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About UglyStru

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  1. Your username sounds like an automatically generated GFYCat URL

    1. BigDickBzzrak
    2. EmotionalFelineinaMadstate


      Now that I think about it, it actually does.

  2. Hey so my map is already released if you're still interested in playing it ;>

    1. UglyStru
    2. Lorenz0



      It's pretty flawed, but it's the best I could manage at the time. Anyway, enjoy!

    3. UglyStru


      Those textures though :o I'll be sure to give this a shot as soon as I have time. 

  3. Hey Ling! Haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UglyStru


      Good to hear! Last I heard, you graduated uni so I hope all's been good since. I've just been working a lot and not giving my YT channel any attention :( I need to get back to uploading soon lol 

    3. Lingyan203


      Yup! I'm going back to uni again in January. Things have been good lately as well. I also noticed that you don't seem to be active on Facebook anymore. I'm still doing my YouTube, but I also get paid to do my let's plays and such. For the past couple weeks I've barely had a social life because my YouTube's having its 10h anniversary on the 22nd of December, so I've been working my @$$ around the clock and even pulled off several all-nighters to beat really difficult wad in Doom, such as Ribbiks' wad Frog and Toilet of The Gods. I even made my first customized map for Doom 2 as well. So other than that I've been getting involved around my uni as well as the Greek community, and oh yes, have made lots of new friends as well.


      So asides from work, what else have you been up to? Did you do anything exciting since the last time we chatted?

    4. UglyStru


      Holy hell, that sounds like a lot. That's awesome! Life's still boring as ever, but I'm still active on FB! My old one got hacked so I'll have to add you on my new one. I'm just "Matt Stru" so send me an add. 

  4. Hondoooooo?

    1. Lorenz0


      Yeah that's me ;)

    2. UglyStru
    3. Lorenz0


      I finally almost finished a map about which I was talking with you back in June or something xd

  5. You giving PoE 3.1 a shot? VP got nerfed and moved :p 

    1. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      I'm pretty up to date with the most recent changes, still won't play. Even though gutting VP was kinda nice, I don't have the motivation to race for 100 at the moment, or race for anything else, really.

    2. UglyStru


      Not even to see all the cool new stuff? Come on! 


      In and out, 20 minutes. 

    3. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Nope, not interested in that new content at all.

  6. I DID IT YALL. Only died about 10 times and save-spammed about 20 times. Almost ready to start recording a playthrough.


    1. Nevander


      Nice! For the record though, personally I would be fine watching your run even if you died 10 times and saved 20. These days I'd say I watch your videos because I like hearing what you say about the maps and to see what you do differently on the maps. I've facepalmed a few times because of a missed secret or much easier way to do some part.


      I don't really care if you have to save a lot or die a lot. Guess it all depends on if you feel like having recording a 30+ minute video lol.

  7. Any software engineers or developers out there? I need to design my own application in C# that read and writes to a database I create so I can get promoted at my job.


    Not only do I lack the creativity, but I also lack the experience. What are the best resources to get started on this kinda stuff?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nevander


      My job will eventually require me to sync a web interface with a database, probably with SQL though and not a C# application. I feel the same way as you, I don't know where to begin. I know a little SQL but not enough to build a database and link it with users and stuff for a website.

    3. UglyStru


      SQL is pretty straightforward. My job is currently working on fully transitioning over to web products vs. desktop applications. They're using a combination of HTML5, ASP.NET MVC, and a bunch of other shit I don't quite understand yet. I'm not looking to be a web developer right away, but getting this jump on building a DB and having a desktop app interact with it is the main thing I need to move up :o 

    4. UglyStru


      I also shouldn't say SQL is pretty straightforward. It CAN be straightforward, but once your DB gets super advanced and tables need to be joined, locked, etc. then it becomes a nightmare. 

  8. What in the fuck is this MAP32 of Speed of Doom? There's no space to even walk. I've never felt so claustrophobic in my life. Nowhere is safe.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GarrettChan


      This is what you got after you said Joshy's maps are bad ;P  Anyway, good luck.

    3. Nevander


      Only the beginning area was actually difficult for me. The rest is just save scumming and trial and error. Remember Stru, you are allowed to save. :)

    4. A_D_M_E_R_A_L


      We did warned you at the start that some maps are slaughterfests, you're in for quite a treat.

  9. YES! Got the approval to run a cable line to the house I'm staying at, so I can get back to uploading. I might try to record a bunch of videos over the next week or two and then just mass upload a ton of shit to my YT channel once that gets installed. 

    1. GarrettChan
    2. Nevander


      Sounds like a good plan. After a long span of no uploads a batch of them would more than make up for it. Good luck with it.

    3. A_D_M_E_R_A_L


      *In Emperor Palpatine's voice* Goooood.

  10. So yeah, last night was rough. On top of getting what seems to be the flu and practically working myself to death, my gf and I had a violent separation and I'm currently in the process of relocating. I've got a few people who are willing to take me in while I get more money saved for an apartment, but just wanted to give yall an update as to why I haven't touched my YT channel in a couple of weeks. Bear with me, guys! 

    1. riderr3
    2. 42PercentHealth


      Wow, hard times man! :-( Sorry to hear it...

    3. Nevander


      More GF problems? Sounds like it's time to focus on yourself for a while to get your shit together. You'd have more money for yourself too. :)

      No worries about the lack of uploads, if there's a valid reason there's no need to apologize. Stuff like you're describing always takes first priority. Hang in there.

    1. UglyStru


      Woooo! Just gotta finish SoD at some point. Dude I'm not sure how I'm gonna be able to do MAP32. That map is a clusterfuck. 

  11. I just realized I never uploaded my SoD MAP15 video. I've had that recorded for about a week. I should probably do that tonight. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nevander


      I was wondering what was taking ya so long. No rush of course. :)

    3. UglyStru


      And I forgot to upload it last night. And I'll probably forget again tonight.. fml

    4. Nevander


      C'mon mang. I always enjoy watching how you tackle the maps, and will probably embarrass me when I see an obvious thing I missed that would have made the map easier. Like for instance the AV jump... had no idea so I had already cleared the map. I ended up summoning another Arch-Vile to jump with lol.

  12. I spent all weekend playing Starbound. I bought this game like three years ago and never touched it. Why did I wait so long? This game is amazing. 

    1. Misty


      Yeah, I agree. I mostly play it modded now.

  13. It's coming. When? Soon

    (Shoutouts to @DBThanatos for editing the "V" in the logo)


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