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About Jeremy

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  1. My first Doom experience was on the SNES back in '97. At that time, I had friends with N64, PC with Windows 95, and PS1, but none of them had Doom. To me, it was mind blowing that this was on my SNES, the most "3D" thing I had until then was Super Mario Kart and Star Fox. The sound track still holds a special place in my heart. A year later, my cousin got Doom on 32X, which, while it ran smoother, to me it sounded like farts and was missing half the levels. Before the 90s were over, I ended up with Doom 64, the PS1 edition, and The Ultimate Doom on PC. It was when I finally got that PC that I learned about Doomworld and the modding community. Still blows my mind this website is still around, even bigger and stronger than back when I first joined. The next console port I enjoyed after those were on the Game Boy Advance. But you know what Doom surprisingly hasn't been ported to? The Tiger Game .com (which had really questionable ports of Duke Nukem 3D and Resident Evil 2)
  2. As my fifth tattoo, I have decided it will most definately be DOOM. I plan on getting a Doom-Doom3 backpeice. I have enjoyed Doom for ten years, and it will always be my favorite old school game, so I know im safe and wont laterly regret it. Anyway, I want to get the original box art and the Doom logo, and underneath that will be the new Barron of Hell from Doom3, and the metalic Doom3 logo. This summer will be painfull but worth it. The original box cover makes such pretty tattoo art :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ralphis


      lol omg nu u r k fukin fagit kane

    3. kain


      heh, try again.

    4. Ed


      Uh, this is a tough one. I worked in a tattoo shop, people get video game tattoos more than one would imagine. Sonic, Pikachu, Q2 logo, it happens. Doom has awesome artwork, yes, if it's really what you want, go for it.. but in 30 years.. eh, forget it, I'm sure you've heard it before.

      It's better than getting you're girlfriend's or something crazy like that.

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