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About Lombardi

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine
  1. Lombardi

    Hell's Descent

    Pretty cool maps, even though they were very short. In many occasions I ran to a pit where I couldn't get out without cheating. For example the starting area for the 1st map was in the 4th map too, I jumped down to kill the imps and then I couldn't get to the teleporter behind me. Health & Ammo was good too. I give you 3/5 stars.
  2. Lombardi

    Blood Red

    Fast & fun, the spidermastermind isn't hard, just take cover behind the walls. Good, good 4/5
  3. Lombardi

    Hellish Adventure

    Pretty nice levels, quick n' good playtrough.
  4. Lombardi

    Simplistic Evil

    Very good and fun, 4 stars!
    Quickly made, no effort for this map at all. And some shitty skrillex styled music. I wonder how it was even uploaded successfully here. Shit, 1/5
  5. Lombardi

    Spooky Caves

    What is this bullshit? My ears!!!
  6. Lombardi

    Horse Shoe

    5/5 very nice level and lots of fun!
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