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About Kotzugi

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  1. Map 19: House of Pain UV-Fast in 5:11 Better tactics at the start and end, with some luck. A bit of nerves, so can be improved a bit still. Happy for now though. reb19f511.zip
  2. The Rebirth Map 19: House of Pain UV-Fast in 5:29 Beat my own 6:00 time from 2016. Can be improved because the surviving imp in the first secret can just be pistoled and then no need to drop back into the elevator later on (only realized after uploading on the OT). reb19f529.zip
  3. Map 19: House of Pain UV-Fast in 5:29 Update of README file. Slomo revealed that I didn't actually kill three pinkies in one SSG shot, sorry :) The other one can be deleted, thanks. Another EDIT: Time can actually be reliably improved by pistoling the surviving imp at the start and NOT dropping down the elevator again (I actually did this in the 2016 run) *facepalm* reb19f529.zip
  4. Map 19: House of Pain UV-Fast in 5:29 reb19f529.zip
  5. Well I solved the problem, sort of, but I'm not sure what causes it yet. I'm using software that causes the screen to dim to a sort of reddish/orange color under normal circumstances starting at around sunset (f.lux). After disabling it, the problem stops. However, I still need to manually select the "GZDoom" value even though it is already selected, for it to be applied. F.lux obviously interacts with the software somehow but it's not expected behavior from the side of f.lux (it should not interfere with other applications and it should not randomly deselect gamma settings from those applications). Perhaps there is some system value (or values) that's changed by both the emulator and f.lux. I didn't know before how to change the gamma settings from the menu, I do know now, so I'm good. By the way, before disabling f.lux, changing these values made no difference: useglgamma 6 usegamma 1 but now they do. For the record: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz NVidia GeForce GTX 1050 Windows 10 Thanks
  6. My OpenGL sector light mode seems to be borked. I'm speedrunning a map but it's quite dark, so I'm trying to use GZDoom instead of GLBoom. Halfway through, the lights go dark again. If I then go back and select the same option, it goes light for a little while, and then goes back again. The same happens if I switch to shaders. It was not much of a problem before, now it happens all the time (perhaps within 30 seconds of playing). I made a 45 seconds nomo demo (where it happened twice) and when I adjust it at the beginning, the switch doesn't happen afterwards. Only when I play or record. I'm no expert so perhaps I'm missing something simple. I haven't changed any of the default options AFAIK. Using prboom-plus-262-w32. Cheers
  7. Dude, I'm loving it. You even improved the segmented run by 2 secs. Some very interesting new routing ideas there - I would love to give it a shot some time, but regardless, a well deserved improvement.
  8. Well done man. I could feel the nerves through my screen at the cyberdemon fight. I would have had elevated blood pressure for the rest of the day.
  9. Kotzugi

    Going Down

    One of the most intelligently made map sets out there. Excellent challenge for the somewhat experienced player. Sometimes I feel though that there are just a tad too many traps, but it keeps you on your toes. The music works for me although I can understand the criticism. Art usage is very consistent across all maps. I felt a little cramped in some of them but it's personal preference. Clever humour is the cherry on top. 9/10 converts to 4.5/5 rounded up to 5 stars.
  10. Kotzugi


    Really cool map set and well designed: Not too difficult but challenging enough, good balance and placement of ammo and monsters. Music is OK, at least it's original (in the sense that I haven't heard them before). Apart from the train map they are of good size, not too big but I got a little lost here and there. Just missed the BFG, and oh, it's only 5 maps. 3,5 stars, rounded up it becomes 4. Great stuff.
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