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About Suitepee

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  1. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee Doing my monthly Doom wad playtesting stream.
  2. Aside from Doom/Doom 2 spread across all the community content I've played over the years, the game on Steam I have the most hours in currently is Dead by Daylight, standing at around 2.2k hours as of this post. I don't tend to stick with games for long periods of time, yet DBD has somehow managed to keep me hooked on the game for over 2 years now.
  3. https://youtu.be/dQYQGgyFtBg Category 1 run on UV, run starts at around 1:05:00. WARNING: This wad contains a lot of obscure/obtuse progression throughout. (90's mapping!) Be prepared to do weird things on occasion to progress. Died on map 11 with 81/115 monsters killed. By a Revenant. Just after spending 10 minutes figuring out yet another obtuse progression point and being this damn close to surviving the whole thing. Very frustrating.
  4. https://youtu.be/dQYQGgyFtBg Category 1 run. Died on E4M4 to a shotgunner with 14/332 monsters killed.
  5. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee Doing my monthly Doomworld Ironman League and Ironeagle attempts for June 2024.
  6. I would guess not at this point. Perhaps if you were to complete one of your two ongoing maps and then show a video playthrough of them on this thread, then perhaps people will get a much clearer picture of the kind of "horror" that you want from other people's map submissions by watching your own in action. Maybe it will inspire other people to join your project at that point. Having downloaded the resources file to take a look at it, I assume you're after some kind of jumpscare-based action going off the resources available. And it seems heavily FNAF-inspired also.
  7. You might want to check your Doomworld messages @JamesBone, for I did indeed playtest some of BLIGHT a few days ago. :)
  8. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee Doing some monthly Doom wad playtesting; potentially up to 6 different mappers being playtested tonight.
  9. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee Delving further into the Boom/MBF maps of the Doomworld Maximum Project 2023.
  10. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee More Boom/MBF maps in Doomworld Maximum Project 2023.
  11. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee Heading into the Boom/MBF maps of the Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 tonight.
  12. Honestly, I've always wanted to see a Doom ComProj that revolves around making precisely 7 maps based off Ring/The Ring in some manner. Like, each map represents a different 'day' and some form of horror revolving around the premise of the film, as it builds up to the finale.
  13. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee Will I be able to beat more than 4 maps this time around in the Doomworld Maximum Project 2023?
  14. https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee What will the Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 have in store for me?
  15. https://youtu.be/A07SRJvWdrg = part 1. (starts at 2:59:50) https://youtu.be/k6crejb4Qmo = part 2. Category 1 run on UV, died on map 8 to an Archvile with 227/231 monsters killed. Turns out I'd have run into the exit door problem I posted earlier not long afterwards had I continued much further, but I only discovered that after my demise. Things certainly got a bit more difficult after the first 6 maps, although this death was highly preventable.
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