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Everything posted by Dexiaz

  1. Thank you very much! Yeah, that's might be possible, but even without colors sprites and textures are "simplified" a little bit, maybe it will help the situation with rendering. I'll PM you. Sure, let's try that! I'll PM you too.
  2. Hello everyone. Don't know where to post such threads exactly, but it's definitely Doom related, yeah. About a month ago I've seen a post about running Doom on htop (linux process viewer), it looked like this: And I thought that the presence of many colors in IWAD causes such machines and systems to render the image with significant noise effects. Like here: So I decided to change the whole Doom palette to 8-bit colors with additional sprite & texture editing. I've got this so far: I'm planning to release this WAD anyway, but I need to finish it first. At the same time I'm still wondering how exactly my project goes on such displays with low-color rendering. Can anyone help me with that? I mean, to run my wad on htop or on the Playdate or on the pregnancy test, etc. (Thanks in advance!) I'm not sure it really helps the situation with displays, but I can't judge for sure before seeing it in action. P.S.: What do you think about my screenshots at all, btw?
  3. Wow, thanks for so many insightful responses, friends! I'm glad that you think the game is good or even a masterpiece, hehe. To be honest, when I was playing it (2 years ago was my first time, so it was a Remastered version) I was clearly thinking "It's just like a GZDoom Total Conversion, but made before anything Doomish/Buildish released. I mean, slopes,HUBS, inventory you can find in Hexen, radio dialogues you can find in Strife, some polyoobjects and scripts are from the ZDoom era. It was blowing my mind. The game was ahead of its time. Period.
  4. More PS64 music for the God of the PS64 music! Congrats on the release!
  5. Hello everyone! I have a serious question for you, please, help me understand one thing. What is the "System Shock" (1994) to you personally? I mean, I've heard an opinion that modern day gamers think about this game as a so-so FPS with tank controls and overloaded HUD/Interface (btw, doesn't matter if you play Nightdive's remastered version [don't be confused with Remake]). Now I've seen an opinion that it's a bad Doom clone with mechanics from the quest adventure games. Or on the contrary, this is a Doom clone with a cheezy inventory system and an understandable storyline (not like the Doom 1/2 txt file). So, which feelings does this game leave you? It doesn't matter if you finished it or abandoned it after 2 minutes after the game started. If you never played it, it's also ok. Just tell me, what do you think about this game even without playing it? But please, mention the fact that you never played it. Thanks in advance!
  6. Well, downloaded it. It really replaces only the levels, but not the PSX music and sounds. So you're showing in demonstration video levels with additional wad which is not packed into the project's archive. So fixing Chaingunner's sound is pointless.
  7. Hm, I can't say this is the "original" idea, because few people also tried to do something like that. BUT I like what I see in your demo videos. I'd like to suggest to fix chaingunner attack sound, because by default the engine uses "shotgun" fire sound. You need to change it to the Pistol sound. Same with the Spider Mastermind.
  8. I'll post here just because I have 40 followers (lol), possibly someone who could help you will see your message.
  9. You're not stopping to impress me, @United VirusX! Looks so far so good!
  10. I'm not even sure it's possible. Remember this is an upgrade of the original Doom Engine, not the entirely new engine based on the idtech1 source codes. UDMF is absolutely different beast.
  11. Oh, this is great! Glad to see PS1-Styled projects! Keep it up! I'm gonna test it as far as possible, but I have a little free time for anything, so I don't know exactly when I came up with review of this beta. But I love so far what I see on your screenshots!
  12. It's great to see that community admires you enough to create a megawad dedicated to your person. Not many Doom mod makers can brag about this.
  13. Well, that's cool. But I suppose nobody are interested to build another one Doom Piano or something.
  14. Making any kind of mods, no matter it's mapping, texturing, coding, modeling made me feel I'm releasing stress. I do like the process, it's meditative.
  15. I need a step-by-step guide about this. I know nothing about making such things. Maybe I do know how to script things in ACS, but that doesn't mean, that I understand things related to sbarinfo.
  16. Hey there. This might be a strange and tough task, but I'm wondering about making a wad where the level transforms while you're playing through it. I have no problems with implementing this idea in mapping with ACS and other tricks. But I have a "problem" with the HUD image. I'm aware there is a possibility to change HUD images with ZScript, but I'm very bad at this. And I don't have any ideas how to implement it on the playthrough. I've seen HUD change in PSX Doom TC, it was an almost simple idea - there was an actor-token (for PSX Final Doom HUD), which was added in your inventory by the ACS script on the level start. And you can remove this actor-token and the HUD comes back to PSX Ultimate Doom HUD. But I didn't manage to make more BUDs than 2, there were only 2 of them here. I need about 5 or 6, yeah. If you're wondering why I need so much HUD images, I need them to make some kind of "teleport" between classic Doom versions released on consoles. So yes, at first you're seeing PC HUD, after some time 3DO HUD, after some time Sega Saturn HUD, et cetera, et cetera. I would be very grateful for help!
  17. Slowly, but I'm working on my Boiled Doom recreated from scratch on your ACE Engine. I do remember you was the first who suggested this cool idea. I'm grateful to you twice: first, because you was interested in my project enough to suggest this idea, and second, you've created a mega update for your ACE Engine (not for me, but for everyone. And we're grateful for that).
  18. You can always ask for help or solutions in Doom 64 modding discord, by the way: https://discord.gg/Ktxz8nz
  19. He is talking about the another major mapping rule by id Software - every level must be compleatable with pistol start. If it's not possible - something is wrong with the item/monster balance/placement.
  20. Yeah, that's the John Romero's mapping rule. But the map looks cool anyway!
  21. Back in the day, around 2005, I've seen such pirated CD. On backside of the box was a screenshot from the Doom movie, where is Dwayne Johnson firing from the BFG, which made me think it was based on the movie. But I'm not really sure about the image. And no, I didn't bought this, so I never played it. BUT I do remember the text. I mean, I've found it right now, and this is what I've seen typed on the backside many years ago. I suppose you've found the same text. Lemme translate it in proper way (better than autotranslate, I believe): And I've found some playtrough on YT. I'm not sure it's everything (because it's separated), but still: Does this look like a pack of stolen maps? I'm not really familiar with custom campaigns.
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