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  1. I found a MegaArmor, but I don't know how I was supposed to kill the Cyberdemon with the weapons I had. It also seemed stuck and there also seemed to be monster block lines around the middle arena? The Baron couldn't walk through the middle of the first room, which felt like a weird thing to prevent. This was a quirky map overall and quite fun to play through.
  2. It was mainly the non-linearness of it that added to the time - but not in a bad way. I did notice that I had removed one of the barriers to the SSG, but by the time I noticed I had all the keys already and had seen from the monster count I was nearly done with the map, so I just went on without it.
  3. This took me much longer than I thought it was going to based on the information in the post! Very enjoyable map to play through. Normally I miss not having the SSG (couldn't work out how to get it), but here I didn't. Just enough RL ammo to punch through a few fights while at the same time not enough to just fire wildly. I also liked the small stashes of health and ammo if you had the Blue Key.
  4. Same feedback as others really: - The wall for the blue key would benefit from being marked in some way. - The enemies you have on the map make me feel that the SSG shouldn't be a secret. It's more a necessity. I wouldn't want to have to kill Barons with only SG/CG. Otherwise a fun little map.
  5. A solid map, and my feedback has already been mentioned but to emphasise: - The strobing section is very jarring because it goes to complete darkness. - It's not intuitive to want to jump down pits that look inescapable, so it meant I ran around for about 5 minutes trying to work out how to get the Blue Key before coming back to this thread to see if anyone had commented on it. These are two things that really need changed, but otherwise an enjoyable first map!
  6. Congratulations on the release. I remember playing through many of your earlier versions as you were developing it.
  7. An enjoyable first map overall! A few comments: - There was a lot of repetition with the ambushes. - Considering there isn't a Green Armor in the level (that I saw), the fact you get a MegaArmor and then a MegaSphere later on in the normal course of the level feels a little out of place. The MegaArmor could be replaced with a Green Armor, and the MegaSphere moved to a secret. - The repetition wasn't aided by the lack of SSG because it made the encounters more tedious. With the amount of HKs in the level, the flow would really benefit from having an SSG at least part way through the map. - The green damaging floors (which I believe are why you put Radiation Suits in the level?) don't actually appear to be damaging. But overall not a bad first map!
  8. Definitely a nice little map. Feels like a Map 1 of something that eventually becomes something like a Sunlust-lite WAD.
  9. It could maybe be done without them, but it does signpost the "boss fights" that occur in there. I played on UV and there is quite a lot of ammo around. I did find 2 of the secrets, but you could probably afford to cut back on the amount of ammo in each stash slightly. My only complaint was that switch number 2 is very hard to find relative to the other three. I missed it entirely for ages all because I didn't turn around to look at the switch on the narrow wall. I ended up using iddt to find it. Very enjoyable otherwise.
  10. Fun theme with this map. It feels like there could have been a few more enemies (UV) earlier on in the map, and maybe I just missed it, but the exit didn't seem to be signposted in any way. Minor details though, and overall it felt like I could have been playing an early map of a well designed MegaWAD.
  11. I was very reassured by this, and by the title. Imagine my surprise to discover I'd been lied to on the Internet. Fun map!
  12. Just played this on UV. Really good fun! I was a little unsure on having so many RLs/PGs lying around, particularly in the final arena. Often there's usually just one per map (excluding secrets), though if you have multiple pathways then having extras dotted around to make sure the player is equipped even if they don't take the "correct" path is often done. Just felt like a few of them could have been ammo instead. I also ran across the MegaArmor before I found any Armor, which did feel slightly odd. The final fight felt a little bit "cheeseable" in the sense of the switch to release the Cyberdemon could be hit fairly quickly with only the AV to really worry about, and it took care of a lot of stuff for me. But that said, you don't necessarily need (or want) to make the final fight any harder than it is if you're not gunning for a full-blown slaughtermap ending. Really enjoyable map overall, and great MIDI to boot.
  13. I didn't say the map couldn't be criticised for it. What I'm saying is that the map teaches you, as the first possible meaningful action you can take in the level, that switches are going to be this weird texture. You don't have to like it, you can criticise the texture choice for being atypical and hard to find in the single-texture map, however from a level design point of view, there is nothing wrong with what has been done here with switches, and it is in fact good practice to alert a player to something of importance in this manner. The doors aren't so clearly signposted admittedly. I never said anything about the size of the map, so this doesn't really address anything I said.
  14. You're playing a WAD that advertises itself as having an extremely restrictive ruleset. The doors took me a few seconds to work out, but the switch was instant since, as I already said, you can't even play the map without working out how the first one works. The OP even states you will need to clearly pay attention to the details. It's not going to be for everyone. That's more a matter for the player's personal taste rather than the design of the map itself.
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