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    doomworld buny #4 or maybe #5
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  1. trying to decide whether E2 or E3 of NEIS is my fave (and generally playing lots of doom 1 work)


    "The Grinder" from No End in Sight is so cruel lol, its Xasermapness betrays itself really early and I swear the first section has to be played perfectly so that you don't run out of ammo. so many tight corners, so many opportunities to get bitten by caco and nowhere safe to stand


    and then the bridge level which follows it is SO soothing and laidback and mysterious... finding the secret route is really lovely and you get big barrel chains and huge in-fights to construct


    and then e3m5 which is technically a secret level? feels impossible as heck but I love it, so abstract and lava filled, with the constant urge to run forwards into large column filled spaces which result in you being stalked from every direction... in this one you get armed to the teeth but you run out of health so quickly and because of all the lava you can take yourself into dead ends which you cant return from in time. i love this pain - relief - pain sandwich/trifecta


    and the whole time yr excited because E3M7 is coming and you know about the first frame secret

    1. elborbahquarama


      i think i like both chapters almost as much because they both keep some subtly derived elements from the original game but going with a completely unique atmosphere of their own and much more ambitious level design and becoming an experiment of their own (something that i was kind of sad to not find more in doom the way id did)

      but if i had to choose i would go for chapter 3 as a whole because if a lot of the levels from chapter 2 feel to me like they consistently stand on their own as very well made levels more than the ones in chapter 3, the experience of playing through chapter 3 as a whole left a very strong impression on me of something so playful and almost experimental in how it mostly explored several distinct ideas in each level, and i was glad that it breaks the usual formula by having the hidden level accessible from level 4 and then a super hidden level (also i guess it helps that the last level was one of the most immersive experiences i ever had playing doom)

      those chapters are what make no end in sight a work of art in my heart

    2. yakfak


      that's a really good way of putting it!

      e3 is like going through layers of hell, e2 is a grab-bag of crazy ideas... despite all that, I think I favour E2 because it has Proving Grounds in it and I honestly think that's the best doom 1 map of all time lol

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