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About sargebaldy

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    not arioch
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    It's fine. *** -sargebaldy
  1. Pointing your browser to Doomworld, a news post catches your eye. "Choose my own speedmapping?" you read with wonder. What does that bald old veteran want with me? You are a mapper. It is in your blood. You create worlds, and reek havoc upon them. It is your calling. Join me. Join me on IRC. In #zdoom. Together we will create, and we will destroy. The countdown begins Saturday, at 11:00 on the American west coast, 14:00 on the east. 19:00 if you choose to map from Stonehenge. The clock is ticking.
  2. sargebaldy

    Mapping on Speed

    Sarge Baldy will be hosting a speedmapping session at 11:00 PST (15:00 EST, 19:00 GMT) on Sunday, March 4th in OftC #zdoomvets. Unlike this news post, this week's speedmapping is expected to be broadcast in the first person.
  3. Dear Diary,

    Today I finally finished preliminary mapping fo Frogger Doom™, which I have been working on diligently for 3 1/2 years. Oh dear, that is a long time isn't it? But now I can relax, I can lay back, slap a couple scripts on and know that I've lived a full life. Here are some pictures of this marvelous project:



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      On the plus side, your three years yielded better results than the Doom Rampage team.

    3. pritch


      Another plus - it's out before millennium!

      Bloodskull said:

      3 1/2 years.........At least show something better then a screenshot with copyright on it and a highway please.

      The lights are on but there's nobody there.

    4. AndrewB


      Millennium will be out before the turn of the millennium. They said so.

  4. I had to make a webpage for a "business" for a computer science class fall term, so I created Nanami Vacuum Co. I added Torn and Bloodshedder to the staff page today. Anyway, I think it's amusing and some others might think so, so there ya go.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Ultraviolet


      I SO wished that picture really was Nanami.

    3. Nanami


      Ah, but that is me!

    4. insertwackynamehere


      Nanami said:


      O_o What did I say?

