver

    Terraformal by nerdemperor

    Malignant by Sesamia

    Eschatology 1: Decayed Faith by Remilia Scarlet

    Fear of the Dark by smeghammer

    The Gulf of Madness by xdarkmasterx

    Necrotic Ooze from Dimension X by JediMB

    Atonement by Moustachio

    Xerxesia by Xyzzy01

    Notes: Skimmed/hopped around this one. It's a career compilation/omnibus-style release, which full preserves most of the many disparate styles and aesthetics of the various smaller releases comprising it (again showing another facet of the new MBF21 standard's utility for mappers). Most of its maps I've played before, but a few were new to me.

    Stickney Installation by Snaxalotl

    Notes: Episodes 2, 3, and 4. I had already played E1 back when it first released, earlier in the year.

    Exorcist by NDGamer00

    Notes: Hexen campaign, a rare beast. Sadly, this is my one and only DNF of the year; I was sidetracked at some point, and felt I had been away too long. I'll have to replay it again properly at some point.


    Onwards to next year. Mortes saltantes.

    1. Cynical



      New black metal from the guys behind Lucifyre and Cultes Des Ghoules.  Cool album, reminds me a lot of Mutiilation going on a SVEST bender.

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