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Everything posted by dg93

  1. Would it be worth investing in a designated gaming PC? If so what should I look into getting with maximized core processing speed, RAM, etc... (stuff that meets the system requirements for the new Doom)?

    Help me out please! D=

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    2. dg93


      Nuxius said:

      I'm assuming you're looking for another laptop? Budget?

      It doesn't have to be another laptop. I don't know if the docking station can be compatible with non-T420 laptops. I could go for a tower PC. My budget would be somewhere between $500-1000. If I have to go a little above my budget to make my PC system compliant with the new Doom requirements, then I will willing to pay a little more.

      Phobus said:

      I'm looking to spend about £1250 on the following components to make myself a monster:
      ASUS Z170 Gaming Pro Motherboard (comes with a copy of Doom at the moment on scan)
      Intel Core i7 6700K unlocked (4.0GHz default)
      32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 2133MHz RAM (as 4 sticks)
      Samsung 512GB M.2 SSD
      Corsair Builder Series Non-Modular 750W PSU
      NVidia 1080 GTX (when it's out)

      That'll do, I suspect!

      £1250 = $1800.65 US Dollar..... Holy moley! That's expensive :O

      I like the Intel Core i7 processing speed and 32GB of RAM. That machine will run like a beast lol Maybe if I got a smaller disk drive (Solid State) probably around 250GB or less and a cheaper graphics card, I could possibly get the price down to $1,000? I just looked up the prices for some graphics cards and they seem VERY pricey.

    3. Bloodshedder
    4. dg93


      Bloodshedder said:

      Thanks Bloodshedder, this is very helpful.

  2. dg93

    Nine Inch Nails

    Sloppy map editing and use of textures, but kinda fun to play. 3/5 for effort
  3. dg93

    Six Skulls X

    I enjoyed it. Good maps for something that was made in 1996.
    It doesn't work for me >:|
  4. dg93

    Batman DOOM

    good wad
    Stop living in the 90's.... Awful.... 0/5 would not play again.... /sarcasm
  5. dg93


    the midi for map02 was the best of the 4. The rest were awful.
    Sexy cyber ass FTW
    I tested this out online with a couple of friends. The map has a bad layout and uneventful gameplay.
    Great little duel map.
  6. dg93


    Excellent 5/5
  7. dg93

    Doomed Space Wars

    Excellent maps. Pcorf put a lot a tender, love and care into making this. 5/5
  8. dg93

    Entryway (version 1.2)

    I enjoyed playing this. To me, this is a prime example of an excellent quality early 2000's map. Fun gameplay. For the most part it has a fair item balance. I just wish there was at least a chaingun nearby during the beginning of the game. I found it a kind of challenging to use a pistol to attack a hoard of enemies at first. I'm not really big on crusher traps though. Other than that, great wad.
  9. dg93

    M51 Rifle

    I dislike the sprite because it blocks my view
  10. dg93

    Oh my gwad!

    Pretty good. I like the dual wielding pistols in replace of the chaingun!
  11. dg93


    Superb deathmatch WAD. I like the new textures and the blue color. 5/5
  12. dg93

    Endless Torture

    Nice levels!
  13. dg93

    Shrek in Doom

    It's all ogre now.... actually, it's not ogre, it's never ogre
    Clever title and fun gameplay
    About time this WAD was uploaded to /idgames lol
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