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  1. You could also try moving crispy-doom.cfg and default.cfg somewhere else, so that Crispy Doom generates a fresh config when it starts, and see if that fixes the problem.
  2. Really cool! What made you guys decide to tackle this soundtrack as a whole? Not that it's bad by any means but it's not the first thing I think of when I think "Iconic Doom Music."
  3. Thanks both. So it seems like there's probably not many ports that support extended nodes but not compressed ones, but if the only difference is filesize of the wad, there's also not much harm in just sticking to uncompressed nodes either. Exactly, which is why I got curious if there were any hidden disadvantages. I could have phrased it better, but yes that's what I meant.
  4. My understanding is that uncompressed ZDBSP extended (UDMF) nodes were developed so as to have better cross-port support. But it seems like these days anything that supports them also supports compressed extended nodes. Is that correct? Is there any other reason to use uncompressed nodes? Bonus question that's probably more interesting: Are there any ports that support UMAPINFO but not extended nodes? Are there any downsides to using extended nodes, other than possible port support, and bsp tricks like you can do with zokumbsp?
  5. I don't know the details of what else you're doing, but yes that should work.
  6. If you use $pitchset you can set a random range that doesn't depend on "randomize pitches" being set in the sound options. This will make the pistol shift randomly in a range between half-speed and double speed (probably far more than you want for a sound): $pitchset weapons/pistol 0.5 2.0 Keep in mind that some people *really* hate random pitch shifting and this takes away the option for them to disable it.
  7. One more thing, in E1M4 these grates pass through the water in software renderers, you need to change one sector so that the two on either side of the texture aren't exactly the same -- raising the light of one by 1 is imperceptible and will do it.
  8. Sadly I don't know much about compiling software on Windows. Perhaps you need fluidsynth installed or the source for it? https://www.fluidsynth.org/ https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth The other thing that might work is to set the SDL_SOUNDFONTS environment variable to the full path of your soundfont, and leave the soundfont setting in dsda-doom empty. But this again will need fluidsynth *somewhere* and I don't know if it's included in the SDL2 mixer sources or not.
  9. Maybe DSDA Doom doesn't come with any soundfonts? You need a soundfont and then to edit dsda-doom.cfg and add it including full path to snd_soundfont If you're on Linux this file is at ~/.dsda-doom/dsda-doom.cfg, if you're on Windows I'm not sure but hopefully you can find it, maybe it's in the program directory. Once you do that, Fluidsynth midi playback should work properly. Here's a good soundfont, it's about 50 mb: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G53wKnIBMONgOVx0gCOWrBlJaXsyaKml/view?usp=sharing If you want a smaller and/or open-source soundfont you can try this one: https://github.com/arbruijn/TimGM6mb/tree/master BTW Any reason why you chose dsda 0.25.6? The latest version is 0.27.5
  10. Great maps, lots of fun, congrats on finishing them! Played in International Heretic (essentially a souped-up Crispy Heretic) and recorded some demos, should play back in dsda or Crispy just fine. https://user.fm/files/v2-9228e7d8f7898b4d0d4cc26ab434994e/yjb-plums.zip Some comments: General: The titlepic looks kinda icky because of how it got paletted, some of the purple colours look out of place. My playing was often interrupted so if I look like I'm lost a bunch it's not necessarily a reflection on your map flow. E1M1: I played the first minute or so of this without recording properly, then restarted it for the demo. Good intro, kind of cool to start with such an open-ended map. -Sector 7 probably shouldn't have a tag, it's harmless but you can hear the switch trying to activate the sector. -Is there no way back from the final area? -A lot of teleport closets with Disciples didn't work properly, seems there's no path for sound to wake them up. Maybe some joined sectors got split by accident. E1M2: No demo, I didn't record it properly. Love the music here, nice work! -The ending seemed a little overly convoluted, since you get teleported to the green key door but then have to work your way to the actual exit. I also find that sky textures on walls always looks a little lame, maybe that's just me though. E1M3: Excellent map, my favourite of the set. Slightly reminiscent of the flying map you co-authored in QTR. E1M4: Partial demo, I quit because I had to go do other things for a bit, also the level is huge. It's not right to call it a slog since I was engaged for most of it, and liked it overall, but it was exhausting. The