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About SuperCupcakeTactics

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  1. Thank you glad you enjoyed it! That's just a detail I omitted, helped hidden without mouselook. The breakable glass is only accessible from one side in my maps since that was the extent of how I knew to do it. Thank you for enjoying and playing :)
  2. fellow Doraemon enjoyer I see?


    (I looked up results for the character/series in the search function for this site)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SealSpace


      Okay I kneel.


      Now may I have my question answered please?

    3. SuperCupcakeTactics


      I had a Doraemon keychain once when I was a little person so it is likely I have enjoyed but am not actively enjoying so I cannot say that I am a Doraemon enjoyer, sorry!

    4. SealSpace


      Dang. Oh well.


      Thanks for telling me anyway.

  3. @Fernito Thank you for the esteemed praise! Thank you as well for a completed playthrough of E1M5, and it's probably good you were playing that in GZDoom (ghost monster feet blasting aside) as that map can get choppy in Crispy. As for E1M6 afaik you have to use the wings to access the exit, and your inventory should have been full of wings as you pick them up along with the blue key.
  4. ...MAYBE most likely. I'll throw in a reminder of Amorphous Euphoria's existence, which you already knew existed but now I have reminded you as well as the Doomworld of that wonderful community project.
  5. @msx2plus Thank you :D @TheShep Sweet, looking forward to it!
  6. @Insaneprophet Thank you, glad you liked it! Yup it's finished then! @TheShep Nice! BTW did you ever around to playing Chaos Theory? @Biodegradable Thanks and not only are there multiple chainguns, there's even a rocket launcher SOMEWHERE. @Clippy Thank you, and your gripe with not being able to backtrack is actually what I realized that teleporter outside was supposed to be for. It didn't work when I dug out this old map and I didn't know where it was supposed to take the player so I made it warp to a parallel dimension to be a trickster, yup. I also thought I made those nukage pits inescapable near the crushers but nope there was a switch for your escape, dangit. I have reuploaded the map, to remove the parallel dimension and make the teleporter take you out of the outdoors. Same name, same link :)
  7. Howdy! Previously unreleased map of mine (touched up on a bit before sharing here though). Plays on E1M1 for Doom 1 screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/PghtJTa.png Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ng92mh10enogoa/SCT_TambourineTangerine.wad?dl=0
  8. At least two episodes worth. If I can get a map concept going in particular then I have a good reason to go for three full episodes. The episodic structure makes things more complicated.
  9. @Fernito Thank you! The missing textures near the end are intentional as I was thinking of it like a magic desk that "stretches" to accommodate your reach while on the throne. The missing secret is Oh and you'll have to re-download the WAD for the V3 since E1M5 was missing exit line triggers before, sorry about that (very last minute submission but a greatly cool & unique one). And yes the playthrough is useful, please continue! Especially for feedback that isn't from me for the other mappers' maps.
  10. You need to download the latest auto-build from http://latest.chocolate-doom.org. The version number is the same but its been updated even just today to support ANIMATED lumps. It's far ahead of last year's base release. Apologies for not being clear about that.
  11. Thank you! Is your Crispy-Heretic up to date? This project helped spur a lot of updates for the port.
  12. Updated yet again to a V3 to fix E1M5's missing exit triggers. Should all be good now.
  13. Not really. The complete first episode would be a little different with maps in different slots and new maps entirely. This is just a showcase of most of the maps made hoping to get playtesting feedback from anyone outside of the project's development; possibly have insight on what directions to go about on what's missing or what's needed. Though it's only released like this at all since I made deadlines at the start and while things have changed since then I still wanted to release something and keep myself accountable.
  14. Thank you thank you! Fixed a texture issue for a quick V2! Also sharing an add-on to replace the dragon claw sound with hexen's wand sound.
  15. HEAR YE HEAR YE HEAR YE! From the echoes of a Parthoris whose time is warped is a 7 dungeon sampling of myth relinquished. This quest began from nothing, and now beholds the fate of the entire realm. Maps by @joe-ilya, @Rancid Sam, @Fiendish, and me! Additional splash artwork by Tainted Slav! __________________________________________________________________ Play Information: * Heretic Episode 1 * CL-2 (Limit-Removing) * BORN TO BE EXPERIENCED USING CRISPY-HERETIC 6.0 AND UP: http://latest.chocolate-doom.org * Bind your fly and look up/down keys! Mouselook is okay too. _____________ Screenshots: Download: Of Myth Relinquished V3 ADD-ON: Softer Dragon Claw Sound Please enjoy and any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
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