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  1. That's what I scored on an online IQ test. I have no clue if it's good or not. Please enlighten me.

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. DooMBoy


      I took an IQ test the other day and wound up with an IQ of 117 heh

    3. Bucket


      Fredrik said:

      How is knowledge of history related to IQ?

      It has more to do with "relearning" history. Specifically, learning first that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, then learning that there were some before him, i.e. Amerigo Vespucci, Leif Ericsson, St. Brendan, etc. etc.

    4. Fredrik


      Numbermind said:

      It has more to do with "relearning" history. Specifically, learning first that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, then learning that there were some before him, i.e. Amerigo Vespucci, Leif Ericsson, St. Brendan, etc. etc.

      I still don't see how that is related to intelligence.

      DooMBoy said:

      I took an IQ test the other day and wound up with an IQ of 117 heh

      Ok, now we know the exact factor we must use to normalize the skew of IQ tests... 0.64.

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