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Everything posted by yakfak

  1. so many people show up on these shores asking like "favourite megawad? what megawad should i play?" that im sure creators alter their goals to compensate! the way i compensated was mapping less
  2. hop hop bunny bun


    (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)

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    2. yakfak


      imo replace doomguy with sabrina the skunk from early webcomics she resonates way more with me


      the gore stuff really turns me off lol i still think the chaingunner's animation is too much and i hate brutal doom, i play doom to indulge in what mappers wanna show me and am not into anyone's guro stuff

      that's hypocritical cos if anyone put other off-putting things into their work like pixel porn or horrible venting i would be so there

    3. plums


      haha I'm not personally into furry stuff at all, but I'd still play it.


      13 year old me thought the gore was cool, but for a long time now I would be fine without it. Chaingunner death is pretty extreme if you pay attention to it but I've seen it so many times that it doesn't really register as much other than a visual indicator of the thing not being a threat.

      Horrible venting sounds like a great idea for a wad lol. Push the sidedef count to the limit with letters as sector art.

    4. Fonze


      Doom resonates best with me when I'm struggling to not die horribly; I like feeling desperate over powerful. So agreed 100% with the above posts.


      As plums said, I think there is an inherent "guns and shooting things = macho" theme to be considered, although that's more from our raisings in societies that hold these antiquated beliefs than in the game itself. Idk that there is a way to remove the appeal to "manliness" in that regard without addressing the societal attitudes around it, but that's all well above my head. Instead I'll +1 to replacing doomguy with a magical anime girl protagonist and giving daisy the bun general more of a leadership role 😊 

  3. ^teehee we despoiled everything ahead of time! look, we poured sewage into the rivers on purpose! we set fire to the moors all the time already
  4. the entire combined military might of earth getting to map 5 then falling in love with the first hell knight
  5. absolutely smashed to pieces, confidence at almost negative levels, having dreams where i'm surrounded by my kinda people and can't talk to any of them \o/
  6. curse of monkey island the music is atmospheric and joyous, the voice acting is the only voice acting I think I actually like in games and there's a great crossfading system at play in the background
  7. i get the vibe yr going for, downloading <3 congrats on releasing your first thing
  8. it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposite side

  9. mmm everyone's using ukraine as a big proxy war and shipping in as many weapons as they can, it kinda makes me nervous i hate power. i do have the power of being too old and having fucked up ankles and having listened to too many mark stewart songs though \o/ no military for me
  10. oooh what if they disowned oblivion and starfield and said they'd make daggerfall 2 edit: their fallouts are pretty awful too tbh
  11. something for the amiga 500 please. I don't mind if it takes a long time to load all the textures
  12. i love almost every map in doom2.wad but I think megawad structure itself is a slog. honestly need a port which saves and quits when you beat a map and doesn't let you open it again until tomorrow
  13. <-- lifelong fan of magic: the gathering who thinks the game should be illegal

    <-- gonna print out 4x each card in the upcoming furry woodland creature set

  14. one invulnrosphere on hmp no invulnrosphere on uv thirteen invulnrospheres on hnsr \o/
  15. demons are covered in flesh coloured paint if you punch one it gets all over doomguy's hands he wipes them during the process of changing weapons imo that's just obvious to me i feel like it'd be patronizing if they put it in the manual
  16. i fucking hope so this day has been the worst
  17. ToME i tried a bunch and was put off by the way that the equipment names are too long and irritating to compare. dunno, I'm not into "builds" in these sorts of games... I wanna pick prof and fantasy race and then go whip small kobolds and farm speed potions for a hundred hours and then die to 600 pts of acid breath edit: mmm I recommend this differently-perspectived quickplay roguelike >:3
  18. fanfiction is cool and honorable
  19. maybe "Doomguy in other settings" stuff in the official media DOES rub me the wrong way lol

    it's like... I have hundreds of reasons why there shouldn't be an official magic card called "Battle for Hoover Dam" which I'd never apply to people who design them for their own amusement

    and yet there's no sensible way of voicing yr displeasure with Property Owner Licensed Context Obliteration

    1. yakfak


      it's stolen valor from fic writers isn't it giggle

  20. this is also how I feel! and I'm finding it very easy to not support modern microsoft, blizzard & ea stuff as a consequence another point I can't help noticing is the way that boxed engines like Unreal create a huge number of devs whose skillset is tied to that engine and will be stuck making very similar games to the one they entered the industry with. it's not just the expectation of a sequel that ties the hands of the developer, the tools themselves also do
  21. been doing so much looking into the stuff of '77-'84 for an rpg setting like mmm popular birth of home computing and early arcade games furry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post-punk, industrial stuff, dance punk stuff, EBM, progressive electronic, dub reggae (and prog guys going insane and trying various combinations of these things + their own arch senses of humour and thereby making terrible things) dungeons and dragons getting big and the magazines which accompanied it and started hosting supplements, fan rants and fic, battle reports etc fan fic and fan artists becoming gods in their own right (so many science fiction people I thought of as these peerless geniuses were squirreling away in zines and small publications and just part of a convention scene) my professional opinion is that i hope another one of those eras is taking place right now and someone will help me identify it edit: because I'm looking for a time I was never part of and can't nostalge for which is nevertheless full of fascination =P and today is really hard to navigate
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