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Reputation Activity
yakfak got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, hop hop bunny bun (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testos
hop hop bunny bun
(still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)
yakfak got a reaction from plums for a status update, hop hop bunny bun (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testos
hop hop bunny bun
(still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)
yakfak got a reaction from Naarok0fkor for a status update, hop hop bunny bun (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testos
hop hop bunny bun
(still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)
yakfak got a reaction from 97th Century Fox for a status update, hop hop bunny bun (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testos
hop hop bunny bun
(still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)
yakfak reacted to Fonze for a status update, First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit
First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit
yakfak got a reaction from SleepyVelvet for a status update, it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposit
it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposite side
yakfak got a reaction from Alper002 for a status update, it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposit
it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposite side
yakfak got a reaction from heliumlamb for a status update, it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposit
it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposite side
yakfak got a reaction from Naarok0fkor for a status update, it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposit
it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposite side
yakfak got a reaction from plums for a status update, it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposit
it's hard to be anti-war when people construe stuff as being pro-war, for the opposite side
yakfak got a reaction from Mr. Alexander for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from Naarok0fkor for a status update, ff7 mod where you can only damage sephiroth with a particular attack and all the enem
ff7 mod where you can only damage sephiroth with a particular attack and all the enemies drop logic piuzzle style hints which help you narrow it down
and the attack turns out to be vincent's "live-wire" which can't be controlled and every time he lands it, sephiroth casts reflect on vincent so he can't be magically healed type gaming
yakfak got a reaction from Arrowhead for a status update, ff7 mod where you can only damage sephiroth with a particular attack and all the enem
ff7 mod where you can only damage sephiroth with a particular attack and all the enemies drop logic piuzzle style hints which help you narrow it down
and the attack turns out to be vincent's "live-wire" which can't be controlled and every time he lands it, sephiroth casts reflect on vincent so he can't be magically healed type gaming
yakfak got a reaction from Jacek Bourne for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from Alper002 for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from DoomPlayer00 for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from 97th Century Fox for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from Gothic for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from Grain of Salt for a status update, that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists plea
that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
yakfak got a reaction from heliumlamb for a status update, profiles are updating \o/
profiles are updating \o/
yakfak got a reaction from Jizzwardo for a status update, eternal doom as we remember it community project
eternal doom as we remember it community project
yakfak got a reaction from Grain of Salt for a status update, checking out the ff7 remake/rewhatever stuff cos i love the original game so much eve
checking out the ff7 remake/rewhatever stuff cos i love the original game so much
everyone is overwritten by miles
i guess it's so people say "they have fleshed out the original so much"
but i think the original game just needs clarifying, not 300 hours of sidequests and voice acting, maybe its just me?
a once-over of ff7's hastily translated dialogue to make everything make sense naturally, instead of making a companion explainer that's several times longer than the story
along with a tightening of the combat system, instead of a new combat system?
what i love about the new game is how the music blends together
some pieces are ultra respectful orchestrations of the original music (could use more beats though, some of it is TOO orchestral to suit the area its meant to soundtrack) while others are riffs on general themes and there's lots of amazing transition work. it kinda ambientizes old overwhelmingly strong themes for moments you aren't in danger and then brings back the urgency when you are
i think that i could throw away the entire game and keep the soundtrack though, i think i am just an oldschool grump or whatever
yakfak got a reaction from heliumlamb for a status update, eternal doom as we remember it community project
eternal doom as we remember it community project