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About Rampy470

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    I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.
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  1. Outside of the shared jank I have to wonder if Swery has undiagnosed multiple personality disorder where one is a strange gremlin man and the other is one of the most brilliant thoughtful motherfuckers to ever live.
  2. Never because that's the only way to hide all the photo edit artifacts. Do enough blur and you can fool at least one person guaranteed.
  3. That got added with TAG2 with the hammer. If you'd like there's a mod that can turn it off https://www.nexusmods.com/doometernal/mods/228
  4. Oh yeah the aliasing is just because I turned antialiasing off because I don't like how FXAA looks. Forgot about that. Textures would be unaffected by that tho so.
  5. Nope this ain't a bug, the textures are just like that. You can check some vids of it taken on the original 360 too, they've always been that way.
  6. Hot take Halo 4 needs some graphical TLC way more than 3 does. Like yeah 3 has the infamous potato faces but have you *seen* some of 4's texture work? There's a bunch of stuff that's horribly compressed until it's blurrier than a 60s UFO photograph that's just standing alongside normally-textured stuff? Like look at these: These are both on maxed out settings on PC.
  7. I think you misunderstand me: I'm saying that them saying "we have no plans to" isn't an indication that they think they'll ever do it, it's just something they get in the habit of saying just in case so they don't get sued. Like in the hypothetical I gave obviously they're never going to start eating children. Also on the sort by oldest thing they only announced it would be coming back two weeks ago and specified that it would be coming back retooled in the coming months so it's more than a bit early to be calling it a straight-up lie.
  8. I wonder how many devs are going to get PTSD from being made to look at cartel execution videos THIS time around.
  9. Eh that's just standard corpo speak. They get in the habit of saying that just in case they end up doing something later so they don't get sued. You could ask them if they're going to eat children and they'd still be like "we have no plans to eat children at this time".
  10. Via their creator liaison guy, old YouTube stuff is safe.
  11. That... already happened. You do realise that already happened, surely. Literally the main villain of the base game.
  12. Maybe I'm dumb but I always wondered what that phrase actually meant in this context. Like what significance does it hold or what is it a reference to.
  13. Marty really out here taking a page out of the Scientology playbook, huh
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