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Everything posted by dg93

    Wow that was a pretty challenging map and it took me a while, but I beat it haha. 5/5
  1. dg93

    The Ocean Base

    This is actually really cool and the level design is spectacular. My only grip is that this wad doesn't have more levels. This should be used for a single player megawad project in my opinion.
    Lol the leprechauns are hilarious, but the level sucks ass... I think I'm going to use the contents of the DEH file and sounds from the wad for a St. Patrick's wad or something
    'A' for effort. 'F' for Design. 'D' for Gameplay.
  2. dg93

    NOVA: The Birth

    Excellent quality maps, exhilarating gameplay, and overall impressive megawad. Great job NOVA Team. 5/5
    My IQ dropped a few points playing this lol
  3. dg93

    Doom Castle

    I just love uncovering weird ass mid 90's wads from the archives lol Well there is not much to say about this wad. It is a typical 90's wad with all the narrow hallways, large outdoor grounds, unbalanced enemies/items/weapon s, missing textures and texture offsets. To all you new doomers out there, these aspects are all VERY common in early-mid 90's wads. If only people had easy to use editors back in the day, there would be less poor quality maps like this. I think 2/5 is a generous rating.
  4. dg93

    Racist skin

    Calm your tits everyone, it's a joke wad.
  5. dg93

    Raid on UAC

    ^If you're sick of them, then stop commenting on them. Complaining about them won't stop more from coming.
  6. dg93


    Doom 95 was the first version of Doom I've ever played. So many memories :) 5/5
  7. dg93


    Not bad. Like Doomkid said, it is pretty good for its age. 4/5
    Strange wad.... very strange
  8. dg93

    The Lost Seraphim

    This totally kicks ass. 5/5 epic wad
  9. dg93

    Ninja Duel

    Awesome 5/5
  10. dg93

    The Five Zones

    Wow, this is one weird-ass early 90's themed wad made in 2013. The gameplay is ok, but the layout is bizarre. This wad deserve an award for most texture offsets and sloppy design. 3/5
  11. dg93

    The UAC Rebellion

    This is one of Doomkid's first wads ever published. I like it, even though it is riddled with some flaws here and there, but it is a different kind of Doom experience than most wads on /idgames. For one thing, Doomkid's mapping skills have improved A LOT since his release of UAC Rebellion. I recommend looking into some of his other works, especially his Deathmatch wads. 4/5
  12. dg93

    Hell Revealed II

  13. dg93

    6666 days of dooming

    An excellent E1M1 remake :)
  14. dg93

    Southern Cross

    I like this wad a lot. It definitely deserves more recognition. 5/5
    I have found another weird ass wad... better add it to my collection on the C drive
  15. dg93


    Ah very nice wad! It flows pretty well and the deathmatch gameplay is superb! 5/5
    it's alright. 3/5
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