Hello everyone.
This is the first Doom map I've made. When you start the wad, type idclev 05 to get to the map.
The wad uses elements from the otex texture pack and another one which i believe is the one used in cc3.
The wad is meant to be ran on gzdoom, without jumping or crouching.
Play on UV pistol star for the best experience.
I don't know the complevel to run the wad on, so apologies if that causes inconvenience (I would recommend that you do not use the one which makes all enemies infinitely tall, as that would probably make some of the segments quite awkward.
Any feedback, bug reports and comments are always appreciated.
The music of the level is from prcp.
I could not find a way to put the otex textures into the wad without going over the file limit, so you will have to download the .wad format and run it alongside the wad attached here. If anyone knows how to solve this, let me know. typing this into google should get you to the download: OTEX texture set – UPDATE 2020: Version 1.1 released! - WADs & Mods - Doomworld.
If you have any issues let me know.
Good luck!