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About komojo

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. I just learned that the chaingun isn't an actual chain gun. That term refers to how the gun cycles the action to load each bullet (not a gun guy so forgive me if my terminology is slightly off.) Rotary guns with multiple barrels are a separate category.
  2. I'm picking up a long abandoned project that I started back in 2019. I got back to it a year later to try and finish it, but I got caught up in feature creep and wasn't able to finish everything. This time I'm trying to avoid the temptation to make a bunch of new levels and just finish what I have. That means playtesting and trying to finish a bit of custom graphics and music. I still may have bit off more than I can chew...trying to make 8 original songs is like making a whole album, and I don't know anything about music composition. Still, I'm going to press on and try to come up with something by the end of this month.
  3. Tileable Martian sky based on a NASA photo
  4. Count me in. I started a project for nanowadmo about 4 years ago, but I never finished it. This year I'll try to finally tie up all the loose ends and publish something.
  5. Count me in! I was working on the same project the last two times for nanowadmo, and it's already about 90% complete. I should be able to finish it this time, as long as I don't succumb to feature creep.
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