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DOOM Anomaly

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About DOOM Anomaly

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    I am Weird Al
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  1. Hoodle-Doodles.

    Back about two weeks ago I submitted a poem I did to a poet to enter a poetry contest for me. (Which just so happens to be this poem.) Initially I intended it to be a silly joke, but the poet-person insisted that I submit it, so, I did. I didn't expect it to go anywhere because quite frankly, I didn't expect anyone there to really understand what was being said in it. :P

    Well I just got word from the poet-person that my poem tied for first place. It makes me wonder if the wonderful antics of the internet really stay only on the internet. :P In any event, I get some award dee-lee and prize in April of some sorts. Hopefully they won't ask me to say any more poetry or whatnot, that poem was a One-hit-wonder for me. :D

    I'll make sure to advertise Action DooM while I'm there. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      Numbermind said:

      You'll have to read it in front of people. HA!

      Hahaha, if that is so I will have to make sure to bring a beat along with me. :D

      Ooh and back-up dancers!

    3. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      DOOM Anomaly said:

      I'll make sure to advertise Action DooM while I'm there. :D

      No this calls for something grander. Have you considered wearing a tee shirt with the Cockodemon on it?

    4. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      Scuba Steve said:

      No this calls for something grander. Have you considered wearing a tee shirt with the Cockodemon on it?

      Grander than Action DooM?!?! Bad Command or File Name!
      Hahaha, that would be awesome! But I have no such shirt, nor the materials of making one.

      But I just got a call from the head-guy there, it turns out that I will in fact be reading my poem in front of an audience.

      I only hope they don't ask what "stfu", "wtf" and "fap" mean. :P

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