  5. Why hello, as you can see it is I, Sarge of Baldy, and I've just returned from a magical adventure to /newstuff-land, where I've seen all sorts of outerworldly things.. which of course, I promptly slaughtered. Here I have written down the memoirs of my fabulous journey, which I wish to share with you. Eight lands of perilous evil for you to conquer, although three of them don't even have monsters so don't pretend you're all that cool. Let us begin our fantabulous journey, shall we? By the Pain I See In Others by Patrik Höglund 159kb - Vanilla Doom2 (limitless port recommended to avoid Savegame Buffer Overflow) - SP - Map16 - A very nice map set in some sort of slimey base in a cavern. Or something like that anyway. The map not only looks good, but plays quite nice as well. The detail isn't merely a bunch of copy and paste crap, I think most of it is fairly creative and intelligent. Nukage and and cavernlike environments don't come together very often so I personally found the theme quite interesting. The atmosphere also improves the environment, and most of the way through it feels fairly dark and moody. The few drawbacks I can really point out is there's a fair number of misalignments, both on the x and y axis, although these are fairly easy to overlook and don't really hurt the map much. It also feels a bit weaker as it goes on, both in terms of the map design and the gameplay. Verdict: Definitely worth checking out. Brains! Part 1: The Beginning by Shawn Huckabay 2025kb - ZDoom + Doom2 - SP - Map01 - This map is, if nothing else, certainly interesting. This wad seemed to have been designed to scare the player, and it actually does succeed on a few occasions. The Wolfenstein zombies can look very funny in Doom, giving it sort of a bad horror movie feel. The map isn't very detailed or anything, rather the author seemed to concentrate on the atmosphere and new stuff. The new weapons don't really affect the gameplay that much but watch out for the zombies that want to bite off your legs, they can hurt you far more than you might expect after having experienced pinky demons trying to do the same thing. Verdict: Not a great map, but original enough that it might be worth a look. Metro2 by Carlos Guariglia 249kb - CDoom + Doom2 - SP - Map24 - Yes, a CDoom map. CDoom is a port by Carlos Guariglia that was released not long ago, and yes, that's the same guy who made this map. From what I can gather, this is a test map demonstrating his port, which is based off MBF and features Legacy's 3d platforms. This map has neither monsters nor an exit, so don't expect terrifyingly exciting gameplay. Verdict: Only get this if you're curious to see what CDoom is capable of. Metro3 by Carlos Guariglia 132kb - CDoom + Doom2 - SP - Map24 - Pretty much the same idea as the wad listed above. 3D Horror by Magnus Olsson 98kb - Legacy + Doom2 - SP - Map01 - This map seems to have been either as a stress test for Legacy or for the player's patience. Use of the 3d floors feature is very rampant here, and I wouldn't say it has a positive effect on the design. The overall theme feels very newbish, and I noticed details here that seemed more like an experiment to learn Doom editing than a genuine attempt at trying to make something that looked good. These on the whole tended to hurt rather than benefit the look of the map. The texture use looks circa 1995, and the gameplay comes across more as frustrating than fun. Verdict: New author still learning to map. Unless 3d floors really excite you, you should probably pass this one by. Somewhat Simple by Sgt. Crispy 40kb - ZDoom - DM - Map01 - A tribute to Doom2 Map07 based off... Doom2 Map07 (ssh, no one tell Ty!) The map is designed for DM and features no monsters. For the most part it's the same map with some graphical boosts (including slopes) and a remix of the old gameplay. I don't really have friends, so, how it plays... well, I dunno. Play it for yourself and see. Verdict: Worthy update to a classic DM map. Blood Resource Pack Build 1 by Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer 2320kb - ZDoom A large Blood texture set set up for ZDoom, complete with an ANIMDEFS lump. Seems to include textures from the Blood Plasma Pack as well. This should indeed be a handy resource for prospective mappers. City of the Damned by Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer 2691kb - ZDoom - SP - Map01 - Well look what we have here. A new map by the author of the Torment and Torture series, City of the Damned certainly meets up their level of quality. Featuring the newly released Blood Resource Pack mentioned above, the map's theme is that of... *drumroll*... yes, an abandoned city plagued with monsters. The detailing is top-notch and the atmosphere is even better.. great lighting combined with productive use of the new textures work together to give the map a spooky, very original feel. The gameplay is pretty difficult and make sure to watch out for groups of stealth arch-viles... as much as you can, anyway. My only real complaints are a few misalignments here and there and a sign declaring a building a cemetery and crematorium when it looks more like a library on one side and a morgue on the other, with no cemetery in the immediate area. Verdict: A really good map, highly recommended. Note: The last review comes to us from AgentSpork, since I didn't think it'd be cool (or useful) for me to review my own map. Parcheesi by Owen "Sarge Baldy" Lloyd 81kb - Vanilla Doom2 - SP - Map01 - Parcheesi isn't exactly a huge map, but there are a few things that make it seem so. This map starts innocently enough, with only a few imps and some shotgun guys to deal with, but it doesn't stay that way. In fact, after exiting the first room, you are bombarded by masses of hell knights and mancubuses without enough ammo to kill them all. As I said the map actually isn't that large, but the huge monster count makes it seem so. Overall a pretty good looking map, that doesn't have a super-high level of detail, but still looks decent. I did notice a couple of texture problems, such as the door right at the beginning being upper unpegged. If you like ultra-hard maps then this is the map for you. On the other hand, if you don't like ultra-hard maps, then I'm not quite so sure.
  6. <SargeBaldy> i'm going to make a thread about how worried i am about other people's perceptions of myself using a fake irc quote for an intro

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Hobo
    3. zark


      Hobo said:

      Worship? What the hell is your problem? I don't want to talk about it because i'm actually in a good mood right now, and i'd like to keep it that way without me having to preach about how shitty my life has been for the last few months, and how it has escalated within the last few days. I don't "worship" them, they've just been very helpful with what i've been going through, and i'm very thankful for what they've done to help me.

      And nobody else has problems? Please. Just because you're having a hard time at the moment doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone by being a dick. And it also doesn't mean you have to mention how shitty your life is at every opportunity. Grow up.

    4. DooMBoy


      Heh, derailed threads are fun

  7. ...of the death of probably my favorite musician. I actually just watched a video featuring him (as well as my favorite band, Sonic Youth) the other day. He sure was a crazy fuck, but I think he did a good job putting that into music, even if some of his stuff got too watered up in order to fit the radio. It's too bad he was only around as long as he was. Anyway, I just thought I'd pay my respects here.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Quast


      another alley trip
      bullet seeks the place to bend you over
      then you got hit
      and you shoulda known better
      faster we run
      and we die young

    3. Sharessa


      Alice in Chains?

