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Everything posted by Caiuz

  1. yes it is true , sorry . There is no real rule and so I made an effort to look for something I had tried . + 1 Punisher mod. ( a april 2023 mod) is fresh https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=77466 keeps the feel of the videogame. It lacks leaderboard otherwise it would be a nice gameplay mod. Scoring points is nice as long as I want to beat others ! :D
  2. + 1 on MyHouse.pk3 + 1 on ClusterF*ck mod of category doom , complex doom by duster. https://www.moddb.com/mods/complex-doom-clusterfuck ps: this is a gzdoom mod. :D :P
  3. @Obsidian you read this ? + 1 is Brutal Wolfestein 3d https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-wolfenstein-3d
  4. obsidian : I realized that the topic was posted by you on MY BIRTHDAY. thanks. Can you please , shooting plasma in the air , make the list with score of each mension , or is it not necessary ? thanks. ps : not referring to my birthday , although it seems . I don't know if it is mentionable, OTHER than God complex , another project that I mension and I'm sorry , because it talks about something historical and rejuvenated a video game that paved the way for FPS and it's wolfestein 3d which yesterday was 31 years old. It is , drum roll : https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-wolfenstein-3d BRUTAL WOLFESTEIN 3D by ZIO MCALL.
  5. +1 for God Complex by Ultraviolence , don't play it. It's dangerous Ultraviolence God Complex
  6. DOOM ARSENAL + DOOM ARSENAL MONSTER + DOOM ARSENAL EXTRA +doom runner as frontend for doom , zdL it's ok , but old :P +doom arsenal + addon as screenshot + AWESOME CORRUPTION CARDS +target spy , how to do without + bolognese by sergent mark IV my setup - all cacowards ! of course :) :p also : nostalgia megawads - but Has he already taken it or mentioned it ? can't remember...
  7. hi hobo, some time ago I told you if it was an idea to add the total stats, but they are already there. Now I may ask you if it is an idea to add the name of the doom maps you play to the total stats? only the maps? : D This is because we all keep the list of maps we play on google sheet. With the doom launcher we will have it all there - map name - hours? thanks you Caiuz.
  8. hi your mod is great! but can you make the mod compatible with Legend doom 2.8 and Corruption cards 1.7 mod? I play them together and making doom maps is too good! test them together! With your mod you could add features to legend doom 2.8 and it would be even more "RANDOM" !! but I can't get them to work together. This is why I ask you if you can make them compatible, or is there a vanilla version? old version? thanks. ps : excuse for my english .)
  9. yes ! press one switch and one switch open one door but i don't know how ?
  10. hi doomers I have a room where I want to put two buttons that, when pressed individually, open a door. how can i do this? should i use a script? in this map I don't remember what it is, 4 switches open a door. thank you
  11. corription cards modify the ambient and legend doom the weapons .
  12. See this presentation These mods for me make doom a roguelike! SHARE THE SEEDS FOR NEW EXPERIENCE ! THANKS TO THE AUTHORS OF CORRUPTION CARDS AND https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=67939 LEGEND DOOM https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=51035 and DOOM LAUNCHER https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/69346-doom-launcher-doom-frontend-database-v320-122020/ and authors Oblige 7.70 http://oblige.sourceforge.net/ and OBADDON https://caligari87.github.io/ObAddon/
  13. @hobomaster22 in the next update , can you include a total play-time of doom-launcher in the top bar next to "doom Launcher" ? or a option ? I know it is useless, but it can be useful to know how much total time we have played doom. thanks for great launcher :) ps : total play time it's a sum of each map or megawads that we played
  14. @hobomaster22 there is on my doomlauncher 3 a bug for select file(add files- play menu ) as my screenshot . On version 3.2.0 thanks for your app. ps : excuse for my english , I hope you understand :D
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