layout is superb but plowing through 450 Heretic enemies with normal weapons is right at the limit of what I'd call tolerable. As someone who's never played Runescape I thought the music was mostly cool but then it goes into this sort of jaunty sea shanty kind of thing at the end that I didn't love. - There are two claw orbs near the (things 1533 & 1534) end that look like they're meant to be on a box but get raised up thanks to some other sector actions. It's not serious since you can still grab them from above, but it looks a bit weird. - It would be nice if the bars with tag 46 could lower again once you open up the exit, even if it's a switch near them or something. - It's feels a bit weird/inconsistent that you can't jump off the boat into the water on (I think) only this level. NBD. E1M5: Partial demo because I get softlocked. (saved and noclipped to continue after the demo ended.) Great map otherwise. I did eventually find the secret exit, if there's going to be any story to go with the wad you might want to have small endmaps where you can't progress further, with the secret one being special. But maybe you're done mapping for this. - Linedef 1089 to lower the bars to the blue key don't go down all the way, because of the weird vanilla -500 floor limit when searching for highest surrounding floors, which is where I got softlocked. (Affects Doom as well.) Using action 23 will fix it, or you can raise the height of everything in the map by 100 units or whatever. - Linedef 2496 is untagged, for people that go back after reaching the end, and will break stuff not in ZDoom. - Some gargoyles got stuck on top of Disciples in monster closets, would be better to have one monster per closet but you could also just lower the sector height to like 72 and it should be fine. - The inconsistency of door textures for what you can and can't open bothered me slightly here, but it's fine if you leave it. All in all I liked it quite a lot, and it's always great to see new Heretic content. This also feels like about the right number of maps for an episode of maps of this size and density. Great wad!
  11. Funny, I was just talking about skyboxes on the last page with Snaxolotl. If you convert the cube faces into a panorama, with something like https://danilw.github.io/GLSL-howto/cubemap_to_panorama_js/cubemap_to_panorama.html, it corrects the perspective distortion and you don't end up with those weird angles near the edges of each cube face. The top and bottom of the resultant image will look terrible but you can just crop those out. The recolour looks pretty good btw! this looks nice but I feel like it needs more colour, and the rocks being half-grey doesn't help. Do you have the un-paletted image still?
  12. I haven't actually played JH in a few years now either so I'm sure it's massively different now. I'm sure I'll give it another shot sometime.
  13. DCSS is almost certainly my second-most played game after Doom, I'm sure I have at least 4000 hours in it. (I played online for a while but I don't wanna log in and check, plus I have lots of time offline.) I don't think I'm ever going back to it though, spent too much time in it already and have no desire to play it again, tried once or twice over the past few years but all interest is gone. It's not sad though, just time to do other things. Played a lot of Jupiter Hell, the spiritual sequel to DoomRL. I could never get into DoomRL (too close to Doom but also too different?) but I liked JH a lot. Also played a lot of POWDER and some other things. I haven't played any "true" roguelikes in a while though. Cataclysim DDA was OK for a bit but it basically felt like "Grinding: The Game" Was never able to get into Nethack, tried for a while when I was first discovering the genre and then thought "well maybe roguelikes aren't for me" before giving POWDER a shot and discovering that it was just Nethack I didn't like.
  14. Fun maps, a little too "lol 90s randomness" at times but overall I liked it. Felt like playing something that wasn't too hard but wasn't toothless, this fit the bill quite well. Made some FDAs if you want, most will work in chocolate or anything else, there's one for E1M1 that needs dsda-doom (0.27.5) but I replayed that map since I exited early. Played all of E1 and then E2M1 (died from nasty poison area) and E2M2 (softlocked), wasn't sure if the rest were meant to be played following that so I stopped. auqpnr_fdas.zip A few random bugs and criticisms, all minor stuff. - felt a bit weird to have only some music tracks replaced, especially as most of them were LOUD compared to the stock Doom music. - like I said before I exited E1M1 by mistake, there didn't seem to be any indication it was actually an exit - no secret exit in E1M3? - you can hit the exit switch through the blocking sector in E1M4 - the very end of E1M7 has some impassable lines that are invisible
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