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Everything posted by MFG38

  1. E1M01 UV-Max in :13.14 10lne101m1314.zip E1M02 UV-Max in :37.89 10lne102m3789.zip E1M03 UV-Max in :03.26 10lne103m0326.zip E1M05 UV-Max in :17.97 10lne105m1797.zip E1M06 UV-Max in 1:18.20 10lne106m11820.zip E1M40 UV-Max in :41.23 10lne140m4123.zip E2M40 UV-Max in :32.54 10lne240m3254.zip E2M40 Pacifist in :00.34 10lne240p0034.zip E2M40 NM-Speed in :00.40 10lne240n0040.zip E4M28 UV-Max in :52.34 10lne428m5234.zip E4M28 Pacifist in :00.54 10lne428p0054.zip
  2. Fixable by making two lines around the entrance door sound-blocking. I would implement that fix myself, but I'm not the one who made the actual door and I don't want to intrude on other people's portions of the map. Giving the monsters the ambush flag is also an option, but that would defeat the purpose of the fight at best and completely trivialize it at worst.
  3. I haven't actually played Horde mode in Doom Eternal, so I'm afraid I can't help. YouTube strategy guide videos are probably your best bet.
  4. You could always use something like Cheat Engine, but that'd ruin the fun for everyone else and your scores would stick out like a sore thumb on account of their sheer impossibility. Plus you're likely to end up on a ban list of some sort if you do that.
  5. Let's be real, we as gamers have been conditioned over the years to being able to decipher which difficulties are easy and which ones are hard even if they have non-standard names. Why is that? Because every game does it the same way. The further down the list you go, the harder the difficulties become. I have yet to hear of a game that does the opposite.
  6. Not sure how I feel about the addition of vehicles, but other than that, the reveal alleviated any skepticism I had. I'm at least moderately excited. I'm personally not worried about that if Andrew Hulshult is still involved. The music in the trailer did sound like his particular style, and even if it isn't him, I'm sure that whoever id hired for soundtrack duties on this one will ultimately do the game justice. Besides, at the risk of stirring up a pot, Mick isn't that crucial to the identity of modern Doom, as kick-ass as his work was on the last two games. But the situation is what it is, and Andrew and David proved themselves more than capable of filling the gap. id Tech engines tend to be pretty well-optimized. The reported minimum for Eternal is a 1050 Ti, and I can't imagine the requirements for id Tech 8(?) would have increased so much as to require a 4000 Series card.
  7. The way they were arguably intended to be played. For whatever that's worth.
  8. Surprise v1.2 release! This one brings some extra chaos to the table with the addition of an Irregulator mode, which randomizes enemy projectiles. Caution should be exercised around every enemy, as you never know when a measly imp might turn into a kamikaze fighter by throwing a rocket instead of his regular fireball! Spawn balance on Total Fucking Chaos mode in Heretic also saw some tweaks. As usual, see the OP for download links. Changelog:
  9. Aside the probably obvious, these are my Top 5 most played games on Steam: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - ~390 hours Beat Hazard - ~340 hours BattleBlock Theater - ~245 hours DOOM '16 - 175 hours Skyrim - 135 hours Some non-Steam games I've put a respectable number of hours into: Quake III Arena Guild Wars 2 Metroid: Zero Mission
  10. Alright, I finally took the time (and liberty) of fixing up as many of the remaining issues as I could - including some UMAPINFO-related ones discovered embarrassingly late - and pushing out a final version of this thing. Downloadable from my website for the time being, link has been updated in the OP. /idgames will follow shortly.
  11. Man, these look awesome! Getting inspired to do something with one of these but I kinda need to take care of some other projects first...
  12. I collect music. And musical gear when I can afford it.
  13. FYI, DSDA-Doom and DSDA Launcher are both available in the AUR.
  14. I played through Doom E1 with pistol starts once.
  15. I studied German back in high school. Had some trouble remembering some of the grammatical quirks of the language, but I enjoyed learning it regardless. Haven't had many chances to speak it lately, so I've become a little rusty.
  16. My mapping philosophy is "do random shit until something works".
  17. It took me a while to process what you meant by this, but now that it hit me, I'm shocked it never occurred to me to test that. I'll definitely look into a solution ASAP. Thanks for the csv module pointer as well! It's mostly that way at the moment because I'm so used to 0-based array indexing and I don't want to risk breaking stuff by messing with it. But if I come up with a way to make the indexing 1-based that doesn't involve a "dummy" entry, I'll very likely implement it. I like these, will consider implementing. Your feedback is appreciated!
  18. I know I haven't talked a whole lot about my coding misadventures here, but suffice it to say that I've accumulated a fair bit of experience since getting into it with Python back in 2019. That said, I wasn't particularly new to coding even then, on account of my 8 years' worth of experience with ACS and DECORATE at that point. But one day that year, the "actual" programming bug happened to bite me and I started learning Python. Since then, the "real" coding I've done has mostly consisted of fairly simple, single-file coding experiments with varying degrees of usefulness... until about a week ago. A few weeks ago, I started at a workshop thingamajig where I essentially get to practice my coding skills 25 hours a week. Under the tuition of said workshop, I started putting together my first non-Doom-related coding project last week - a todo list manager that runs in the command line, written in the aforementioned language. It goes by the name Colette, and it's now at a stage where the majority of the planned core functionality is implemented and working. As of today, you can print the todo list, add, remove and edit entries, and the program is also able to write and read the todo list to/from a file. To that end, I was inspired to share the Colette source code in its current state, mostly in hopes of receiving some comments from the more experienced programmers here, of which I know there are a few, about how it looks. Feel free to play around with it as well if you're so inclined - just download the source code and run main.py from the src/ directory with the latest version of Python. (Some older versions may be able to run it but have been untested, 3.10 is the bare minimum to my knowledge.) With that, here's a link to the project's GitHub repo: https://github.com/MFG38/colette List of currently implemented and working commands: add: Adds an entry to the todo list. Due dates aren't checked in any way yet, so they can be anything for the time being. I'll probably tackle implementing the parser for those next. edit: Edits an entry in the todo list. exit: Writes changes to the todo list and quits Colette. help: Prints usage instructions. list: Prints the todo list. rem[ove]: Removes an entry from the list by its index. ver[sion]: Prints Colette's version information. See ROADMAP.md for a checklist of features I hope to implement, some of which may or may not actually become a reality. Thanks in advance. c:
  19. I'm more inclined to believe those samples were created with a synthesizer as opposed to a guitar and amp.
  20. I was born 30 years ago today.

  21. @nathanB404 I hate to be the one to say this, but I know a lot of us are thinking it at this point and someone has to vocalize it: you have a problem. I get being excited about the prospect of a new Doom game. Trust me, I do. But there's a line beyond which that excitement becomes disruptive at best and downright unhealthy at worst. And you, my friend, stepped over that line a long time ago. If we'd at least seen some kind of reveal about a new Doom game at this point, I'd understand being this hyped up, but the fact of the matter is that you're obsessing over something that probably doesn't even exist and, even if it does, realistically won't be released anytime soon. What I would whole-heartedly recommend you do is take some time off all of your electronic devices and put your energy into something else. A week or so at least. Take a nice, long walk. Hit the gym. Go bird-watching. Re-evaluate your priorities. And when you come back, make a thread about something else. Anything else.
  22. Lots of good examples if you just know where to look. Scythe MAP10, for instance.
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