    4. GooberMan


      Indeed it is.

      Almost two years since Layne died aswell.

      EDIT: It has been two years. His body was found on the 19th, but the autopsy said he died on the 5th (yup, same day as Kurt).

  8. I'm 21 and stuff, I don't really expect any presents or cake but I might get surprised. But yeah, should be fun tonight I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Grazza
    3. Job


      OMG happy burpday! Can't forget the most important candle that makes you 21!

    4. insertwackynamehere
  9. probably not that great, and i wouldn't be surprised if it looks extra crappy if you use a low res (although i tried to curb this at the expense of how it looks at a higher res). but uh yeah, comment or give suggestions or something.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fletcher`


      OMG you have super pants?

    3. Superpants


      Never fear! Superpants is always near!

    4. insertwackynamehere


      welcome superpants, I'm insertwackynamehere one of the idiots on this forum. I'd suggest you read the FAQ but I have a feeling, due the 1 post custom avatar, you are an administrator, thus already veiwing this file of important forum data. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns assuming you can find my email, YIM, AIM, or other miscellanous contact information (mwahahhaha!!!!).

      Wait a sec.. The reference to Nanami's superpants, the homepage of Zoom, you must be Pritch! I mean Nanami!

  10. http://oregonstate.edu/~lloydo/midis/

    here's all the midis i've made. bestmidievar is my first and favorite. spook i made yesterday and eerie i made today. the other ones are just parts i was working on a long time back but abandoned. none are really finished and all are less than a minute long.

    EDIT: uploaded a new one called wind that's over a minute long.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Hmm, cool. I like these. A little different than what I've heard before, but cool. Any idea why you made these or where you want to go with them?

      I never have heard of Midi Maker before. I started out using CakeWalk 4.5, then graduated to 5.0, and now 9.0 Pro. My first midi was some song called "80's Running", heh. My best midi I'd post, but...you need a Roland JV-1010 and my custom patches or else it'll never sound right.

    3. sargebaldy


      the reason i made them.. just thought it would be fun to try making some midis :P the reason they sound like they do is probably because i'm a weird guy and it's more natural for me to make weird music :P i can't really make anything normal sounding when i try. as for where i want to go with them? i just like creatively expressing myself and want to make something that best represents me :P

    4. Fredrik


      AndrewB said:

      Balancing Act is my best work, and pretty much blows away all other Freedoom music entries.

      Balancing Act is awesome, although not up to par with my music. (Lüt can certify this :P)

  11. a week ago, OSU emailed me telling me they found me a room with two arabs in a triple on a floor i knew to be probably the most terrible floor on campus, and worst of all, guys-only. at that point i did what works best for me, setting myself up for disappointment in anticipation the reality will be much better.

    jump to today. i went to move into my room, and found it to be not only huge (two old rooms with the wall ripped out between, apparently meant for 4 people), but also with nice new stuff (the same nice desks, beds, and dressers my last hall had). still, i wanted to move up to 2nd floor (my home two years ago) where there's chicks. i went up there and saw my old cat mural and my old friend jenny's awesome duck hunt mural. but then i walked through the hall and noticed everyone living there was all asian :( so i guess i wouldn't fit in there.

    going back to my own room, i soon found out the power sources in the room were located far from the desk, so i went to the Cunt Store to get an extension. all they had was 2 prong extensions, so i went to the OSU Bookstore (which i knew would sell 3-prongers but also only take cash).

    i went to the atm and put in my card.. and i had forgotten my pin. i tried a few times and it ate my card, so i went to the computer lab to use the computers there. it was closed, so i went back to the dorm, but i'd apparently left my keys in my room. so i waited for someone to open the door, and went back to my room. the door was locked (although i know i didn't lock it) but i heard someone inside so i knocked. apparently one of the arabs i was meant to have as roommate had left, and was replaced by a hawaiian (hawaiian hawaiian, not surfer white dude hawaiian) guy, who turned out to be rather nice.

    anyway i switched the dresser and desk around so i could power my computer, but then the internet wasn't working right. after a few hours of messing with it, i found out the jack was dead. my roommate tried to be helpful and try to fix it, but he obviously didn't have a clue what he was doing, and i wasn't about to tell him that. finally he did manage to get it working by pure luck though, and we went to get dinner. he told the guy at the pizza place he wanted a slice of 'that one' (which was hawaiian) but when he sat down to eat it, he pointed at the pineapple and momentarily wondered what it was before figuring it out. 'i wanted to try something exotic. i should have known that one, i'm from hawaii.'

    on the whole things are all right here, but 2nd floor not being a viable option to move wasn't something i negatively planned in advance, so now i need to rethink my options.

