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Major Arlene

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Everything posted by Major Arlene

  1. +1 for DSDA 0.26 to have mention somewhere this year - as your average UDMF enjoyer, the UDMF for DSDA is a fantastic way for mappers to have the QoL features of UDMF without the "bloat".
  2. Probably because they thought it was final. In the panel I hosted at PAX, Scott Miller of Apogee said he was surprised the ROTT IP was still so beloved 30 years later, so much so the original is getting a remaster.
  3. Heeeeere we go, it's bait but I'm going for it anyway. 1. No. BTSX. End of story. 2. No. Play anything in GZDOOM. 3. Um, I invite you to try? 4. There's a thing called "copyright" 5 & 6 I have no idea as I'm not a Quake nerd. probably because this post is supposed to be about Doom idk why Quake is factoring so hard into this. 7. Trenchbroom exists and while I've not used it myself I've heard plenty of Doom modders say it's easy to use. 8. I mean, I guess? Baked-in lighting would be great but that's not how Doom operates. Idk man, just map for Quake? Doom & Quake share some themes but your post just makes you sound like a Quake fanboy. Doom has its own charms and it's stayed that way for a reason.
  4. Update: - FOXY05 (Sakura Seppuku) added - M_DOOM and INTERPIC/TITLEPIC added - Removed unused/replaced OTEX textures
  5. Kill Em With Kindness lets you pet a dog and water flowers. enjoy and hope you feel better!
  6. As someone who primarily works in UDMF I found it to be a really easy workflow, I think it's a great stopgap between Boom and GzDoom.
  7. Not actively at the moment but I do plan to post an update in the next few months when I have something more cohesive! There's lots of new assets/weapons I'm getting sussed out.
  8. you control the notifications you click on
  9. The beauty about this project is that everyone has a different take on it. People are allowed to talk about it so long as they're not being assholes to each other. And that ship has long sailed- youtubers with audiences in the millions (JackSepticEye, SomeOrdinaryGamers, penguinz0) have already played and loved this wad and it looks like audiences there were really respectful. But again, people digest art differently and everyone has a subjective take that may not be compatible with each other. We tend to argue a lot about said art, this is nothing new and definitely not the worst I've seen out of this community, heh. But I agree that we should all be respectful of each other and the author.
  10. I mentioned this album in my video but La Dispute does something similar in Rooms of the House. Takes family stories but weaves completely fictional characters into it so anyone can relate- but the way the music comes out so raw it feels entirely true. Highly recommend reading this interview: https://www.vice.com/en/article/6a87br/la-dispute-give-a-guided-tour-through-rooms-of-the-house Addendum: people can feel any way they want to about this WAD as far as being a "tribute". Everyone expresses grief differently. Personally I'd rather give the author grace that they didn't want to go into explicit details. I won't throw stones because I've also made projects focused on death and grief. I personally found the wad quite touching. It doesn't matter someone was potentially using a pseudonym or false details. The message got across and that's what matters to me.
  11. Update! -FOXY02-04 - now including the new FoxTex liquids -FOXY04 - you can no longer fall out of windows and there's music now -FOXY05 - in progress!
  12. this project is insane in all the best ways. GG.
  13. I actually tend to struggle with MAP01 as it's supposed to be the map that sets the tone for the project.
  14. some things should stay on Reddit and this is one of them. jesus.
  15. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/MAP45:_Infected_Machine_(Hordamex)
  16. Update time! - All maps now following the FOXY naming scheme. Foxy DM is now the official title of this set since I can't come up with anything cooler :P - All maps should have vanilla-only item spawns for real now, so they can be played with any mod. I'll still impress the caveat that these maps are only being tested on Insanity DM and are being built with that in mind (i.e. they're larger to accommodate gibbing explosions and the crazy weapons). - FOXY02 (Vamped) - the throne lift to the BFG/big weapon should now move faster. - FOXY03 (Urbanaut) - crate textures updated to the new ones in FoxTex and a few more added for some sightline blocking. - New map added (FOXY04 - Midnight Skinny Dip). As always, feedback is appreciated.
  17. This was a sweet little jaunt and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Great texture work that pairs well with the grand architecture and the gameplay was chill enough to allow players to enjoy the scenery. Good work!
  18. If you're streaming your entire desktop, Discord will not play sound on a window for some reason. Stream your window only and they should hear the audio if Discord's sound settings are correct.
  19. Light sprites are from the Doom64 lights pack which can be found on Realm 667. I have just always written my MAPINFO that way, there's no particular effect one way or the other afaik.
  20. So as I began to gather resources for BREAK//POINT//'s sequel, I realized that, frankly, I needed to try to use textures outside of my normal OTEX comfort zone. I also wanted to create short, interesting maps using this new texture set that explored themes that I normally wouldn't, while putting the main bits of my focus on layout and flow. Multiplayer mapping seemed like a great way to do this - Hordamex last year had scratched a creative itch that I hadn't had in quite some time. During our weekly Hellforge sessions, we sometimes lamented that the maps we played were too crowded for our player base, so I wanted to make some maps that were somewhat large. I also wanted to make something specifically for Insanity DM, which had elevated our sessions to new levels of fun and memery. So here you have it- my work in progress, FOXY DM. I'm 3 maps in so far and I've enjoyed creating and learned much from the experience and feedback of our loyal BFG Spam Squad members. This set takes advantage of Foxhead's beautiful FoxTex textures and insofar I've found a great deal of flexibility in the use of the various styles in the pack. There are some OTEX textures to fill in gaps where FoxTex hasn't reached yet, mostly liquid flats and falls. Skies are from Mek's Box 'o Skies. This PK3 is in progress and is fairly messy, but it's downloadable and functional as of current. FILE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18qu_pD_L33A4F02UW4a75K5ltf2jioYL/view?usp=sharing IMPORTANT INFO: please run this with Insanity DM 1.21 for best results. The maps can support other mods as the items placed are pretty much all vanilla, but I've no idea how well they'll play. Source port is Zandronum 3.2. Maps best played on hardware mode with dynamic lights on. THE MAPS: FOXY01 - Tangential Garden. The first map I created, this orange, green, and gray concrete map contains a couple different large arena areas, plus some higher-up spots for extra goodies. FOXY02 - Vamped. Giving in to my marble urges, this blood-soaked monochrome castle-like arena boasts a throne where one may find a hefty weapon - if they're brave enough to wait for the lift. FOXY03 - Urbanaut. A city map, sans the Sandy arrow. Get to the top of the tower to get the big weapon and yeet yourself off of it fast enough to land to safety. FOXY04 - Midnight Skinny Dip. Closer to my blue marble traditions, this map is inspired by liminal spaces, especially ones with pools. FOXY05 - Sakura Seppuku. Inspired by the pinkish-red hues of FoxTex's wood textures, I decided to implement some Shadow Warrior textures to make this map a particular Asian flavor. FOXY06 - Borne of Osiris. I've always wanted to make an Egyptian-themed map. I finally get to do that here.
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