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About NuMetalManiak

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    I have every right to be salty if I must (proud she/her)
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  1. My review of Remnant by @Aurelius



    We really wanted a resource pack that ended up making things less vibrant with colors and leaning towards something that will set up a gloomy atmosphere in any map it is used and flat-out succeed in that regard. OTEX showed us that perfectly. With Eviternity being one such set of maps that used OTEX to its most dazzling capabilities, it's only a matter of time before others followed it in the same year.


    Remnant sets a perfect example of that. It draws inspiration from modern maps and is made with a simple story of Doomguy fighting out of captivity and showing the demons who's the real demon out there. In many ways, Remnant shares a lot of traits with the ever-popular Miasma three years ago, yet somehow it feels like it could have been an Eviternity map that was held off for any reason. It's a huge single-level wad that is non-linear. It has a high monster count, but everything is spaced out well enough to make any and all setpieces fun to play around in. It's size and nonlinearity gives players multiple avenues of travel with so many ways to get around enemies. And most of all, it breeds a powerful atmosphere, made even better with the usage of OTEX. This all makes the entire experience memorable. The castle interiors are well-decorated, and through the trees, shrubbery, and waterfalls outside the player has to decipher the ways of getting the two keys needed for the final area. A nice battle with the custom Cardinal monster is shown at the end. The stops are all hit, the gameplay leaves you wanting more and more even when you do get done.


    For a mapper that spent about 15 years on and off (but mostly off) Aurelius decides to give off an actual release for once (this is the second map Aurelius has actually published), as there has been "nothing worth mentioning" prior to Remnant. And what a release it was. One does wonder, what were the other "remnants" Aurelius had beforehand if this remnant proves an experience like no other remnant could? Just keep watch of remnant monsters as you fiddle around here.


    1. Aurelius


      Thank you for the review, much appreciated! There is.. *a lot* of stuff on my harddrive for sure, but nothing is in any shape to be published. I might return to some at a later date, but I feel like I can do much better now than in any of them. You might definitely see parts of that abandoned stuff in my future releases!

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