  12. well, i registered sept 4th, 2002 and now it's sept 4th, 2003. probably about a year since i got on IRC as well. 1800 some posts and 3 bans later, i'm still here. please feel free to paste your fondest memories and/or your reasons for hating me here.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Lüt


      spank said:

      This looks like newdoom

      YOU look like newdoom

    3. Ralphis


      SargeBaldy, before you start asking for help on your new mega-cool-and-whatnot project, make sure you have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of upcoming projects that actually never got done.

    4. Sharessa


      sargebaldy said:

      well, i registered sept 4th, 2002 and now it's sept 4th, 2003. probably about a year since i got on IRC as well. 1800 some posts and 3 bans later, i'm still here. please feel free to paste your fondest memories and/or your reasons for hating me here.

      Well there was that one time...

      <Insomniak> i'm getting a 10 chamber bong someday
      <Insomniak> i have a 10 inch one now
      <Danarchy> you could make a dong bong out of a dildo
      <SargeBaldy> i couldn't i don't even own a dildo anymore
      <SargeBaldy>had to sell it for heroin...

      Hahaha...good times, but remember that one time when...

      <SargeBaldy> guys, i gotta tell you something.
      <SargeBaldy> i'm really a block of wood.
      * Danarchy gives SargeBaldy a big hug ^_^
      * SargeBaldy gives Danarchy a big splinter ----/

      Ah, memories. But remember that one time Baldy...

      <SargeBaldy> well i need to write a whiny protest to the gov't explaining why my grades sucked last year
      <SargeBaldy> so i can get financial aid
      <SargeBaldy> lazy isn't a clinical disorder yet is it?

      But there was that one time...

      <Isle> KEKEKE
      <SargeBaldy> god
      <SargeBaldy> the other bot is talking out of place now too :p
      <Danarchy> Isle isn't a bot
      <SargeBaldy> yes it is
      <SargeBaldy> it's a quote bot

      And then when he...

      <SargeBaldy> :-D (========8 LOLLERGAYS 8=========) D-:

      And then I remember that time so long ago...

      <SargeBaldy> i went to look to see if the internet sharing was working on my brother's computer and accidentally crashed his level that was compiling
      <SargeBaldy> so i loaded it back up and started compiling it again.. i hope those were the right settings though

      And last but not least, we cant forget...

      well, i registered sept 4th, 2002 and now it's sept 4th, 2003. probably about a year since i got on IRC as well. 1800 some posts and 3 bans later, i'm still here. please feel free to paste your fondest memories and/or your reasons for hating me here.

      We <3 j00 Baldy!

  13. heh, now that there's a decent editor (doombuilder) with zdoom support, i decided to try my hands with slopes last night:

    today i learn ACS.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. zark


      sargebaldy said:

      you're not doomguy in this race, everyone's a chicken.

      no ur a fag lol

    3. kain


      yes he can. hit it with a volvo, and go through!

    4. sargebaldy


      this is too stupid, even for a blog.
      /me closes

  14. i figured out how to portal lights in vanilla (e.g. have different amounts of lighting on the floor and ceiling). it's a pretty simple trick though really. you can see my wad here if you're interested. and if someone already knew about this let me know.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Julian


      sargebaldy said:

      no, regular users can't do anything except close threads. why we can't, i don't know. seems to me it would be a lot easier on the mods and keep the forums cleaner if people could delete their own stupid posts/threads and blog stuff when they feel like it.

      If people could delete their threads, they could wait for a time with no mod around, start a flame and delete it. Or simply delete a thread because they don't like the replies in them. So the answer is "no way".
      As to blogging, well, moving from a forum to another should be a mod priviledge, no matter what. It's not that difficult to start a thread in the right forum, is it?

    3. sargebaldy


      i wasn't so much suggesting the idea as curious as to why it was set that way. you made some excellent points i hadn't thought of, thanks.

    4. Julian


      sargebaldy said:

      i wasn't so much suggesting the idea as curious as to why it was set that way. you made some excellent points i hadn't thought of, thanks.

      Glad I could help :)

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