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About WindbagJacket

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    Green Marine
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  1. Quick update to fix two inaccessible secret sectors that should not be marked as secrets. Thanks to @Zahid for spotting this! I seem to be limited to 1.91MB upload size on doomworld, so here it is on dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ef9oz66wx4s6m3n7aic3m/DMAX23_WBJ_Undaunted_v3.zip?rlkey=qwvk5wugigc0f4k2l92gwb1ma&dl=0
  2. Tiny update to fix a bug where some floors don't lower when they should: DMAX23_WBJ_Undaunted_v2.zip
  3. Here is my entry. @Obsidian I messaged you about a couple of issues, I hope they're ok. Download: DMAX23_WBJ_Undaunted.zip Name: Undaunted Author: WindbagJacket Format: Boom Difficulty levels: Yes Co-op: Player starts included, but not tested at all. Deathmatch: No Custom textures and sky: OTEX 1.1 by Ukiro Music: Perpetuum Mobile by James Paddock (for Escalation Titan) Jumping, crouching: No Freelook: Shouldn't break anything Build time: 10 months, on and off. Too long. Tested in: GZDoom (4-11-3.a), DSDADoom 0.27.5 Description: A tech base embedded in some vine covered mountains, with some subtle demonic elements creeping in. Key progression is linear but the map is quite open so multiple routes can be taken at the start, and areas are revisited. Screenshots:
  4. Eviternity and OTEX were absolute gifts to the community and shaped my time playing and mapping so much for the last few years. Can not wait to play this! Thank you @Dragonfly @ukiro, et al!!
  5. Edit: added a few more maps. I've recorded playthroughs of some of the submissions. I'll try and do the others when I have some time. Tried on UV first. If I died I wanted to try and have another attempt or two, but sadly for some maps I do resort to resurrecting to save time. Always nice to see such quality and variety and almost no bugs which is really nice work. All tested in GZDoom. Waste Treatment by @minimedals Loathed Industry by @obake Tribulation Facility by @Melodic Spaceship dreamer by @eltiolavara9 The Forgotten Wilds by @Silhouette 03 Through Water by @CrazedCleric Corruption by @sincity2100 Standing Stones by @Salmon Citadel of the Blessed Rictus by @Obsidian Cliffside Assault by @Yousuf Anik Warehouse Grotto by @LoneAlpha2401 SNES Cyberdemon's Castle by @Dewzan
  6. Here is a beta of my entry, in case anyone is able to try it. Functionality and combat is in place but the visuals are not final. Difficulties are implemented but only tested on UV. Name: <no name yet> Format: Boom Midi: "Hangar 7" by Jimmy (which isn't final either, just a track I've used before, thrown in so no one has to listen to D_RUNNIN.) Play Time: Takes me about 30 minutes. Tested In: GZDoom Resources: OTEX 1.1 (not included in the wad). WBJ_DMAX23_b1.zip Screenshots here:
  7. Some progress screenshots to keep me motivated... I'll hopefully release a version that can be playtested soon (with some very rough texturing in the areas not shown here :D).
  8. Very minor bug in my map in the secret here. This texture (OTEX name OMETLC92) should be animated:
  9. @Biodegradable thanks so much for playing. Glad you liked it! I made a couple of changes in the yellow key area after watching your playthrough. Latest version: WBJ_EmberCity_v2.zip
  10. Finalised my map, although I need some help with compiling the custom textures in the wad (see below). Here is the full info: Download: WBJ_EmberCity_v2.zip WBJ_EmberCity_v1.zip Name: Ember City Author: WindbagJacket Format: Boom Difficulty levels: Yes Co-op: Player starts included, but not tested at all. Deathmatch: No Custom textures and sky: OTEX 1.1 by Ukiro Texture names: Custom textures not currently included. I tried adding the used textures from OTEX to my wad in Slade, but for some reason the switches and animated textures/flats didn't work correctly. Then after renaming to WBJ* the textures didn't work at all. Any advice on how to do this properly? Music: Ghostgrinder by James Paddock (from Eviternity MAP24: Gossamer) Jumping, crouching: No Freelook: Shouldn't break anything Build time: 7 months, on and off. Maybe ~100 hours. Too long. Tested in: GZDoom (g4.10pre-86-g169139c22) (recommended), PrBoom v2.5.0 (some visual bugs) Description: A trip through a vaguely demonic city with some fleshy bits, including a set of overly detailed demonic jaws. Originally intended to be much smaller but grew fairly organically. The 2 keys can be collected in any order but other than that the map is fairly linear, with some larger open fights connected by more linear paths. There is a secret laundry room!
  11. Latest version: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2588113 This is not the final version but I really wanted to get something uploaded before Christmas. It is fully playable with everything in place, just needs a few tweaks. Difficulties aren't implemented yet, so it's UV only. Also no music or name yet. It requires OTEX. Spent way too much time detailing, but hopefully gameplay doesn't suffer too much! windbagjacket_DMAXP22_beta1.zip
  12. MTICC_v3.zip Fixed a texture bug and moved some ammo a little further away from a teleporter. I also noticed that some textures and flats that should be animated were static. They're all OTEX - the teleport pads and coloured arrows. If it helps, looking in SLADE at the latest version of the DMAX wad, it's these: Textures: OKQ_00_0 OKQ_02_0 OKQ_03_0 OKQ_04_0 In the OTEX wad these are: OWRNGC10 OWRNGC30 OWRNGC40 OWRNGC50 Flats (same name in the OTEX wad): OTLPTA11 OTLPTC00 OTLPTC10
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